
E.g., 2025-01
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Senate Considers Progress on International Money Laundering The Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations held two separate hearings focusing on “International Money Laundering: Law... Bruce Zagaris and Joan Morris 5 9 1989-10-01 United States Money Laundering
Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission Sixth Session Continues for Its Legal Development Program On August 29 through September 1, 1989, in the backdrop of the renewed drug-related violence in Colombia, the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission held its Sixth Regular Session at the new... Bruce Zagaris 5 9 1989-09-01 Latin America and South America International Organizations
European Community Directive Will Prohibit Insider Trading According to a report of the EUROPEAN REPORT, during the July 29 Budget Council a draft Directive banning insider trading throughout the European Community will be implemented. Bruce Zagaris 5 9 1989-09-01 Europe Trade Enforcement
European Integration and International Criminal Law Stronger technological, political, and economic links between Western European countries, improved communication and transportation, and the development of transnational trade through multinational... Bruce Zagaris and Ange-Francois Fantauzzi 5 9 1989-09-01 Europe International Criminal and Comparative Law
Florida Extends Its Maritime Criminal Jurisdiction A new state maritime criminal jurisdiction to take effect on October 1, 1989 allows the State of Florida to extend its jurisdiction beyond its 3-mile limit and prosecute crimes committed on board... Laura Frank 5 9 1989-09-01 United States Maritime
European Court of Human Rights on Torture- The Soering and a new German case Two recent cases, one involving Jens Soering, a German citizen, and another involving American soldiers in the state of Rheinland Pfalz, have demonstrated that the death penalty is influencing... Cornelia Beck 5 9 1989-09-01 Europe Torture
Multilateral Efforts To Protect Salmon in the Northern Pacific Environmentalists and other protection agencies have long criticized the use of drift-nets on fishing vessels, which can have a span of 40-miles both in depth and height.  Laura Frank and Bruce Zagaris 5 9 1989-09-01 United States Environment
Consent Directive Upheld A district court in California has upheld the requirement that a grand jury witness sign a consent directive granting access to Swiss bank records. Bruce Zagaris 5 9 1989-09-01 United States Banking Supervision
Book Review: U.S. International Antitrust Enforcement by Joseph A. Griffin BNA’s special report U.S. International Antitrust Enforcement is a very practical guide and useful for U.S. and foreign practitioners concerned with civil and criminal antitrust issues involving the... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 5 9 1989-09-01 United States Antitrust Cooperation
G-7 Financial Action Task Force Prepares for Recommendations On September 18, the first meeting of the G-7 Financial Action Task Force, which was created in July and has the aim of producing recommendations to stop money laundering, met and begun discussions... Bruce Zagaris 5 9 1989-09-01 World Bank Secrecy
Drug Cartel Leader Ballesteros Convicted In a case that has important ramifications for the battle against international narcotics trafficking and organized crime, a Los Angeles jury convicted Juan Ramon Matta Ballesteros, 45, a Honduran... Bruce Zagaris 5 9 1989-09-01 United States Drugs & Trafficking
Congress and President Debate Initiatives on International Components of Drug Control Strategy With the release of the National Drug Control Strategy and President Bush’s speech on September 6, 1989, the debate over international components of the U.S. drug control strategy is underway. Bruce Zagaris 5 9 1989-09-01 United States Drug Enforcement
U.S. and Dominican Republic Conclude TIEA As reported in the last issue of the IELR, the U.S. and the Dominican Republic Governments signed a tax information exchange agreement on August 7.  Before it takes effect, the TIEA must be ratified... Bruce Zagaris 5 9 1989-09-01 Dominican Republic Taxation
International Securities Enforcement Bill Passes House On September 25, 1989, the House passed a bill to expand cooperation in international securities cases.  The same bill is likely to pass the Senate and become law. Ange-Francois Fantauzzi and Joan Morris 5 9 1989-09-01 United States Securities Law
U.S. and Nigeria Sign Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty On September 13, the United States and Nigeria signed a mutual legal assistance treaty.  According to the press release, the treaty provides for mutual assistance in taking testimony, providing... Bruce Zagaris 5 9 1989-09-01 Nigeria Mutual Legal Assistance
Swiss Court Clarifies Judicial Assistance in U.S. and German Cases Recently, the Swiss Federal Court, the highest court of the Swiss Confederation, granted a request for judicial assistance by the United States for bank account documents.  Interestingly enough, the... Thomas Waffenschmidt 5 9 1989-09-01 Switzerland Adjective Enforcement