
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
International Law and National Control of Cross Border Movements This article reviews “The Movement of Persons Across Borders” released on December 3, 1992. The monograph addresses the issues of cross-border movement of persons and is editing by the two leading... Bertold Baer 9 1 1993-01-01 World Extradition, Human Rights, Immigration, Deportation, International Law, Border Security
Germany Increases Soldiers for Enforcement at Eastern Border On December 10, 1992, it was announced that the German Interior Ministry is planning to increase checks at the border with Poland, and the Czech and Slovak Republics by allocating 2,000 Bundeswehr... 9 1 1993-01-01 Germany Immigration, Law Enforcement, Border Security, Asylum
Federal Reserve Implements New International Wire Transfer Standards On December 23, 1993, the Federal Reserve Board issued a policy statement following recommendations of the G-7 Financial Action Task Force, encouraging financial institutions to include, where... 9 1 1993-01-01 United States Money Laundering, International Organizations, Financial Crimes, FATF
The Cuban Democracy Act 1992, A Case of Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Almost unnoticed amid the final stages of the 1992 Presidential Campaign and with then-Candidate Clinton’s support, U.S. Congress passed H.R. 5323, the “Cuban Democracy Act (CDA) of 1992”, also... Bertold Baer 9 1 1993-01-01 United States, Cuba Human Rights, Jurisdiction, Trade Enforcement, Arms Trafficking, Sanctions
OAS’ CICAD Holds First Regional Seminar on the Adoption and Implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations On December 9-12, 1992, the Organization of American States’ Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission held its first regional seminar on the adoption and implementation of the CICAD model anti-... 9 1 1993-01-01 Latin America and South America Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation, Drug Enforcement, Law Enforcement, Regulation, Training
Council Of Europe Continues Criminal Cooperation Treaties with Czech and Slovak Republics On January 8, 1993, the Committee of Ministers, Council of Europe decided that the new Czech and Slovak Republics are, with retroactive effect from January 1, 1993 Contracting Parties to the “open”... 9 1 1993-01-01 Europe, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic Human Rights, Transfer of Prisoners, International Cooperation
Isle of Man Prepares the Implementation of Financial Service Providers According to a recent report, Ralph Thomas, former managing director of Barclay Trust, will prepare a law to regulate trustees and corporate administrators. Once draft legislation is prepared, which... 9 1 1993-01-01 Isle of Man Regulation, Legislation, Financial Enforcement
Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania and Other Central and Eastern European Governments Grapple with Prosecution of Former Leaders in the Aftermath of Honecker Case On January 13, 1993, a German court dismissed the criminal charges against Erich Honecker, former East German communist leader, because it ruled he is too ill to continue to undergo trial for... 9 1 1993-01-01 Europe, Germany Bribery, Embezzlement, Espionage, Prosecution
Panama’s Attorney General and Dep. Are Under Prosecution for Money Laundering On December 24, 1992, the Attorney General of Panama Rogelio Cruz Rios and Ariel Alvarado, the Deputy Attorney General, were put under house arrest and charged with money laundering charges. On... 9 1 1993-01-01 Panama Money Laundering, Drug Enforcement, Investigation, Prosecution
Thailand Begins to Use Foreign Drug Attaches In order to increase its ability to enforce laws to combat illegal drug trafficking, the Thai government has stationed foreign drug liaison officers at fourteen embassies and the Interpol office in... 9 1 1993-01-01 Thailand Drugs & Trafficking, Drug Enforcement, Investigation, Prosecution
Investment Fraud – The Taiwan Experience Investment fraud is on the increase. Its effect on economic and social society is still largely underestimated. In this article, extracted from a paper by Mr. D-His Huaung, a senior special agent at... 9 1 1993-01-01 Taiwan Fraud, Financial Crimes
Outgoing IRS Commissioner Explains Projects to Strengthen Tax Cooperation with Other Governments On December 14, 1992, outgoing Commissioner of Internal Revenue Shirley Peterson said that the IRS and tax authorities in other countries will expand the exchange of information on industry practices... 9 1 1993-01-01 United States Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation
U.S. and Taiwan Sign MOU on Enforcement Cooperation On January 11, 1993, the American Institute in Taiwan and the Coordination Council for North American Affairs signed a memorandum of understanding regarding cooperation in commodity futures and... 9 1 1993-01-01 United States, Taiwan International Criminal and Comparative Law, International Cooperation, Securities Exchange Commission
IRS Issues Proposed Rules to Require More Tax Information from Applicants for U.S. Passports and Permanent Residency and for Better Cooperation among U.S. Agencies On December 23, 1992, the Internal Revenue Service issued proposed rules to implement tax information reporting requirements under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 under Internal Revenue Code §6039E for... 9 1 1993-01-01 United States Immigration, Tax Enforcement
Salinas-Clinton Meeting Shows Kidnapping/Extradition Issue Remains Unresolved On January 8, 1993, a press conference following a meeting between President-elect Bill Clinton and Mexican President Carlos Salinas in Austin, Texas showed that the kidnapping/extradition... 9 1 1993-01-01 United States, Mexico Environment, Extradition, Human Rights, Kidnaping, Drugs & Trafficking, Drug Enforcement
New US-Dutch Treaty: Innovations in Tax Collection Assistance and Evidence-Gathering On December 18, 1992, the U.S. Department of Treasury released the proposed income tax treaty between the Netherlands and the United States. With respect to international tax enforcement, the... Bruce Zagaris 9 1 1993-01-01 United States, Netherlands Treaties, Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation, Evidence Gathering
Bibliography A bibliography of sources in the area of international enforcement law appears quarterly. The next bibliography will appear in March…[more] 9 1 1993-01-01 World Bibliography
TIEA between the U.S. and Guyana Enters into Force On December 4, 1992, the United States Department of Treasury announced that it and Guyana have exchanged diplomatic notes giving life to an agreement between the two governments to exchange tax... 9 1 1993-01-01 United States, Guyana Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation, Chemicals Smuggle
Conferences This article gives the details of two upcoming conferences, one on defending alleged transnational criminals in May 1993 and on the prospects for the new administration in the United States…[more] 9 1 1993-01-01 World Conferences
Polish Government Refuses to Intervene in U.S. Request to Germany on Arms Export Case On December 17, 1992, the Polish Foreign Ministry indicated that it will not reply to a request of defense lawyers of five Poles who were extradited from Germany to the U.S. and who now are under... 9 1 1993-01-01
