Tuesday, February 1, 1994
On January 24 and 25, 1994, Georgios Kouvelakis, the Greek Minister of Justice, outlined for the Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs of the European Parliament, the criminal cooperation program of the Greek Presidency of the Council. His priorities include: acceleration of work to ensure the Europol Convention is signed by October 1994; development of a strategy against drugs; maintenance of pressure to ratify and implement the Dublin Convention on asylum supplemented by the signing of a similar convention with other European countries; achievement of a harmonized application by the member states of the concept of refugee as defined under the Geneva Convention; finalization of the list of third countries whose citizens will require visas to enter the EU, as well as work on a common visa; strengthening the fight against organized crime; increase of the battle against racism; adoption of guidelines on the repatriation of illegal migrants; and EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights?[more]