
E.g., 2025-01
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Elephants, Rhinos, Tuna and Bears, Oh My!...Heated Debates at Recent CITES Convention In recognition of the multi-billion dollar market which revolves around trade in endangered plants and animals, signatories from 112 countries meet bi-annually in an effort to protect these species.... Mary Jane Bingham 8 4 1992-04-01 World Conferences, Environment, Wildlife
EC Adopts Consolidated Bank Supervision Plan On April 6, the European Community ministers adopted a directive requiring banking supervisors to apply key prudential standards on a consolidated basis to a whole bank holding company group, as... 8 4 1992-04-01 Europe Banking Supervision, Money Laundering, Regulation
International Narcotics Strategy Control Report Highlights Legal and Policy Developments in Anti-Money Laundering Enforcement In March 1992, the U.S. Department of State’s International Narcotics Control Strategy Report revealed that significant progress has resulted on both the level of international organizations and... 8 4 1992-04-01 World Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, FATF, Law Enforcement, Money Laundering
GAO Identifies Need to Strengthen Enforcement of International Environmental Agreements On January 27, 1992, the General Accounting Office joined an ever-increasing chorus of voices underscoring the absence of adequate enforcement of international environmental agreements when it... 8 4 1992-04-01 United States Environment, Trade Crimes, Treaties
IMB Outlines Proposals for Regional Piracy Centre The ICC-International Maritime Bureau is currently promoting the idea of creating a Regional Piracy Centre for South East Asia, and publishing a Piracy Guide. This article examines its proposals in... 8 4 1992-04-01 Asia Law Enforcement, Maritime, Piracy, Robbery
Indian Supreme Court Gives Deadline to Carbide to Respond to Allegations On April 17, 1992, the Indian Supreme Court kept the pressure on Union Carbide Corp.’s Indian subsidiary to respond to allegations by former employees that the Bhopal-based chemical plant, scene of... 8 4 1992-04-01 India Extradition, Human Rights
Noriega Convicted on Eight of Ten Counts On April 9, 1992, a jury of nine women and three men found Manuel Antonio Noriega guilty of eight of ten counts of racketeering and drug trafficking. U.S. District Judge William M. Hoeveler set... 8 4 1992-04-01 Panama, United States Bribery, Conspiracy, Drugs & Trafficking, Money Laundering, Organized Crime, Prosecution, Racketeering/RICO
Bibliography The bibliography of books, articles and documents on international criminal and enforcement law is a quarterly feature. The next insertion will appear in the June issue…[more] 8 4 1992-04-01 World Bibliography
European Community Will Assist Criminal Tax Enforcement In a speech on April 9, European Community Tax Commissioner Christian Scrivener called for tax harmonization between the faster developing European Community (EC) countries of the north and the... 8 4 1992-04-01 Europe International Cooperation, Tax Enforcement
Conferences and Related Activities This article gives details on three upcoming conferences: the 1992 Oxford Conference on International & White Collar Crime; a conference on international money laundering initiatives; and a... 8 4 1992-04-01 World Conferences
South Korean Prosecutors Arrest Son of Hyundai Founder on Tax Charges On April 21, 1992, South Korean prosecutors arrested a son of the founder of Hyundai as the South Korean government continued its war with South Korea’s second largest conglomerate. So far, the war... 8 4 1992-04-01 South Korea Investigation, Prosecution, Tax Crimes
IRS to Expand its Simultaneous Examination Programs and its Interagency Cooperation with U.S. Customs 8 4 1992-04-01 United States Customs, International Cooperation, Tax Enforcement, Treaties
Hearing on Alvarez-Machain Case Bodes Well for U.S. Government On April 1, 1992, the oral argument in the Alvarez-Machain case seemed to turn the trend of the case in favor of the U.S. Government. The dialogue between Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia and... 8 4 1992-04-01 Mexico, United States Extradition, Kidnaping, Prosecution
Polish Court Grants U.S. Extradition Request of Banker Convicted of Tax Crimes On April 19, 1992, in a potentially precedent-setting case, the P.A.P. news agency reported that the Polish Government through its Justice Minister announced that it has agreed to extradite David... 8 4 1992-04-01 Poland, United States Extradition, Forgery, Fraud, International Cooperation, Tax Crimes, Tax Enforcement
U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Considers New Criminal Cooperation Treaties On April 8, 1992, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a routine hearing of three sets of conventions that have critical importance for strengthening international criminal cooperation. The... Bruce Zagaris 8 4 1992-04-01 United States Extradition, Human Rights, International Cooperation, Treaties
Switzerland and United States Agree to New Extradition Treaty and Strengthened Criminal Cooperation On March 27, 1992, cooperation in combatting drug trafficking, money laundering and bilateral mutual judicial assistance as well as a new extradition treaty were the focus of a meeting between... Franziska Helm-Busch 8 4 1992-04-01 Switzerland, United States Drugs & Trafficking, Extradition, International Cooperation, Money Laundering, Mutual Legal Assistance, Treaties
U.N. Security Council Resolution Against Libya is Unprecedented U.N. Action Bruce Zagaris 8 4 1992-04-01 Libya Sanctions, Terrorism, United Nations
International Court of Justice Rejects Libyan Request for Provisional Measures On April 14, 1992, the International Court of Justice in a 11 to 5 vote ordered in the case concerning Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention Arising from the... Bruce Zagaris 8 4 1992-04-01 Libya, United States Extradition, International Criminal and Comparative Law, Jurisdiction, Terrorism, United Nations
Chief of U.S. Terrorism and Violent Crimes Section Reviews Activities On January 14, 1992, Jerry Reynolds, Chief, Terrorism and Violent Crimes Section, U.S. Department of Justice, reviewed the work of his group. The section was established in June 1991. Much of the... 8 4 1992-04-01 United States Corruption, Drugs & Trafficking, Jurisdiction, Money Laundering, Organized Crime, Piracy, Terrorism
U.S. Appellate Court Upholds Immunity of U.S. Government from Civilian Damages Incurred During Panama Invasion On March 6, 1992, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in a unanimous opinion filed per curiam affirmed the dismissal by a U.S. district court of an action brought... 8 4 1992-04-01 Panama, United States Law of War, Victims Compensation
