
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Authorsort ascending Volume Issue Date Published Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
The 2nd Kroll Report on the Moldovan Bank Scandal and the Role of Scottish Limited Partnerships in Money Laundering On December 22, U.S. private investigative firm Kroll published its second report on the 2014 Moldovan bank fraud scandal. This article provides background on the scandal, as well as commentary on... Zarine Kharazian 34 1 2018-01-12 Money Laundering, Offshore Banking
Twenty Years Later, United States and Europe Reaffirm Commitment to Restituting Nazi-Looted Artwork On December 3, 1998, forty-four countries, along with a host of art collectors and NGOs, convened in Washington D.C. to discuss the return of Nazi-looted art. Nazi authorities expropriated artwork... Zarine Kharazian 34 12 2018-12-08 Cultural Property
Twenty Years Later, United States and Europe Reaffirm Commitment to Restituting Nazi-Looted Artwork On December 3, 1998, forty-four countries, along with a host of art collectors and NGOs, convened in Washington D.C. to discuss the return of Nazi-looted art. Nazi authorities expropriated artwork... Zarine Kharazian 34 12 2018-12-08 Cultural Property
U.S. Files Charges against Russian, Ukrainian Defendants for Role in Illegal Trading Scheme Federal authorities have filed charges against eight individuals, several of whom are of Russian or Ukrainian nationality, for hacking into a government database as part of an illegal trading... Zarine Kharazian 35 2 2019-02-08 Russia, Ukraine, United States Cybercrime, Securities Exchange Commission, Securities Law
Czech Court Orders Release of Top Kurdish Official Despite Turkey’s INTERPOL Red Notice Request On Tuesday, February 27, 2018, a Czech court ordered the release of a top Kurdish official despite an INTERPOL Red Notice request submitted by Turkish authorities, the Czech News Agency reported. The... Zarine Kharazian 34 3 2018-03-09 Turkey INTERPOL
Bahamas Prepares Money Laundering (Proceeds of Crime) Act 1995 In July, 1990, the Bahamas ratified the Treaty between the United States and the Bahamas on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters. The Treaty provided for the immobilization of forfeitable assets of... Z.C. Allyson Gibson 12 1 1996-01-01 United States, Bahamas Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, Asset Forfeiture, Treaties, Asset Seizure, International Cooperation, Financial Crimes, Financial Supervision, Banking Supervision
Money Laundering (Proceeds of Drug Trafficking) Bill 1994 In July 1994, The Bahamas ratified the Treaty between the United States and The Bahamas on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters. The Treaty provided for the immobilization of forfeitable assets of... Z.C. Allyson Gibson 11 6 1995-06-01 United States, Bahamas Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, Asset Forfeiture, Treaties
INTERPOL's Power to Prevent Diffusion Abuse: Legal, Political and Technological Considerations (in response to Dr. Theodore Bromund's 'INTERPOL's Lack of Power to Act Preemptively in Fighting Government Abuse of the Diffusion System') The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files is an independent body with the exclusive power to adjudicate complaints from individuals seeking the deletion of information about them... Yuriy Nemets 35 7 2019-07-12 INTERPOL, International Organizations
86th INTERPOL General Assembly: Mixed Messages for Refugees On September 26, 2017, in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping officially welcomed the 86th INTERPOL General Assembly.  As this year’s host of the INTERPOL “body of the supreme authority” and a... Yuriy Nemets 33 10 2017-10-13 China Human Rights, INTERPOL
The Role of Refusals to Extradite in the Context of INTERPOL Abuse               It is settled law that a refusal to extradite is not in itself a basis for the deletion of a Red Notice or diffusion from INTERPOL’s files.... Yuriy Nemets 40 9 2024-09-13 Extradition
Mass Prosecutions and INTERPOL Red Notice Abuse In late November 2013, the president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, announced his country’s decision to suspend its bid for membership in the European Union in favor of maintaining trade... Yuriy Nemets 33 9 2017-08-25 Turkey, Ukraine INTERPOL, International Organizations
INTERPOL Red Notice Abuse: Which Member Countries are the Primary Offenders? During the past two years, INTERPOL has carried out important reforms.  It has expanded the rights of individuals who seek access to or deletion of information about them in the organization’s... Yuriy Nemets 33 5 2017-05-12 International Organizations, Law Enforcement
Consideration of INTERPOL Red Notices and Diffusions by U.S. Immigration Courts Suggests a Uniform Approach During the past several years, the number of cases involving INTERPOL Red Notices and diffusions before the U.S. immigration courts has risen significantly. This suggests that the number of... Yuriy Nemets 37 2 2021-02-19
Seeking Asylum While on the INTERPOL Wanted List: The Expert Witness Perspective In this article, its author, based on his experience as an expert witness in the asylum cases of victims of INTERPOL abuse, puts forward the reasons that, in his opinion, often force such... Yuriy L. Nemets 39 5 2023-05-05 Asylum, International Law
Denying Authoritarian Regimes INTERPOL Presidency Won't Stop Them From Using INTERPOL to Persecute Political Opponents; in Fact, it Won't Even Slow Them Down Following his mysterious disappearance and arrest in China, Meng Hongwei resigned as INTERPOL’s President in October 2018, leaving INTERPOL no option but to find a successor.  Among the... Yuriy L. Nemets 35 3 2019-03-01 China, Russia Extradition, Human Rights, INTERPOL, Information Exchange
The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files’ Mandate Over Government Requests for International Police Cooperation: When Does It Begin and When Does It End?         Those who have tried to warn INTERPOL of a potentially incoming abusive Red Notice, diffusion or other government request most probably already know that the Commission... Yuriy L. Nemets 40 5 2024-05-03 Europe INTERPOL
INTERPOL’s Power to Act Preemptively in Fighting Government Abuse In May 2018, Spanish authorities detained Bill Browder, a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin.  It has been alleged that Spain acted on an active Russian request disseminated... Yuriy L. Nemets 35 5 2019-05-03 Russia, Spain INTERPOL
Policing Without Frontiers: Coping With Terrorism, Drugs and Crime In the EC's Single Market and Beyond The "1992 Process" will result in the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital throughout the member states of the European Communities.  Yanah Alexander 6 11 1990-11-01 Europe Terrorism
The Marcos Case-The Future of Letters Rogatory The indictment of former President Ferdinand Marcos of The Philippines raises many questions about what new ground the United States may be breaking in investigating and prosecuting foreign leaders... Wayne H. Rusch 4 11 1988-11-01 Philippines Adjective Enforcement
Internationalization of the Securities Markets Business Trends and Regulatory Policy On December 8-9, speakers at a program on "Internationalization of the Securities Markets-Business Trends and Regulatory Policy," underscored new legislation and treaties empowering the Securities... Wayne H. Rusch 4 12 1988-12-01 World Securities Law
