
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Former Assistant Attorney General Upholds John Doe IRS Summons Pertaining to All Transactions for 2 Years with 5 Tax Havens In an order with potential significant assistance for existing law enforcement efforts on tax, money laundering and organized crime as well as future economic relations between the U.S. and countries... Bruce Zagaris 7 6 1991-06-01 United States International Cooperation, Tax Enforcement, Tax Havens, Taxation
Swiss Supreme Court Declares 41 Month Pretrial Detention Excessive In a decision affecting foreigners held in pretrial detention, the Swiss Supreme Court in Lausanne recently established new criteria for the length of a pretrial and procedural detention of a... Clemens Kochinke 7 6 1991-06-01 Colombia, Switzerland Prisoner Rights, Prosecution
Argentina Focusing on New Tax Compliance on Foreign Money On May 24, the Ministry of Economy submitted a series of 28 bills to Congress to strengthen tax compliance on overseas money. The legislation will provide incentives for Argentines to repatriate the... 7 6 1991-06-01 Argentina Tax Crimes, Tax Enforcement, World Bank
United Nations Ad Hoc Expert Group Meets in Czechoslovakia to Consider Strategies to Combat Transnational Crime On May 27-31, 1991, at a meeting held in a fairy-like castle in Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, approximately 65 kilometers northeast of Bratislava, approximately 15 to 20 ad hoc experts met to consider... Bruce Zagaris 7 6 1991-06-01 Czech Republic, World INTERPOL, International Cooperation, International Crimes
Japan Surrenders in Hawksbill Turtle Debate Bowin to the pressure from the Interior and Commerce Department, Japan announced on May 17, 1991 that it will halt all importation of hawksbill sea turtle shells.  The Interior and Commerce... Sarah Barber 7 6 1991-06-01 Japan, United States International Cooperation, Trade Enforcement, Wildlife, Wildlife Smuggle
The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal: Africa's Concerns and Lack of Enforcement The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal was adopted on March 22, 1989 by 104 States and the European Economic Community. To date 54... Kurt N. Lindland 7 6 1991-06-01 Africa Environment, International Law, Investigation
U.S. Rejects Iraq Reparation Recommendation On June 3, 1991, it was reported that the United States has rejected and blocked from the time being the recommendation of May 31 of the U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar that Iraq pay... 7 6 1991-06-01 Iraq, United States International Cooperation, International Law
EC Ministers Give Final Approval to Money Laundering Directive On June 10, the Council adopted by unanimity int he meeting of the ECOFIN Council of Ministers for the European Community a directive to enforce anti-money laundering policy. Bruce Zagaris 7 6 1991-06-01 Europe Bank Secrecy, Money Laundering, Mutual Legal Assistance
FINCEN Director Briefs ABA Group on New Trends in the International Effort to Combat Money Laundering On June 11, 1991, Peter G. Djinis, Director of Treasury Department's Office of Financial Enforcement, addressed the American Bar Association's Criminal Justice Section and highlighted "new and... Bruce Zagaris 7 6 1991-06-01 United States Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision, Money Laundering
Money Laundering British Caribbean Dependencies Anti-Money Laundering and Related Enforcement Efforts The British Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) continues its efforts to assits its Caribbean dependent territories in their enforcement of laws to prevent criminal use of their offshore financial... Bruce Zagaris 7 6 1991-06-01 Caribbean, United Kingdom Money Laundering
Brazil Proceeds with Ratification of Vienna Drug Convention On June 12, the Brazilian Senate approved the 1988 Vienna Anti-Narcotics Convention.  On May 23, the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies passed the Convention. The remaining step is for the Executive... 7 6 1991-06-01 Brazil Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking
U.S. Extradites Koskotas to Greece On June 1, the United States Government extradited to Greece George Koskotas, a key person in the current corruption trials relating to the administration of former Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou... 7 6 1991-06-01 Greece, United States Corruption, Extradition
Canada Ministry of Justice Hosts European Ministers On June 16-19, the Honorable Kim Campbell, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of canada hosted the Minsiters of Justice from the Council of Europe during their annual meeting that took place at... 7 6 1991-06-01 Canada, Europe INTERPOL, International Cooperation, International Crimes
Money Laundering Seminar Tracks International Developments On April 18 and 19, 1991, the Law Journal seminars sponsored a seminar on "Money Laundering and Forfeiture," in New York City. The handbook, which is also entitled Money Laundering and Forfeiture,... Bruce Zagaris 7 6 1991-05-01 United States, World International Cooperation, Money Laundering