
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort descending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
GAO Suggests Improvements in Tax Information Exchange Program In a report issued in December, 1985, to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the General Accounting Office has reviewed the federal/state tax information exchange program in order to assess how... Bruce Zagaris 2 1 1986-01-01 United States Tax Enforcement
Northeastern States Sign Exchange of Information Agreements On January 16, 1986, ten northeastern states and the District of Columbia signed an agreement to exchange tax information.  The agreement is significant since it is the first time a group of states... Bruce Zagaris 2 1 1986-01-01 United States Tax Enforcement
U.S. Sanctions Against Libya Have Criminal Consequences Sanctions imposed by President Reagan and the Department of Treasury prohibit virtually all transactions with Libya and have both civil and criminal penalties.  Legally, President Reagan set in... Bruce Zagaris 2 1 1986-01-01 Libya Counter-terrorism
Bills on Terrorist-Related Legislation Proposed A major legislative initiative is under way by the Reagan Administration to combat terrorism.  Provisions in S. 1429 to expand federal criminal jurisdiction to allow prosecution of any terrorist who... Bruce Zagaris 2 1 1986-01-01 United States Counter-terrorism
European Council Agrees to Amend Treaty of Rome The IELR will also examine the planned amendments to the Treaty of Rome which have been agreed on by the European Council, a European Communities body, at the Luxembourg Summit of December 2-3, 1985.  Bruce Zagaris 2 1 1986-01-01 Europe Treaties
Bookreviews: Applebaum/Victor (ed.), United States Import Relief Laws, Current Developments in Law and Policy United States Import Relief Laws is written with the needs of the trade law practitioner in mind.  It was prepared by twelve experts from private practice and government who explain the substantive... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 2 1 1986-01-01 United States Illegal Importation
Cases: Von Dardel v. U.S.S.R. The celebrated case of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who is credited with saving tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Nazis in World War II, is making its way through U.S. federal... Constantine G. Papavizas 2 1 1986-01-01 Former Soviet Union Lawsuits
U.S., Egyptian Requests Still in Abeyance in Malta In the terrorism case involving the Egypt Air hijacking to Malta, the Embassy of the United States in Malta, on December 14, 1985, presented a note to the Government of Malta requesting the... Bruce Zagaris 2 2 1986-02-01 Egypt Extradition
Reagan Administration Eases Libyan Sanctions In response to protests made by U.S. oil companies doing business in Libya, the Reagan Administration announced new regulations on February 7, 1986, granting some U.S. companies "exemption licenses"... Jay Rosenthal 2 2 1986-02-01 Libya Sanctions
Senate Ratifies Genocide Convention On February 19, 1986, the Senate voted 83 to 11 to give its advice and consent to the International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, unofficially called The... Jay Rosenthal 2 2 1986-02-01 United States Genocide
Belgian Tax and Money Transfer Investigations Belgian authorities are investigating the activites of a financial services institution in Antwerp, Roger Kirschen & Co., the center of the diamond trade in Belgium. Bruce Zagaris 2 2 1986-02-01 Belgium Tax Enforcement
German Trial for Violation of Export Controls on Military Goods In mid-January, a criminal division of the Düsseldorf District Court commenced the first major trial under the Military Arms Control Statute.  Four managers and sales directors of the pre-eminent... Clemens M. Kochinke 2 2 1986-02-01 Germany Export Enforcement
Swiss Senate Committee Favors Insider Trading Legislation A consultative committee of the Swiss Ständerat or Senate approved 9 to 1 a Federal council bill to penalize the abuse of insider trading information in securities transactions.  The proposal has the... Clemens M. Kochinke 2 2 1986-02-01 Switzerland Trade Crimes
AID Administration of Justice Commonwealth Caribbean Proposal Progresses Approval for an Administration of Justice proposal in the Commonwealth Caribbean by the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) has been given.  Bruce Zagaris 2 2 1986-02-01 Caribbean Administration of Justice
First Inter-American Conference on Administration of Justice The First Inter-American Conference on the Administration of Justice was successfully held from November 9 to 15, 1985, in Acapulco, Mexico, in conjunction with the XXV Conference of the Inter-... Clemens M. Kochinke 2 2 1986-02-01 Administration of Justice
Grundformen der Wirtschaftskriminalität Practitioner, educator and author Heinz Egli of the Swiss financial center Zürich examines in Grundformen der Wirtschaftskriminalität modern white collar crime phenomena and their manifestation in... Bruce Zagaris 2 2 1986-02-01 White Collar Crime
Research on Terrorism: An Int'l Academic Conf., Apr. 15-17, 1986 On April 15-17, 1986, the University of Aberdeen, Scotland will hold a major academic conference on the study of terrorism. Bruce Zagaris 2 2 1986-02-01 Scotland Conferences
Ninth Circuit Court Reverses Conviction on Money Laundering Allegations In a case of first impression the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has held in United States v. Varbel that the Currency Transaction Reporting Act and the regulations promulgated... Bruce Zagaris 2 2 1986-02-01 United States Money Laundering
$21 Million Marijuana Bust Involving U.S. Trade in Belize On January 24, 1986, police in the western Carribean nation of Belize seized a container containing 7,3000 pounds of compressed, high grade marijuana at the Travellers Liquor Refinery, two miles... Bruce Zagaris 2 2 1986-02-01 Belize Drug Enforcement
President Reagan Certifies Jamaica for Continued Assistance On January 16, 1986, President Reagan issued Presidential Determination no. 98-5, which requests the Secretary of State, George Shultz, to report to the Congress that Jamaica is certified pursuant to... Bruce Zagaris 2 2 1986-02-01 Jamaica Drug Enforcement
