AID Draft Report Calls for $5.5 Million for Carrib. Admins Justice |
A draft proposal authored by Gerald Zarr, U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), entitled "The Rule of Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean: How Long Can the Machinery of Justice Run on Empty... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Caribbean |
Administration of Justice |
International Enforcement Developments |
The House Government Operations Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs is trying to maintain its reputation started by its late chairman Benjamin J. Rosenthal for influencing policy... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Law Enforcement |
Administration of Justice Programs Progress |
The administration of justice programs of the United States Government and private organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean are gaining momentum. At the meeting of the Section of... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
United States |
Administration of Justice |
Final Rule Enable Savings & Loan To Report Suspected Crimes |
On November 8, 1985, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, as the operating head of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), has promulgated a final rule that institutions whose... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
United States |
Law Enforcement |
Frankfurt EAA Seminar: Switch to Non-U.S. Suppliers |
On October 25, 1985, the German trade association of electrical and electronic industries (ZVEI) held a seminar in Frankfurt, Germany, on the amended Export Administration Act and on compliance with... |
Clemens J.M. Kochinke |
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1985-11-01 |
Germany |
Export Enforcement |
Jamaican Extradition Request Raises Political Offense Issue |
A request by the Jamaican Government for Donovan Gordon, a former bodyguard to Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley, has raised the political offense exception to extradition. Jamaican authorities... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Jamaica |
Extradition |
United Nations Resolutions on Control of Drug Trafficking |
In a Resolution dated February 26, 1985, by the General Assembly (G.A.) on "International campagin against traffic in narcotics drugs" the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has been requested to... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Drugs & Trafficking |
Antiterrorist Inter-Agency Task Force Work |
An interagency task force stablished in July, 1985 to develop a U.S. strategy for dealing with terrorism has been meeting and is to make recommendations for a national policy for dealing with... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
United States |
Terrorism |
U.S. Investor Pleads Guilty on OPIC Assistance in Grenada |
On December 3, 1985, William Ingle of Virginia Beach pleaded guilty to a charge of making a false statement to a federal agency to obtain $350,000 worth of assistance from the Overseas Private... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Grenada |
White Collar Crime |
Assault on Justices in Bogota Linked to US Extradition |
On November 7, 1985, the assault on the Palace of Justice in Bogota in which more than 50 persons died has been blamed on a connection between the M-19 guerrillas and drug traffickers. President... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Colombia |
Extradition |
Central American Counterterrorism Legislation |
On November 19, 1985 a hearing was scheduled before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs to discuss the impact of U.S. support under the Central American Counterterrorism Act of 1985 to fund... |
Dr. Doris Weidinger |
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1985-11-01 |
Central America |
Terrorism |
Natl. Drug Enforcement Policy Board's Interim Report |
In July, 1985, the National Drug Enforcement Policy Board made an interim report to Congress pursuant to the National Narcotics Act of 1984. The report has a section on international cooperation. ... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
United States |
Drug Enforcement |
Victims of Terrorism Compensation Act Moves Forward |
A bill called "Victims of Terrorism Compensation Act". H.R. 2851, is moving forward in Congres and is expected to pass next year. The bill will provide benefits for Government employees and... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
United States |
Terrorism |
Developments in Narcotics Control in South America |
On November 12, 1985 the House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing on the recent developments in narcotics control efforts in Latin America. The two witnesses, Jon R. Thomas from the State... |
Doris Weidinger |
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1985-11-01 |
Latin America and South America |
Drug Enforcement |
L.C. Green's Analysis of Recent Terrorist Scholarship |
Professor L.C. Green, Department of Political Science, University of Alberta in Edmonton, has forwarded the Reporter his article, "Terrorism and Its Responses," published in 8 Terrorism: An... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Canada |
Terrorism |
U.S.-Bahamas Agreement for Interdicting Narcotics Trafficking |
On March 6, 1985, the Governments of the United States and The Bahamas concluded an agreement on the interdiction of narcotics trafficking. The U.S. agrees to provide the Bahamian Government with... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Bahamas |
Drug Enforcement |
PLI Holds Commodities Program with Many International Issues |
The Practicing Law Institute (PLI) presented a program on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC") in Washington, D.C. on October 30, 1985 which dealt with current issues facing the CFTC... |
Constantine G. Papavizas |
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1985-11-01 |
United States |
Law Enforcement |
UN. Crime Committee Meets |
From August 16 to September 6, 1985, the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders was held in Milan, Italy. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Italy |
Law Enforcement |
Senate Judiciary Considers US-UK Extradition Treaty |
Hearings on the Supplementary Treaty on Extradition Between the United States and the United Kingdom have been continuing. On August 1, 1985, The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations held hearings... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Extradition |
ABA Committee on International Courts Reports on Compulsory Jurisd. |
Anthony D'Amato, Chairman, Committee on International Courts, has submitted a report urging the United States to make a modified adherence to the general compulsory jurisdiction of the International... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1985-11-01 |
Jurisdiction |