European Commission Adopts Strategy to Enforce International Intellectual Property Rights

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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Bruce Zagaris
On November 10, 2004, the European Commission adopted a strategy to enforce intellectual property rights (IPR) in third countries. The action plan seeks to develop vigorous and effective implementation and enforcement of existing IPR laws. It will target priority countries where enforcement actions should be focused. The plan will emphasize technical cooperation and assistance to help third countries battle counterfeiting. The Commission will also use all bilateral and multilateral sanction mechanisms against any country involved in systematic violations. The Commission will seek to raise awareness of users and consumers in third countries and support the establishment of public-private partnerships for enforcement. According to EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy, piracy and counterfeiting continue to increase each year and have grown into industries operated by criminal organizations. The problem undermines both EU entrepreneurs and those in third countries whose companies suffer the consequences of violation of their own IPR...[more]