
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort descending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
AID Draft Report Calls for $5.5 Million for Carrib. Admins Justice A draft proposal authored by Gerald Zarr, U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), entitled "The Rule of Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean: How Long Can the Machinery of Justice Run on Empty... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Caribbean Administration of Justice
International Enforcement Developments The House Government Operations Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs is trying to maintain its reputation started by its late chairman Benjamin J. Rosenthal for influencing policy... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Law Enforcement
Administration of Justice Programs Progress The administration of justice programs of the United States Government and private organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean are gaining momentum.  At the meeting of the Section of... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 United States Administration of Justice
Final Rule Enable Savings & Loan To Report Suspected Crimes On November 8, 1985, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, as the operating head of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), has promulgated a final rule that institutions whose... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 United States Law Enforcement
Frankfurt EAA Seminar: Switch to Non-U.S. Suppliers On October 25, 1985, the German trade association of electrical and electronic industries (ZVEI) held a seminar in Frankfurt, Germany, on the amended Export Administration Act and on compliance with... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 1 3 1985-11-01 Germany Export Enforcement
Jamaican Extradition Request Raises Political Offense Issue A request by the Jamaican Government for Donovan Gordon, a former bodyguard to Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley, has raised the political offense exception to extradition.  Jamaican authorities... Bruce Zagaris 1 2 1985-11-01 Jamaica Extradition
United Nations Resolutions on Control of Drug Trafficking In a Resolution dated February 26, 1985, by the General Assembly (G.A.) on "International campagin against traffic in narcotics drugs" the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has been requested to... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Drugs & Trafficking
Antiterrorist Inter-Agency Task Force Work An interagency task force stablished in July, 1985 to develop a U.S. strategy for dealing with terrorism has been meeting and is to make recommendations for a national policy for dealing with... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 United States Terrorism
U.S. Investor Pleads Guilty on OPIC Assistance in Grenada On December 3, 1985, William Ingle of Virginia Beach pleaded guilty to a charge of making a false statement to a federal agency to obtain $350,000 worth of assistance from the Overseas Private... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Grenada White Collar Crime
Assault on Justices in Bogota Linked to US Extradition On November 7, 1985, the assault on the Palace of Justice in Bogota in which more than 50 persons died has been blamed on a connection between the M-19 guerrillas and drug traffickers.  President... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Colombia Extradition
Central American Counterterrorism Legislation On November 19, 1985 a hearing was scheduled before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs to discuss the impact of U.S. support under the Central American Counterterrorism Act of 1985 to fund... Dr. Doris Weidinger 1 3 1985-11-01 Central America Terrorism
Natl. Drug Enforcement Policy Board's Interim Report In July, 1985, the National Drug Enforcement Policy Board made an interim report to Congress pursuant to the National Narcotics Act of 1984.  The report has a section on international cooperation.  ... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 United States Drug Enforcement
Victims of Terrorism Compensation Act Moves Forward A bill called "Victims of Terrorism Compensation Act". H.R. 2851, is moving forward in Congres and is expected to pass next year.  The bill will provide benefits for Government employees and... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 United States Terrorism
Developments in Narcotics Control in South America On November 12, 1985 the House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing on the recent developments in narcotics control efforts in Latin America.  The two witnesses, Jon R. Thomas from the State... Doris Weidinger 1 3 1985-11-01 Latin America and South America Drug Enforcement
L.C. Green's Analysis of Recent Terrorist Scholarship Professor L.C. Green, Department of Political Science, University of Alberta in Edmonton, has forwarded the Reporter his article, "Terrorism and Its Responses," published in 8 Terrorism: An... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Canada Terrorism
U.S.-Bahamas Agreement for Interdicting Narcotics Trafficking On March 6, 1985, the Governments of the United States and The Bahamas concluded an agreement on the interdiction of narcotics trafficking.  The U.S. agrees to provide the Bahamian Government with... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Bahamas Drug Enforcement
PLI Holds Commodities Program with Many International Issues The Practicing Law Institute (PLI) presented a program on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC") in Washington, D.C. on October 30, 1985 which dealt with current issues facing the CFTC... Constantine G. Papavizas 1 3 1985-11-01 United States Law Enforcement
UN. Crime Committee Meets From August 16 to September 6, 1985, the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders was held in Milan, Italy.   Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Italy Law Enforcement
Senate Judiciary Considers US-UK Extradition Treaty Hearings on the Supplementary Treaty on Extradition Between the United States and the United Kingdom have been continuing.  On August 1, 1985, The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations held hearings... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Extradition
ABA Committee on International Courts Reports on Compulsory Jurisd. Anthony D'Amato, Chairman, Committee on International Courts, has submitted a report urging the United States to make a modified adherence to the general compulsory jurisdiction of the International... Bruce Zagaris 1 3 1985-11-01 Jurisdiction
