
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Canada and Australia Sign MLAT On June 19, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honorable Doug Lewis, and the Minister of Justice of Australia, Senator the Honorable Michael Tate, signed a treaty on Mutual... Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 Australia Mutual Legal Assistance
Caribbean Heads of Government Approve New Cooperative Mechanisms to Create Strike Force and Court against International Drug Trafficking The Communiqué released after the Tenth Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community at Grand Anse, Grenada from July 3-7, 1989, indicates that the Heads of Government... Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 Caribbean Drug Enforcement
G-7 Countries Agree to Take Action on Drugs, Laundering & Terrorism On July 16, 1989, at the conclusion of the summit conference of the group of seven countries, the final communiqué agreed to enhanced international criminal cooperation on four key topics: drugs;... Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 World Adjective Enforcement
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Reports out MLATs On July 25, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee reported out the pending Mutual Legal Assistance Agreements.   Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 United States Mutual Legal Assistance
U.N. Crime Prevention Committee Proposes Model Extradition and Mutual Assistance Conventions The United Nations Committee on Crime Prevention and Control has proposed draft bilateral model treaties on extradition and mutual legal assistance.   Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 World Mutual Legal Assistance
Khashoggi Agrees to Return to the US Amid Ending Swiss Extradition Procedures On July 19, Adnan Khashoggi ended his appeal proceedings and agreed to return to the United States, in response to a U.S. extradition request after spending three months in Prison in Bern,... Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 Switzerland Extradition
INTERPOL Begins Implementation of International Cooperation Initiatives INTERPOL is continuing to act on several fronts in the area of stimulating international cooperation against business crime, especially in the areas of money laundering, access to banking records,... Ange-Francois Fantauzzi and Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 World INTERPOL
EC Finance Ministers Discuss New Anti-Fraud Proposals Recently at their June 19, 1989, meeting in Luxembourg, the European Community Finance ministers welcomed new anti-fraud measures prepared by the European Commission. Joan Morris 5 7 1989-07-01 Europe Fraud
International Custom and Treaties in Eighth Amendment Analysis after Stanford: A Death Knell for Thompson Last year in Thompson v. Oklahoma, the Supreme Court struck down an Oklahoma statute under which the state sought the death penalty for juvenile offenders. Scott N. Carlson 5 7 1989-07-01 United States Human Rights
European Court Rules Extradition of German National Facing Death Penalty to the U.S. Would Violate Human Rights Convention In an important decision that is likely to influence similar pending cases, the European Court of Human Rights has held that extradition to the U.S. to stand trial in the state court of the... Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 United States Extradition
Swiss Reaction to Money Laundering Offenses Demonstrates Maturity In a background of a money laundering bill and major administration and industry efforts to prevent misconduct in, and abuse of, the financial services industry, Swiss banks are now embarrassed by a... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 5 7 1989-07-01 Switzerland Money Laundering
Canadian Supreme Court Overturns Appellate Court and Decides That Extradition of Citizens Does Not Violate Charter of Rights & Freedoms In an important decision that is likely to influence similar pending cases, the European Court of Human Rights has held that extradition to the U.S. to stand trial in the state court of the... Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 Canada Extradition
Italian Banks' Anti-Moneylaundering Effort On July 1, 1989, the Italian banking association's anti-money laundering code became operational.  Customers of the member banks are required to identify themselves for every cash or capital... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 5 7 1989-07-01 Italy Money Laundering
White Collar Crime Poses International Challenge On July 13, 1989, August Bequai, McLean, Va, attorney, lecturer, instructor and author spoke about international perspectives of automation on white collar crime at a luncheon hosted by the German... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 5 7 1989-07-01 World White Collar Crime
Spain and the U.K. Sign Narcotics Cooperation Agreement On June 26, 1989, the United Kingdom and Spanish Governments signed an agreement to cooperate against illicit narcotics trafficking. Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 Spain Drug Enforcement
Book Review:An Overview of United States Export Controls by KluwerLaw and Taxation Publishers For a very reasonable price, the authors with the assistance of other noted experts from the U.S. private and public sectors offer a welcome and useful hands-on guide to export and boycott controls.  Clemens J.M. Kochinke 5 7 1989-07-01 United States Export Enforcement
Jamaican P.M. Calls for International Drug Strike Force On June 10, 1989, at a speech to the 12th Annual Transafrica Forum Dinner in Washington, D.C. Prime Minister Michael Manley called for an international strike force and other types of international... Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 Jamaica Drug Enforcement
Turkey and Iran Agree on Narcotics Cooperation On February 2, 1989, Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran concluded a Protocol on Cooperation Against Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.  The agreement... Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 Iran Drug Enforcement
Tax Court Excludes for First Time Foreign-Based Documents from Trial Under IRC, 982 of the Code On June 13, the United States Tax Court ordered that foreign-based documents could not be presented at trial pursuant to Section 982 of the Internal Revenue Code because the taxpayer had failed to... Bruce Zagaris 5 7 1989-07-01 United States Tax Enforcement