
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Bar Panel Considers U.S. Extradition Policy and Whether Corrective Legislation Is Needed in the Aftermath of Alvarez-Machain Case to Regularize Rendition Policies On October 28, 1992, several bar committees sponsored a lively discussion on U.S. extradition policy in the aftermath of the case of U.S. v. Alvarez-Machain. Ralph G. Steinhardt, Associate Professor... 8 11 1992-11-01 United States Extradition, Human Rights, International Criminal and Comparative Law, Kidnaping, Legislation, Prosecution, Sovereignty, Treaties
Panama Rejects U.S. Extradition for Colombian Drug Trafficker Panamanian Attorney General Rogelio Cruz rejected a U.S. extradition request against Ramon Tejada Alvarez, known as ‘El Viejo’, a Colombian citizen who is wanted by the U.S. government on charges of... 8 11 1992-11-01 Panama, United States Deportation, Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, Extradition, Investigation, Prosecution
Peru Releases Carlos Wittgreen in Spite of Panama’s Extradition Request Peruvian authorities have released Carlos Wittgreen, a Panamanian business and Noriega collaborator, who is charged with murder in Panama. Interpol arrested Wittgreen on corruption charges in Lima on... 8 11 1992-11-01 Panama, Peru Arrest, Corruption, Extradition, International Law, Murder
International White Collar Crime Developments: A Booming Time The international arena has experienced a dramatic growth in the white collar law area. This growth is attributed to several developments: globalization has facilitated travel, transmission of... Bruce Zagaris 8 11 1992-11-01 World Asset Forfeiture, Drugs & Trafficking, Environment, Evidence Gathering, Extradition, International Criminal and Comparative Law, Money Laundering, Transfer of Prisoners
Canada’s Extradition Act Amendments Take Effect On November 2, 1992, the Honorable Kim Campbell, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and Member for Vancouver Center, announced that the amendments to the Extradition Act, passed by... 8 11 1992-11-01 Canada Extradition, Legislation
Caribbean Financial Action Task Force Reaches Agreement to Implement International Standards and Establish a Secretariat On November 5-6, 1992, twenty-six governments at a meeting of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force in Kingston endorsed a declaration (the “Kingston Declaration on Money Laundering”), agreed to... 8 11 1992-11-01 Caribbean Asset Forfeiture, Drugs & Trafficking, FATF, Legislation, Money Laundering, Mutual Legal Assistance, Treaties
U.S. Requests Extradition of Colombians Arrested in Operation Green Ice U.S. authorities have initiated actions leading to extradition to the United States of four Colombians arrested in Costa Rica on September 24, 1992. The Colombians supposedly are linked to the... 8 11 1992-11-01 Colombia, Costa Rica, United States Arrest, Drugs & Trafficking, Extradition, Freezing of Assets, Money Laundering, Organized Crime
New U.S. Money Laundering Law Has Several International Provisions On October 28, 1992, President Bush signed into law HR 5334, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, which contains new money laundering provisions that have significant international... 8 11 1992-11-01 United States Financial Crimes, Legislation, Money Laundering, Mutual Legal Assistance
Committee on International Criminal Law Hears Update on State Department’s International Enforcement Activities and on Application to U.S. Bill of Rights Abroad in Criminal Cases On October 30, 1992, the Committee on International Criminal Law held a meeting during the Fall meeting of the Criminal Justice Section, American Bar Association. Bob Harris, Department of State’s... 8 11 1992-11-01 United States Extradition, International Criminal and Comparative Law, Kidnaping, Murder, Mutual Legal Assistance, Terrorism, Treaties
Germany Enacts New Money Laundering Law On September 15, 1992 the Federal Republic of Germany joined the ranks of a growing number of countries that outlawed money laundering. Money laundering had not been illegal in Germany. However,... Heidi Gramckow 8 11 1992-11-01 Germany Drugs & Trafficking, Money Laundering, Organized Crime, Prosecution
Panama Arrests International Arms Trafficker Panamanian Technical Judicial Police have arrested alleged arms dealer Andres Guevara after following him since August, Guevara is charged with arms dealing. He apparently specialized in mobilizing... 8 11 1992-11-01 Panama Arms Trafficking, Border Security, Bribery, Customs
FinCEN Identifies and Warns of Increasing Use of Money Orders to Initiate Laundering In the current issue of its periodical publication TRENDS, the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has identified and warned that drug money launderers are... 8 11 1992-11-01 United States Drugs & Trafficking, Financial Crimes, Money Laundering
American Bar Association Section of International Law and Properties and Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities – Report to the Board of Governors Two sections of the American Bar Association have adopted the following recommendation on the prosecution of war crimes in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Resolved, that the American Bar Association support the... 8 11 1992-11-01 Former Yugoslavia, United States Evidence Sharing, Human Rights, Investigation, Prosecution, United Nations, War Crimes
Danish and Russian Governments Initiate Cooperation to Combat Illicit Narcotics Trafficking and Other Matters Signaling a positive new cooperative venture, Danish National Police Chief Ivar Boye visited the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. Even though no binding official agreements have been reached... 8 11 1992-11-01 Denmark, Russia Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation, Law Enforcement
Exotic Birds Gain New Hope as President Signs Wild Bird Conservation Act, But Some Problems Linger On October 23, 1992 President Bush signed the Wild Bird Conservation Act (WBCA). Called “landmark legislation in Wildlife Conservation” by Ginette Hemley, director of wildlife trade monitoring at the... Kimberly Jeneece Jenkins 8 11 1992-11-01 United States Environment, Investigation, Legislation, Treaties, Wildlife, Wildlife Smuggle
Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission in 12th Regular Session Continue Strengthening Legal and Institutional Framework for Criminal Cooperation During October 27-30, 1992, the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) held its Twelfth Regular Session. The meeting resulted in addition progress on the legal development component of... Bruce Zagaris 8 11 1992-11-01 Caribbean, Latin America and South America, North America Arms Trafficking, Drugs & Trafficking, International Organizations, Money Laundering, Training
Bibliography The bibliography of books, article and documents on international criminal and enforcement law is a quarterly feature. The next insertion will be in the December issue…[more] 8 11 1992-11-01 World Bibliography
8Japan Collects Documents on Questionable Hawaiian Real Estate Transactions On October 16, 1992, Japan’s National Tax Administration Agency announced that, with the cooperation of the Internal Revenue Service, it has obtained documents regarding questionable Hawaiian real... 8 11 1992-11-01 Japan, United States International Cooperation, Tax Enforcement, Taxation
Conferences This article gives details of an upcoming conference on the Alleged Transnational Criminal sponsored by the American Bar Association and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers…[more] 8 11 1992-11-01 World Conferences
8U.S. Interior Department Chides Palau’s Insufficient Tax Enforcement Efforts The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Inspector General has criticized the Republic of Palau for its woefully inadequate tax enforcement that may have missed $50.3 million in unreported... 8 11 1992-11-01 United States Tax Enforcement, Taxation
