
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Austria and Switzerland Sign European Laundering Convention On July and August 23, 1991, the Government of Austria and Switzerland respectively signed the European Laundering Convention, brining to fifteen the total of signatory states.  The signing by these... Bruce Zagaris 7 8 1991-08-01 Austria, Switzerland European Union, Money Laundering
U.K. Government Intervenes on Behalf of Hong Kong in the John Does Case The entry of the United Kingdom Government as an amici curiae in the case of John Does, pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California  has raised the stakes and... Bruce Zagaris 7 8 1991-08-01 Hong Kong, United Kingdom Crimes
Belgium Government Promulgates Guidelines on Money Laundering On July 17, the Banking and Finance Commission (hereafter the "Commission") of the Belgian Government promulgated international money laundering guidelines.  The guidelines were issued as a result of... 7 8 1991-08-01 Belgium Money Laundering
Isle of Man Adopts Investment Business Law to Regulate Professionals Providing Offshore Services The Isle of Man has passed legislation that will make it more difficult for fraudsters, criminals, and other undesirable operators to conduct business in the jurisdiction.  The new law requires... Bruce Zagaris 7 8 1991-08-01 Isle of Man Offshore Banking, Tax Havens, Taxation
Cayman-U.K. Conclude MLAT on Confiscation The Cayman Islands Government and the United Kingdom have concluded a Mutual Legal Assistance Confiscation Arrangement, which will come into force on August 28. 7 8 1991-08-01 Cayman Islands, United Kingdom Mutual Legal Assistance
Focus on Diminished Ability of Panama Government in Combatting Illicit Transnational Narcotics and Related Activities A recent GAO report on narcotics control efforts in Panama has asserted that drug related activity in Panama may have actually increased since the end of Operation Just Cause which removed government... Sarah Barber 7 8 1991-08-01 Panama, United States Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, Jurisdiction
Mexico Opens First U.S. Drug Office The Mexican Federal Judicial Police will open its first U.S. office in San Antonio in September as part of a joint U.S.-Mexican effort to combat drug trafficking.  The decision to open a U.S. office... 7 8 1991-08-01 Mexico, United States Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation
The Alleged Transnational Criminal Mr. Gustavo Lopez Munoz, an attorney from Madrid, initiated the conference by speaking about the legal reforms effected in Spain by the adoption of the Spanish Constitution in 1978.  Among the... Francisco Laguna 7 8 1991-08-01 Bulgaria, Germany, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom INTERPOL, International Crimes
Business Crime in Eastern Europe In 1989, in respone to the emregence of the East European countries into the Western Free market Economy, the Counil of Europe decided to launch an initiative of assistance. Monty Raphael 7 8 1991-08-01 Eastern Europe Crimes
Workshop on Principles and Procedures for a New Transnational Criminal Law This International Workshop on "Principles and Procedures for a new Transnational Criminal Law," held at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law from May 21-24, 1991,... 7 8 1991-08-01 World
Canadian Government Proposes to Amend the Appeal Process to Reduce Delays under the Extradition Act On July 10, 1991, The Minister of Justice and Attorney GEneral of Canada, the Honorable Kim Campbell, released proposed changes to Canada's Extradition ACt which are designed to reduce delays in... Sarah Barber 7 8 1991-08-01 Canada Extradition
U.S. Senate Approves Protocol to Canada-U.S. Extradition Treaty On April 24, 1991, President Bush transmitted to the Senate for ratification the Protocal signed at Ottawa on January 11, 1988, amending the Treaty on Extradition Between the United States of America... Sarah Barber 7 8 1991-08-01 Canada, United States Extradition, Treaties
Congress Scrutinizes Justice Department Memorandum Authorizing Kidnapping and other Alternatives to Extraditions Facing a contempt proceeding by the House Judiciary Subcommittee, the United States Department of Justice has provided to Congress as 29-page opinion prepared in June 21, 1989 that justifies... 7 8 1991-08-01 United States Crimes, Extradition, Kidnaping
ABA Committee Explores Interaction Between International Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law On August 13, 1991, the Committee on International Criminal Law, Criminal Justice Section of the American Bar Association, along with the counterpart Committee in the Section of International Law and... 7 8 1991-08-01 European Union, United States, World Human Rights, International Crimes, International Law
Mexico-U.S. Integrated Environment Plan for Mexico-U.S. Border Area On August 1, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Secretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecologia (SEDUE) released a working draft of the Integrated Environmental Plan. One chapter discusses... Bruce Zagaris 7 8 1991-08-01 Mexico, United States Environment, International Cooperation
Further Enforcement Efforts to Curb Driftnet Fishing by South Pacific States Thursday, August 1, 1991, the Senate passed by voice vote legisltation that would require the President to impose economic sanctions on countries that employ drift net fishing. The "Driftnet... Sarah Barber 7 8 1991-08-01 Japan, Korea, Taiwan, United States Environment, International Cooperation
International Center for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy In Vancouver Becomes a United Nations Affiliate On July 11, 1991, the Honourable Kim Campbell, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and Member of Parliament for Vancouver Centre, announced that the International Centre for Criminal... 7 8 1991-08-01 Canada, World Crimes, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, United Nations
U.N. Announces Gulf War Claims Procedure: An Analysis and Practical Observations On August 2, 1991, exactly one year after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission transmitted ground-breaking decisions to the members of the U.... Chris Whaling 7 8 1991-08-01 Iraq, United States, World INTERPOL, International Cooperation, Seizure, Settlement, Sovereignty, United Nations