
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
European Laundering Convention Progresses On September 25, Finland signed the European Laundering Convention, bringing the number of signatory states to sixteen. 7 10 1993-10-01 European Union European Union, Money Laundering
German Tax and Immigration Authorities Increase Enforcement Cooperation   In what is becoming an increasing phenomenon throughout the world, governments are realizing that effective cooperation between tax and immigration authorities can both raise revenue and... 7 10 1991-10-01 Germany Immigration, Jurisdiction, Taxation
Canadian Bill to Streamline Extradition Process Tabled On September 17, 1991, the Honorable Kim Campbell, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, tabled a bill in the House of Commons that will considerably reduce the delays in extradition... 7 10 1991-10-01 Canada Extradition
Nomination of Barr May Raise Consideration of U.S. Extraterritorial Policy On October 16, President George Bush announced that he would nominate acting Attorney General William P. Barr for Attorney General.  Barr, who is 41, would be the youngest attorney general since... 7 10 1991-10-01 United States Jurisdiction
Bush Administration Reports Skepticism to Congress on Establishing a Permanent International Criminal Court, But More Positive on One for the Persian Gulf Crimes The Bush Administration in a report to Congress on the feasibility of establishing an international criminal court required pursuant to P.I. 101-513 has stated that it has become “increasingly... 7 10 1991-10-01 Iraq, United States Crimes against Humanity, International Courts, International Criminal Court
U.S. Agrees to Additional Conventions in Enforcement Cooperation in Securities and Commodities Futures Trading During the third week of September of this year, at the time of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO), hosted by the SEC in Washington, the... 7 10 1991-10-01 United Kingdom, United States Securities Law
USAID Proposes 6-Year $36 Million Colombia Justice Sector Reform Project In what will be the most significant Administration of Justice project to date, the U.S.A.I.D. has proposed a $36 million project using counternarcotics economic assistance to support a six year... Bruce Zagaris 7 10 1991-10-01 Colombia, United States Jurisdiction, Prosecution
U.S. Travel Advisory on Criminal Activity in Jamaica and Mexico Produces Results in Jamaica On August 14, 1991, the United States Department of State issued a travel advisory for travelers to certain parts of Jamaica and Mexico. As a result of the advisory, the Jamaican Government announced... 7 10 1991-10-01 Jamaica, United States Sovereignty, Standing
Exemption from Trial Can Violate Human Rights Human rights have a large impact on procedural law. In Europe human rights are codified, inter alia, in the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR).  This Convention was ratified in 1950 by the... Gerald Deck 7 10 1991-10-01 Europe European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, Trial
Swiss Court’s Criminal Decision on Convicting Aliens Recently, the Swiss Supreme Court rendered a noteworthy decision which serves as general orientation for the treatment of foreigners in criminal cases. In the case at issue an alien was convicted in... Gerald Deck 7 10 1991-10-01 Switzerland Immigration, Jurisdiction, Prosecution
Natural Resources Defense Counsel Calls for International Environmental Enforcement Cooperation to Enforce the NAFTA Comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency submitted by Justin R. Ward, Senior Resource Specialist, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) on the Integrated Environmental Plan for the... Bruce Zagaris 7 10 1991-10-01 Canada, Mexico, United States Environment
India’s Supreme Court Orders New Criminal Proceedings against Union Carbide over Bhopal Disaster On October 3, 1991, the Indian Supreme Court issued an order in New Delhi that new criminal proceedings be held against Union Carbide for the 1984 Bhopal disaster in which more than 3,800 people were... 7 10 1991-10-01 India Capital Punishment, Crimes, Evidence Gathering
American Bar/Bankers Conference Considers International Developments in Money Laundering Enforcement Developments On September 26-27, the American Bar Association/American Bankers Association held its third annual conference, entitled “Money Laundering Enforcement Update: Compliance and Enforcement Issues” in... 7 10 1991-10-01 Cayman Islands, United States Bank Secrecy, Money Laundering, Mutual Legal Assistance
Controversy over Enforcement of Drift-Net Rules   As pressure builds in the United States for proper enforcement and retaliation of violators of fish-net rules, the Japanese Fisheries Association is threatening retaliation if the United States... 7 10 1991-10-01 Japan, United States Trade Crimes, Wildlife
Japan Enacts Anti-Money Laundering Enforcement Laws   On October 2, the Japanese National Diet enacted two anti-money laundering statutes.  The two laws were declared publicly on October 5 and are in force. 7 10 1991-10-01 Japan Drug Enforcement, Financial Enforcement, Financial Supervision, Money Laundering
Mexico-US Border Flares Up Again On October 3, it was reported that the Mexican Government has again protested to the U.S. the alleged aggression by U.S. border patrol agents against Mexicans in Mexico. 7 10 1991-10-01 Mexico, United States Border Security, Immigration
Argentine Government Wins Another Round in Its Efforts to Enforce Its Tax Claims Against Firestone The efforts of the Argentine Government to enforce its tax claims against the Argentine subsidiary of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company received a boost when an Argentine court upheld its tax... 7 10 1991-10-01 Argentina, Japan, United States Asset Seizure, Fraud, Jurisdiction
U.S.-Honduras TIEA Enters into Force According to a Treasury announcement, the Tax Information Exchange Agreement between the U.S. and Honduras has been activated. The TIEA fulfills the criteria set by the Caribbean Basin Economics... 7 10 1991-10-01 Honduras, United States Taxation, Treaties
Barbados Initiates Vigorous Prosecution of Non-Filers During the last year, the Barbados Government has initiated a vigorous prosecution of non-filers before the Law Court arising out of failure to file 1988 and 1989 Income Tax Returns.  7 10 1991-10-01 Barbados Financial Enforcement, Financial Supervision, Prosecution, Tax Enforcement, Taxation