International Enforcement Is Allegedly On Both Sides Of Wave Of Brazilian |
During the last year Rio de Janeiro, Brazil became a very dangerous city torn by many kidnappings of upper class people and with criminals demanding millions of U.S. dollars in ransom. |
Luiza Thereza Baptista de Mattos |
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1990-09-01 |
Brazil |
Kidnaping |
United Nations Latin American Administration of Justice Programs in Costa Rica Progress |
During the last five years the United Nations Latin American Institute for Crime Prevention and the Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD) has conducted several programs and activities designed to improve... |
Raul R. Herrera |
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1990-09-01 |
Costa Rica |
Administration of Justice |
Proposal for a Criminal Justice System in the European Community |
Scope for new sophisticated crime is increasing in Europe due to the 1992 legislative programme and the movement toward abolition of the national frontiers. |
Amedee Turner |
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1990-09-01 |
Europe |
Prisoner Rights |
Caribbean Heads of Government Issue Comminique |
On August 2, 1990, during the Eleventh Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community in Kingston, Jamaica, a communique was issued containing several items of importance... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1990-09-01 |
Caribbean |
Adjective Enforcement |
House Subcommittee Holds Hearings On Telemarketing Fraud And International Enforcement Efforts To Combat It |
On July 11 and July 12, 1990, the Commerce, Consumer and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations held hearings on the nature and extent of telemarketing fraud... |
Lisa L. Davis |
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1990-09-01 |
World |
Fraud |
Council of Europe's Anti-Money Laundering Convention Is Adopted by the Committee of Ministers |
The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe-the 23 nation international organization with its seat in Strasbourg, France- adopted on September 10 a new international convention (the... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1990-09-01 |
Europe |
Money Laundering |
The New Swiss Money Laundering Legislation |
A view commonly accepted in Switzerland and in other forums is that prior to the enactment of the current money-laundering Statute, the Swiss legal environment was not able to deal efficiently with... |
Paul Gully-Hart |
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1990-09-01 |
Switzerland |
Money Laundering |
U.N. Drug Convention To Go into Force |
On November 1, 1990, the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, which was concluded in December, 1988, will take effect. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1990-09-01 |
World |
Drugs & Trafficking |
Treasury Promulgates Proposed Wire Transfer Regulations |
On October 12, 1990, the U.S. Department of the Treasury promulgated controversial proposed regulations on enhanced recordkeeping requirements relating to wire transfers (i.e. all aspects of funds... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1990-09-01 |
United States |
Banking Supervision |
EC To Establish European Drug Intelligence Unit |
The twelve member countries of the European Community recently announced an agreement to establish a central database to pool information in the fight against the transborder drug trade. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1990-09-01 |
Europe |
Drug Enforcement |
Swiss Convict Money Launderers With U.S. Evidence |
On September 13, 1990, the Bellinoza District Court, Switzerland, issued its long expected decision in the Magharian money laundering case. |
Jan Daub |
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1990-09-01 |
Switzerland |
Money Laundering |
Narcotics Cooperation Talks Between Peru and the U.S. Reach an Impasse |
On November 26, 1990, negotiations between the United States and Peru over proposed $37.5 million military aid to combat narcotics trafficking reached an impasse. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1990-09-01 |
United States |
Drug Enforcement |
European Tax Enforcement |
As early as 1973, the EC Commission submitted a report to the Council of Ministers on the tax treatment of holding companies in which it analyzed the use which was made of such entites for tax... |
Howard M. Liebman |
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1990-09-01 |
Europe |
Taxation |
Costa Rica-U.S. TIEA Is In Force, But U.S. Holds Up 936 Loans Pending Clarification of Costa Rica Constitutional Provision Prohibiting Assistance |
The Costa Rica-United States Tax Information Exchange Agreement has now entered into force with the ratification by the Costa Rican legislature of the agreement on July 31. The development is... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1990-09-01 |
Costa Rica |
Tax Enforcement |
Int'l Fiscal Association Has Inconclusive Debate on Mutual Assistance in Tax Matters |
Durin the XLIV Congress of the International Fiscal Association in Stockholm on August 28, 1990, a panel considered mutual assistance in tax matters through exchange of information. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1990-09-01 |
Honduras |
Tax Enforcement |
New Swiss Extradition Treaties with U.S. and Canada Advance |
The Swiss Federal Council took action on August 22, 1990 to improve extradition arrangements with the United States and Canada. |
Clemens J.M. Kochinke |
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1990-09-01 |
Canada |
Extradition |
Extradition Between The United States and Columbia |
The newly elected President, Cesar Gaviria Trujillo has vowed to continue former President Barco's strong stand against cocaine traffickers, includin the use of extradition until Colombia's judicial... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1990-09-01 |
Colombia |
Extradition |
Purged German Conviction Still Counts In The U.S. |
In a recent decision, an administrative law judge of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) ruled that German criminal convictions purged from the German Central Register are still... |
Raymond C. Speciale and Clemens Kochinke |
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1990-09-01 |
Germany |
Court Conviction |
Foreign Participation in Swiss Judicial Assistance Action Is Allowed |
On July 12th, 1990, the Swiss Supreme Court in Lausanne ruled that German officials may participate in judicial assistance actions a Swiss prosecutor takes. |
Jan Daub |
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1990-09-01 |
Switzerland |
Administration of Justice |