
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Bhopal Crime Case Begins Without Union Carbide Chair On November 27, 1991, the criminal case began in India on the alleged responsibility of the former chairman of Union Carbide Corportation, a U.S.-based company and eight executives of its Asian... 7 12 1991-12-01 India Environment, Prosecution
ABA Program Highlights Frontier Developments in International Environmental Criminal Law On December 3, 1991, the Committee on International Criminal Law, Criminal Justice Section, American Bar Associations, held a program on "International Encironment Criminal Law: Cross-Border Problems... Bruce Zagaris 7 12 1991-12-01 United States, World Environment, International Law
Environmentalists Finally Hook Japan to End the Use of Drift Net Fishing In an important victory for environmental groups seeking to jump-start international environmental enforcement law, on November 26, the Japanese cabinet approved a moratorium on drift net fishing on... 7 12 1991-12-01 Japan Environment, Wildlife
Italy Establishes Compensation Fund through Insurance Policies to Compensation Victims of Organized Crime Extortion The Government of Italy has established a compensation fund to assist victims of extortion efforts by organized crime. The fund will be partly financed by a new one-percent tax on certain insurance... Bruce Zagaris 7 12 1991-12-01 Italy Administration of Justice, Extortion, Organized Crime, Oversight
Caribbean and Americas Anti-Money Laundering Programs Progress Significant progress is occuring on anti-money laundering enforcement efforts in the Caribbean and the Americas generally. 7 12 1991-12-01 Caribbean, United States International Cooperation, Money Laundering
Trade Bill to Provide Andean Preferences Passes On the eve of the Congressional recess, both houses approved by voice vote the conference agreement on a bill, HR 1724, that will provide trade preferences to Andean countries. The new law extends to... 7 12 1991-12-01 Colombia, Peru, United States Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, Trade Enforcement, Treaties
IRS Assists Japan in Tax Evasion Investigation of Japanese Real Estate Investments in Hawaii With the assistance of the Internal Revenue Service, Japan's National Tax Administration Agency has detected 218 instances of possible tax evasion by Japanese nationals in Hawaiian real estate.... 7 12 1991-12-01 Japan, United States Tax Enforcement, Taxation
Peru Begins Broad Corporate Tax Compliance Program Amidst Prosecution of Ex-President Garcia for Illicit Enrichment Peru's Government has simultaneously taken action on three fronts in an effort to try to both raise revenue and bring equity into its tax system and overall government. Bruce Zagaris 7 12 1991-12-01 Peru Corruption, Prosecution, Tax Crimes, Tax Enforcement
Economic Crime Emerging Market Economies: Poland and the Case for an Adequate Legal Prootection Poland is one of the Eastern European countries which has been desperately trying to transform its unworkable economy to a free market system. The commerical spirit of the former socialist society... Michael Plachta 7 12 1991-12-01 Poland Economic Crimes, International Cooperation
Tension Builds over Requests for Extradition of Libyans as Arab League Backs Libya and Libya Makes Concessions Diplomatic tensions are building over the refusal by Libya to accede to the demands of the United States and Britain to extradite or turn over Abdel Basste Ali Al-Meghari and Lamen Khalifah Fhiman,... Bruce Zagaris 7 12 1991-12-01 Libya, United Kingdom, United States Extradition, International Cooperation, Terrorism
EC Progress on Common Asylum and Enforcement Program against Illegal Immigrants In what is shaping up as one of the key public international law and international criminal cooperation matters, momentum is gaining towards a compromise and the achievment of a common European... 7 12 1991-12-01 European Union Asylum, Immigration
Trevi Ministers Meet and Agree to Strengthen Regional Cooperation On December 2-3, The Euroepan Ministers responsible for police and security matters met in The Hague to conduct their half-yearly round of formal discussions. The Dutch Presidency, represented by Mr... 7 12 1991-12-01 European Union International Cooperation, International Law, International Organizations
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Considers Ratification of International and Political Covenant On November 21, 1991, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations considered the case for the ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The holding of the hearing... Bruce Zagaris 7 12 1991-12-01 United States Human Rights, International Law