
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Selected Enforcement Amendments of the 1990 Immigration Act The new immigration act was passed on November 29, 1990.!I Unless otherwise indicated, the following provisions shall take effect on October 1, 1991, and apply beginning with fiscal year 1991. This... Jean Zeiler 7 2 2015-02-03 Mexico, United States Immigration, Policy/Directives, U.S. Congress, U.S. Federal Government
IRS Opens Regulations Project on Cash Reporting Transactions In a report dated Febuary 13, the Internal Revenue Service's Office of Chief Counsel announced that on December 1, 1990, it has opened a regulations project on return requirements where cash is... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 2015-01-29 Tax Crimes, Tax Enforcement, Taxation
Organized Crime Strategy Calls For Enhanced International Cooperation as a Key Tactic in Combatting New Organized Crime Groups On January 31, 1991, the United States Department of Justice, in issuing its Organized Crime National Strategy,JI set forth two principal objectives: to eliminate La Cosa Nostra (LCN) crime... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-03-02 China, Italy, Japan, United States International Cooperation, International Crimes, Mutual Legal Assistance, Organized Crime, Policy/Directives
U.S.-French Agreement on Securities Enforcement Cooperation Takes Effect On February 4, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced that on January 31 letters have been exchanged between the Securities and Exchange Commission and its counterpart, the French... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-03-02 France, United States Securities Exchange Commission, Securities Law, Securities Trade Enforcement
Mexico-U.S. Initiate Border Environmental Cooperation The Mexican and United States Governments have increased efforts on the development of an integrated plan on border environmental cooperation. The plan formalizes and carries out the commitment... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-03-02 Mexico, United States Border Security, Environment, International Cooperation
U.S. Mexico Tuna Fight Moves to GAlT While U.S. Appellate Court Gives U.S. Environmentalists a Victory The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Council agreed on February 6 to set up a panel in order to investigate claims by Mexico that the U.S.'s restrictions on tuna imports are unfair after the... Sarah Barber 7 2 1991-03-02 Mexico, United States Environment, Trade Crimes, Trade Enforcement
U.K. Retaliation Predicted If Aggressive U.S. Enforcement of Intercompany Pricing Persists On February 14, during a program of the Committee on International Tax, American Bar Association's Section of International Law, Jill Pagan, an attorney with J.F. Chown & Co., London, warned... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-03-02 United Kingdom, United States
U.S.-Cayman MLAT Extended to the British Virgin Islands, Turks & Caicos and Anguilla and Illustrate Growing U.K. Criminal Cooperation On November 9, 1991, the United States exchanged notes with the United Kingdom, extending to the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty with the Cayman Islands to British Virgin Islands, the Turks &... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-03-01 Anguilla, Turks and Caicos, United Kingdom, United States International Cooperation, Mutual Legal Assistance, Treaties
CICAD Progresses on Uniform Anti-Money Laundering Laws On December 15-16, 1990 the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States (OAS) held its first meeting to begin preparation of uniform legislation to combat... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-03-01 Argentina, Mexico, United States International Convention, International Cooperation
U.S. Ratifies Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters On February 20, 1991, The U.S. Department of Treasury announced in a release that the United States ratified the Council of Europe/ Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-03-01 OECD, United States International Convention, International Cooperation, Tax Enforcement, Treaties
ABA National Security Conference Considers Several Enforcing Rule of Law in Gulf Crisis On January 30-31, 1991, the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security hosted a conference on the "Crisis in the Gulf: Enforcing the Rule of Law." Several issues on... Bruce Zagaris and Caroline S. West 7 2 1991-02-03 Iraq Conferences, Human Rights, Law of War
Treasury Releases Iraqi Claims Forms On February 11, 1991, the U.S. Treasury has issued regulations and forms to rue reports with respect to claims incurred as a result of the Iraqi military actions. The regulations state that the... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-02-03 Iraq Regulation, U.S. Federal Government
Joint U.S.-Soviet Conference Held on International Law and the Non-Use of Force International law and the enforcement machinery of the U.N. Security Council have occupied center stage during the Iraq-Kuwait crisis. It therefore was not surprising that the U.S.-Soviet... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-02-03 Iraq, Russia, United States International Law, Law of War, Security Council, United Nations
Budget for International Enforcement Increases The 1992 budget request for international enforcement has fared well. President Bush has not relinquished the continued emphasis on the federal war on drugs and crime. As part of the $10.6 billion... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-02-03 United States U.S. Federal Government
Canada Extends Extraterritorial Application of Criminal Law On February 4, 1991, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honorable Kim Campbell, announced the coming into force of the Canadian Laws Offshore Application Act, which... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-01-30 Canada Law Enforcement, Policy/Directives
EC Commission Proposes Coordination of Customs Penalties On February 1, an EC Commission proposal to unify customs regulations and introduce a coordinated policy on penalties to ensure equality of treatment for citizens while preventing trade from... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-01-30 Europe Economic Integration, European Union, International Cooperation
U.S.-Costa Rica Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) Enters into Force On February IS, the U.S. Department of Treasury announced that the U.S. and Costa Rica have exchanged diplomatic notes that activate an agreement to exchange tax information. The TIEA satisfies the... Bruce Zagaris 7 2 1991-01-30 Costa Rica, United States International Cooperation, Tax Enforcement, Tax Havens, Taxation, Treaties
Report No.6: Census of Blocked Iraqi Government Assets and Claims Against Iraq and Iraqi Government Entities This morning the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") issued new regulations amending the Iraqi Sanctions Regulations. The new regulations require a census of blocked assets of the Government... Morgan, Lewis & Bockius 7 2 1991-01-23 Iraq, United States Office of Foreign Assets Control, Regulation