
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
European Community Internal Committee of Experts Reviews EC Directive on Mutual Assistance and Other Means to Improve Exchange of Information On July 7, 1993, reports from the tax media were that European Community national tax expert David Carr, who has worked as an expert in the European Community’s finance institutions and company law... 9 7 2011-09-01 Europe Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation, Sovereignty, OECD
Americas Watch Repeats Call for Mechanisms to Remedy Human Rights Abuses on U.S.-Mexican Border On May 13, 1993, Americas Watch in a supplemental report, concludes that serious abuses by U.S. immigration law enforcement agents continue and calls for new mechanisms to curtail abuses and... 9 7 2011-09-01 United States, Mexico Human Rights, Jurisdiction, Law Enforcement, Rape, Detention, Border Security
Potential Opposition to Permanent International Criminal Court Exists While American Bar Association Task Force Report Supports War Crimes Task Force On Thursday, July 14, 1993, at the Foreign Relations mark-up for the State Department authorizations, the bill which contains the provision for a permanent international criminal court, Senator Jesse... 9 7 1993-07-01 United States Jurisdiction, War Crimes, International Criminal Court, Prosecution, International Criminal Tribunal
Dr. Alvarez-Machain Sues U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency for Kidnapping, Torture and Deprivation of Human Rights On July 9, Dr. Humberto Alvarez-Machain, the Mexican physician who was kidnapped from his home in Guadalajara, Mexico in April 1990 to stand trial in the murder of a former DEA agent Enrique Camarena... 9 7 1993-07-01 United States, Mexico Human Rights, Kidnaping, Torture, Drug Enforcement
International Council of Jurists to Address Comfort Women Problem At the working group meeting of the UN Commission on Human Rights on modern-type slaves held in Geneva on May 24, the International Commission of Jurists called for the “establishment of a panel to... Kimberly Jeneece Jenkins 9 7 1993-07-01 World, Japan Human Rights, War Crimes, International Criminal and Comparative Law
Haiti Is the Focus of International Human Rights Law Effort While Haitian Refugees Have Mixed Success in Pressing Human Rights Abroad The international community, specifically the United Nations (UN) and the Organization for American States (OAS), apparently has successfully rallied to impose economic sanctions against the Haitian... Kimberly Jeneece Jenkins 9 7 1993-07-01 Haiti Human Rights, United Nations, Sanctions, Detention
Americas Watch Repeats Call for Mechanisms to Remedy Human Rights Abuses on U.S.-Mexican Border On May 13, 1993, Americas Watch in a supplemental report, concludes that serious abuses by U.S. immigration law enforcement agents continue and calls for new mechanisms to curtail abuses and... 9 7 1993-07-01 United States, Mexico Human Rights, Jurisdiction, Immigration, Law Enforcement, Rape, Detention, Border Security
Congressional Hearing Calls for New Measures to Combat Crossborder Laundering between the U.S. and Mexico as Treasury and Texas Initiate New Anti-Laundering Enforcement Project At a hearing held by the House Banking Committee in San Antonio, Texas, Assistant Treasury Secretary for Enforcement Ronald Noble and Texas Attorney General Dan Morales announced a pilot project, “... 9 7 1993-07-01 United States, Mexico Money Laundering, Financial Crimes, Border Security, Legislation
German Court Denies Ghanian Citizen Asylum Indicating Strict Enforcement of New Asylum The German federal constitutional court dismissed an appeal from a Ghanian citizen who desired asylum in Germany. The decision allayed fears that asylum-seekers would use the court system to prevent... Kimberly Jeneece Jenkins 9 7 1993-07-01 Germany, Ghana Immigration, Deportation, Asylum
Canadian International Money Laundering: Money on the Run by Mario Possami This book depicts the evolution during the last ten years or so of money laundering in Canada. The author, a former investigative reporter who became a financial investigator, provides in twelve... Bruce Zagaris 9 7 1993-07-01 Canada Money Laundering, Law Enforcement, Investigation, Prosecution
Mexico Cooperates with the U.S. to Deport Chinese Migrants Intercepted at Sea While China Convicts Smugglers On July 17, 1993, Mexico, bowing to high-level pressure from the U.S. Government, started deporting 430 Chinese migrants seized aboard two illegal smuggling ships. By July 18, the third of the three... 9 7 1993-07-01 United States, Mexico, China Human Rights, Immigration, Smuggle
Financial Action Task Force Issues Annual Report On June 29, 1993, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) issued its 1992-3 annual report on money laundering. The Task Force confirms the trend towards both greater use of non-bank financial... 9 7 1993-07-01 World Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation, FATF
U.S. Government Rides Wave of Enforcement Action against Illegal Migration Riding the crest of an international anti-illegal migration enforcement wave, on July 27, 1993, President Clinton, joined by a bipartisan group of lawmakers whose states have been staggered by blows... 9 7 1993-07-01 United States Immigration, Asset Forfeiture, Smuggle, Prosecution, Border Security, Asylum
Portugal Enacts Anti-Money Laundering Regulations The Portuguese Government, in the face of growing illicit trade in narcotics, especially from Latin America and Africa, has enacted two laws to combat money laundering. On January 22, 1993, it... Bruce Zagaris 9 7 1993-07-01 Portugal Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement, Legislation
Treaty Update This article details changed that have occurred in U.S. mutual legal assistance treaties since the last update in February 1993…[more] 9 7 1993-07-01 United States Treaties
United Arab Emirates and India Sign Bilateral Narcotics Agreement On June 7, the governments of India and the United Arab Emirates announced the signing of a bilateral narcotics agreement in Abu Dhabi that provides for bilateral cooperation in combatting narcotics... 9 7 1993-07-01 India, United Arab Emirates Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, Treaties, International Cooperation
Bibliography of Books, Articles and Documents This article gives details on recently released books, articles and documents on international law enforcement…[more] Bruce Zagaris 9 7 1993-07-01 World Bibliography
U.S. Citizens Detained and Linked to Brazil-Nigerian Cocaine Trade The arrest of Donald Koehl, a U.S. citizen, has been heralded as an effort to combat the cocaine trade between Brazil and Nigeria. According to a media report, Koehl was arrested in his house which... 9 7 1993-07-01 United States, Brazil, Nigeria Drugs & Trafficking, Arrest, Prosecution
European Community Internal Committee of Experts Reviews EC Directive on Mutual Assistance and Other Means to Improve Exchange of Information On July 7, 1993, reports from the tax media were that European Community national tax expert David Carr, who has worked as an expert in the European Community’s finance institutions and company law... 9 7 1993-07-01 Europe Trade Enforcement, International Cooperation, Sovereignty, OECD
9th Circuit Affirms Specialty Claim for Pakistani Fugitive on Drug Charges On April 1993, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed the decision of the U.S. District Court and agreed with the argument of Pakistani’s fugitive, Zulquarman Khan, that the... 9 7 1993-07-01 United States, Pakistan Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking, Prosecution, Fugitive
