State Department's Narcotics Certification Report Continues to Stir Controversy |
The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics Matters has circulated a draft report certifying the cooperation of foreign governments in combatting narcotics trafficking and money... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
United States |
Drug Enforcement |
IFA Program Updates Estate Tax Exchange of Information |
On February 4, 1988, at the U.S. branch of the International Fiscal Association, William P. Streng, University of Houston Law Center, in a presentation on "estate planning development" outline... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
United States |
Information Exchange |
U.S. and Mexico Sign Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty |
On December 9, 1987, the United States and Mexican Governments signed a mutual legal assistance treaty (MLAT) which had been under negotiation for years. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
Mexico |
Mutual Legal Assistance |
U.S. and Canada Reach Cooperation Agreement on Drugs |
On February 2, 1988, the United States Department of Justice announced that the United States and Canada have concluded an agreement providing for the exchange of drug investigators. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
Canada |
Drug Enforcement |
Thai Government Presses U.S. Government For Help in Return of Missing Art |
An incident which has simmered for years between Thailand and the United States Government is now becoming a cause celebre according to a recent newspaper account from which the alleged facts of this... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
Thailand |
Adjective Enforcement |
U.S. and Spain Sign Supplemental Extradition Treaty |
On February 9, 1988, the U.S. and Spanish Government signed a supplemental extradition treaty. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
Spain |
Extradition |
U.S. Likely to Adhere to Berne Convention |
Representative Robert W. Kastenmeier (D-Wis), Chairman of the House Copyright Subcommittee, recently led a delegation to Geneva, Switzerland to confer with representatives of the World Intellectual... |
Jay A. Rosenthal, Esq. |
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1988-02-01 |
United States |
Intellectual Property |
Justice Outlines Parole & Repatriation Procedure for Marielitos |
On February 4, 1988, Arnold I. Burns, Deputy Attorney General, United States Department of Justice, testifying before the Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice,... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
United States |
Human Rights |
Inter-American Institute Releases Compilation of Basic Instruments |
The Inter-American Institute of Human Rights has released a compilation of texts of basic Inter-American instruments on human rights law. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
United States |
Human Rights |
Report on the Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan |
The Independent Counsel on International Human Rights (hereinafter the "Independent Counsel"), an independent ad hoc multinational panel of experts on international law, recently issued a report on... |
Jay A. Rosenthal, Esq. |
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1988-02-01 |
Afghanistan |
Human Rights |
Austria Sharpens its Export Control Legislation |
Austria has in the past been regarded as an important jurisdiction for diversions of export controlled goods of U.S. and other CoCom origin. |
Clemens J.M. Kochinke |
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1988-02-01 |
Austria |
Export Enforcement |
U.S. District Court Upholds Extraterritorial Jurisdiction over Fawaz Younis under the Hostage Taking Act |
In the recent opinion of United States v. Younis, Judge Barrington Parker, U.S. District Court Judge for the District of Columbia, ruled that Fawaz Younis could not be prosecuted for blowing up a... |
Deborah M. Levy |
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1988-02-01 |
United States |
Jurisdiction |
American Bar Association's White Collar Crime Committee Seeks Information on Impact of Prohibited Transactions Statute on Lawyers |
As part of the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986, Congress enacted 18 U.S.C. 1957, the Prohibited Transactions Statute. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
United States |
Bank Secrecy |
Summary and Update of Swiss Judicial Assistance in the Marcos Case |
As reported earlier in the International Enforcement Reporter, the Philippine Republic requested judicial assistance from Switzerland in the case of deposed Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos. |
Rudolph Siebel |
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1988-02-01 |
Switzerland |
Adjective Assistance, Research, Teaching |
Narcotics Committee Holds Meetings with Southeast Asian Governments |
During January 14-25, 1988, the Select Committee on Narcotics Absue and Control conducted an 11 day mission studying opium, heroin and marijuana production and trafficking in Southeast Asia. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
Asia |
Drug Enforcement |
GAO Concludes that DOD Has Complied with Anti-Drug Abuse Act |
In a report to Congress the U.S. General Accounting Office has found that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) has complied with Section 3057 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1988-02-01 |
United States |
Drug Enforcement |
Customs Service Proposes Shooting Down Aircraft to Prevent Drug Smuggling |
United States Customs Commissioner William von Raab has proposed granting authority to the Customs Service and Coast Guard to use force in compelling aircraft suspected of drug smuggling to land at... |
Dan Cohen |
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1988-02-01 |
United States |
Drug Enforcement |