EU Council Justice and Home Affairs Meet

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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Bruce Zagaris
On October 25-26, 2004, the Justice and Home Affairs of the Council of the European Union met and made some important decisions on international enforcement cooperation. The Council debated the draft multi-annual program for the area of freedom, security and justice ("The Hague Program"). After the debate, the Presidency concluded that, pending some outstanding issues, a broad agreement on the draft text existed and it was decided to send it to the next European Council on November 4, 2005 for approval. The Council debate focused especially on the following issues: the establishment of a common asylum system, joint processing of asylum applications, the eventual establishment of a European corps of border guards, the decision to apply qualified majority voting in the Council and co-decision with the European Parliament on all remaining issues on asylum, migration and frontiers, exchange of information, terrorism, mutual recognition in criminal matters, and judicial cooperation in civil law...[more]