
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volumesort ascending Issue Date Published Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Omnibus Drug Bill Passes and Has International Implications The "Omnibus Drug Initiative Act of 1988" (HR 5120) (hereinafter "The Act") passed the House by a vote of 375-30 on September 22, 1988.  The Act is an attempt by Congress to curb what many feel is... Steve Smith 4 9 1988-09-01 United States Drugs & Trafficking
Bahamas Representative Pursues Inquiry over Alleged Perjury On September 19, 1988, Ira DeMent, an attorney in Montgomery, Alabama, wrote to Attorney General Thornburgh, requesting that he investigate the claim, by the Government of the Bahamas, that two... Bruce Zagaris 4 9 1988-09-01 Bahamas Drugs & Trafficking
IRS International Tax Compliance Handbook Is Published A 3-volume loose-leaf work of the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS), containing a two-unit course on International Tax Issues, has been published for sale to interested professionals.  The... Bruce Zagaris 4 9 1988-09-01 World Taxation
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Votes on North, MLATs On September 27, 1988, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted, with only two dissenting votes, to favorably recommend ratification of the Bahamas and Mexico MLATs without any reservations. The... Clemens J.M. Kochinke and Steve Smith 4 9 1988-09-01 United States Counter-terrorism
ABA Committee Considers Criminal Law Issues in Doing Business Abroad On August 8, 1988, at the Annual Convention of the American Bar Association, the International Criminal Law Committee, Section of International Law & Practice, in cosponsorship with the Criminal... Bruce Zagaris 4 9 1988-09-01 United States Adjective Enforcement
Greek Court Defers Palestinian Extradition Hearing for U.S. Request On September 5, 1988, Court of Appeals Judge Stavros Gardiokiotos, presiding over a three-member appeals council, postponed for the second time a hearing on the United States Government's request to... Bruce Zagaris 4 9 1988-09-01 Greece Extradition