
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Pres. Of Panama, Paz Zamora, Will Not Sign New Extradition Treaty With U.S. In spite of pressure exerted by the U.S. Embassy in Bolivia, President Paz Zamora confirmed on April 5, 1993 that he will not sign a new extradition treaty with the U.S. during the last months of his... 9 6 2011-09-01 United States, Bolivia Extradition, Treaties
Major Bust Indicates Efforts of Portugal to Combat Rising Drug Trafficking On June 1 and 2, 1993, the Judicial Police of Faro, Portugal arrested nine persons next to Olhão in the Algarve, the popular southern Portuguese resort area. The Judicial Police reported that the... On Bruce Zagaris 9 6 1993-06-01 Morocco, Portugal Terrorism, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement
IRS Warns U.S. Employers of Illegal Aliens About their Withholding and Employment Tax Obligations In its spring 1993 issue of International Tax Forum, the International Revenue Service informed taxpayers that illegal aliens must file and pay tax on any U.S. income or worldwide income in the same... 9 6 1993-06-01 United States Immigration, Taxation
New Customs Commissioner Proposes Amending Tax Law to Allow Customs Access to Tax Information On June 17, 1993, U.S. Customs Service Commissioner George Weise in testimony before the House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee requested that Congress amend § 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code... 9 6 1993-06-01 United States Jurisdiction, Taxation, Customs
U.S. Agrees to Renegotiate Extradition Treaty With Mexico and to Exclude Kidnapping In an important policy reversal from the Bush Administration, the Clinton Administration has agreed to the request by the Government of Mexico to renegotiate the extradition treaty to exclude... 9 6 1993-06-01 United States, Mexico Extradition, Kidnaping, Treaties, International Cooperation
U.N. Security Council Approves Resolution to Establish War Crimes Tribunal On May 25, 1993, the United Nations Security Council approved a resolution to establish a War Crimes Tribunal. In particular, it endorsed the report of May 3, 1993 by the Secretary General and the... 9 6 1993-06-01 Former Yugoslavia United Nations, War Crimes, Prosecution, International Criminal Tribunal
Peruvian Ct. Rules Panamanian Extradition Request of Noriega Assoc. Inadmissible The Criminal Tribunal of the Supreme Court of Justice of Peru ruled that the extradition of Panamanian citizen Carlos Wittgreen, a former associate of General Manuel Antonio Noriega, was inadmissible... 9 6 1993-06-01 Peru, Panama Extradition, Terrorism, War Crimes, Genocide, Asylum
Senate Hearing Radiates Support for the Establishment of a Permanent International Criminal Court On May 20, 1993, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted to support a joint resolution calling for U.S. support of efforts to establish a permanent court following a hearing on May 12, 1993, at... 9 6 1993-06-01 United States Money Laundering, Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking, Genocide, International Cooperation, International Criminal Court
Pres. Ramos Supports Extradition Treaties Within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) At the opening of the 13th Association of Southeast Asian Nations Chief of Police Conference, the President of the Philippines, Ramos, supported the establishment of bilateral investment treaties to... Kimberly Jeneece Jenkins 9 6 1993-06-01 Asia Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking, Treaties, International Cooperation, Drug Enforcement, Law Enforcement
Bulgaria Ratifies Two Council of Europe Criminal Cooperation Conventions On June 2, 1993, Bulgaria ratified two Council of Europe Conventions on Criminal Cooperation: the Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure, and Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime and the... 9 6 1993-06-01 Europe, Bulgaria Money Laundering, Corruption, Environment, Terrorism, Arms Trafficking, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Asset Seizure, International Cooperation
The Germany Law of Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters In the 1990s, two factors increased the practical relevance of legal assistance in international criminal matters: the abolishment of internal borders in the European Community and the collapse of... Bertold L. Baer 9 6 1993-06-01 Germany Investigation, Prosecution, Border Security
Italian Central Bank Issues Anti-Money Laundering Regulations Italy has issued by-laws (“Decalogo”) in further regulation of its Anti-Money Laundering Law enacted July 5, 1991 (no. 198). The Italian Anti-Money Laundering Law requires that banks, financial... 9 6 1993-06-01 Italy Money Laundering, Kidnaping, Drugs & Trafficking, Financial Crimes, Extortion
Panama’s Government Denies DEA Request for Interrogation Center In April 1993, the Panamanian Government denied a request from the Drug Enforcement Administration to establish a DEA interrogation center on one of the Southern Command bases on the banks of the... Kimberly Jeneece Jenkins 9 6 1993-06-01 United States, Panama Drugs & Trafficking, Drug Enforcement, Law Enforcement, Investigation
Financial Action Task Force Issues Annual Report and Plans Meeting with Gulf Cooperation Council in the Wake of Money Movement Problems On June 29, the Financial Action Task Force released its annual report. The next issue of the International Law Reporter will discuss its highlights. In October 1993, the FATF will hold a meeting... 9 6 1993-06-01 Middle East Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, Fraud, Embezzlement
U.S. and Chile Sign Memorandum on Securities Enforcement Cooperation On June 3, 1993, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding governing consultation and cooperation in the administration and... 9 6 1993-06-01 United States, Chile International Cooperation
Money Laundering and the Asia/Pacific Region Money laundering is going to be a major growth industry in the 1990s and the Asia/Pacific region will figure prominently in that development. The usual perception of money laundering evokes images of... 9 6 1993-06-01 Asia Money Laundering
Japanese Organized Crime Suspected of Smuggling Chinese On April 8, 1993, Japanese police investigated allegations that an organized crime group had attempted to smuggle 145 Chinese people into Japan. Police searched the group’s office in efforts to... Kimberly Jeneece Jenkins 9 6 1993-06-01 China, Japan Maritime, Immigration, Organized Crime, Smuggle
Operation White Paradise Dismantles International Drug Trafficking Ring On April 14, 1993, Argentinean police successfully completed Operation White Paradise, a multinational drug enforcement effort attacking drug trafficking which involved Argentina, Bolivia and Italy.... Kimberly Jeneece Jenkins 9 6 1993-06-01 Argentina Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation, Drug Enforcement, Investigation
New Waves of Organized Immigrant Smuggling Prompts U.S. To Initiate Efforts to Strengthen Enforcement Regime Against Illegal Migration On June 18, 1993, U.S. President Bill Clinton announced an initiative agent against the smuggling of illegal immigrants by crime syndicate. The U.S. Government initiative includes plans to combat... 9 6 1993-06-01 United States Immigration, Organized Crime, Smuggle, Racketeering/RICO
EC To Establish Europol Anti-Drug Unit by July 1 On May 7, 1993, the European Community (EC) justice ministers agreed to set up the previously delayed Europol anti-drug unit beginning July 1. The EC police unit was originally scheduled to commence... Kimberly Jeneece Jenkins 9 6 1993-06-01 Europe Drugs & Trafficking, Drug Enforcement, Border Security
