
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
International Enforcement Is Allegedly On Both Sides Of Wave Of Brazilian During the last year Rio de Janeiro, Brazil became a very dangerous city torn by many kidnappings of upper class people and with criminals demanding millions of U.S. dollars in ransom. Luiza Thereza Baptista de Mattos 6 9 1990-09-01 Brazil Kidnaping
United Nations Latin American Administration of Justice Programs in Costa Rica Progress During the last five years the United Nations Latin American Institute for Crime Prevention and the Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD) has conducted several programs and activities designed to improve... Raul R. Herrera 6 9 1990-09-01 Costa Rica Administration of Justice
Proposal for a Criminal Justice System in the European Community Scope for new sophisticated crime is increasing in Europe due to the 1992 legislative programme and the movement toward abolition of the national frontiers. Amedee Turner 6 9 1990-09-01 Europe Prisoner Rights
Caribbean Heads of Government Issue Comminique On August 2, 1990, during the Eleventh Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community in Kingston, Jamaica, a communique was issued containing several items of importance... Bruce Zagaris 6 9 1990-09-01 Caribbean Adjective Enforcement
House Subcommittee Holds Hearings On Telemarketing Fraud And International Enforcement Efforts To Combat It On July 11 and July 12, 1990, the Commerce, Consumer and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations held hearings on the nature and extent of telemarketing fraud... Lisa L. Davis 6 9 1990-09-01 World Fraud
Council of Europe's Anti-Money Laundering Convention Is Adopted by the Committee of Ministers The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe-the 23 nation international organization with its seat in Strasbourg, France- adopted on September 10 a new international convention (the... Bruce Zagaris 6 9 1990-09-01 Europe Money Laundering
The New Swiss Money Laundering Legislation A view commonly accepted in Switzerland and in other forums is that prior to the enactment of the current money-laundering Statute, the Swiss legal environment was not able to deal efficiently with... Paul Gully-Hart 6 9 1990-09-01 Switzerland Money Laundering
U.N. Drug Convention To Go into Force On November 1, 1990, the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, which was concluded in December, 1988, will take effect. Bruce Zagaris 6 9 1990-09-01 World Drugs & Trafficking
Treasury Promulgates Proposed Wire Transfer Regulations On October 12, 1990, the U.S. Department of the Treasury promulgated controversial proposed regulations on enhanced recordkeeping requirements relating to wire transfers (i.e. all aspects of funds... Bruce Zagaris 6 9 1990-09-01 United States Banking Supervision
EC To Establish European Drug Intelligence Unit The twelve member countries of the European Community recently announced an agreement to establish a central database to pool information in the fight against the transborder drug trade. Bruce Zagaris 6 9 1990-09-01 Europe Drug Enforcement
Swiss Convict Money Launderers With U.S. Evidence On September 13, 1990, the Bellinoza District Court, Switzerland, issued its long expected decision in the Magharian money laundering case. Jan Daub 6 9 1990-09-01 Switzerland Money Laundering
Narcotics Cooperation Talks Between Peru and the U.S. Reach an Impasse On November 26, 1990, negotiations between the United States and Peru over proposed $37.5 million military aid to combat narcotics trafficking reached an impasse. Bruce Zagaris 6 9 1990-09-01 United States Drug Enforcement
European Tax Enforcement As early as 1973, the EC Commission submitted a report to the Council of Ministers on the tax treatment of holding companies in which it analyzed the use which was made of such entites for tax... Howard M. Liebman 6 9 1990-09-01 Europe Taxation
Costa Rica-U.S. TIEA Is In Force, But U.S. Holds Up 936 Loans Pending Clarification of Costa Rica Constitutional Provision Prohibiting Assistance The Costa Rica-United States Tax Information Exchange Agreement has now entered into force with the ratification by the Costa Rican legislature of the agreement on July 31.  The development is... Bruce Zagaris 6 9 1990-09-01 Costa Rica Tax Enforcement
Int'l Fiscal Association Has Inconclusive Debate on Mutual Assistance in Tax Matters Durin the XLIV Congress of the International Fiscal Association in Stockholm on August 28, 1990, a panel considered mutual assistance in tax matters through exchange of information. Bruce Zagaris 6 9 1990-09-01 Honduras Tax Enforcement
New Swiss Extradition Treaties with U.S. and Canada Advance The Swiss Federal Council took action on August 22, 1990 to improve extradition arrangements with the United States and Canada. Clemens J.M. Kochinke 6 9 1990-09-01 Canada Extradition
Extradition Between The United States and Columbia The newly elected President, Cesar Gaviria Trujillo has vowed to continue former President Barco's strong stand against cocaine traffickers, includin the use of extradition until Colombia's judicial... Bruce Zagaris 6 9 1990-09-01 Colombia Extradition
Purged German Conviction Still Counts In The U.S. In a recent decision, an administrative law judge of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) ruled that German criminal convictions purged from the German Central Register are still... Raymond C. Speciale and Clemens Kochinke 6 9 1990-09-01 Germany Court Conviction
Foreign Participation in Swiss Judicial Assistance Action Is Allowed On July 12th, 1990, the Swiss Supreme Court in Lausanne ruled that German officials may participate in judicial assistance actions a Swiss prosecutor takes.  Jan Daub 6 9 1990-09-01 Switzerland Administration of Justice