Title | Abstract | Author | Volume | Issue | Date Published | Geographic Identifier | Subject Areas |
Work of CICAD and Caribbean Financial Action Task Force Intersects Ideally | By a fortuitous twist of circumstances, the model anti-money laundering legislation of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Commission (CICAD) and the second meeting of the Caribbean Financial Action Task... | Bruce Zagaris | 8 | 2 | 1992-02-01 | Caribbean | Money Laundering |
Vanuatu Poised to Enact Laws to Exempt Trust Companies from Confidentiality Obligation To Enable Them to Meet Obligations of International Criminal Assistance in Non-Tax Cases | Vanuatu is poised to enact new legislation in 1992 that will exempt trust companies from confidentiality obligations in the event requests are made by law enforcement agencies for information on... | Bruce Zagaris | 8 | 2 | 1992-02-01 | Vanuatu | International Cooperation |