
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Disappearance of Xiao in Hong Kong Raises Issue of Kidnapping by Chinese Government In the early morning hours of January 27, 2017, Xiao Jianhua, a 45 year old China-born billionaire who is a Canadian citizen and an Antiguan & Barbudan ambassador, was taken in a wheelchair from... Bruce Zagaris 33 2 2017-02-24 China, Hong Kong Corruption, Extradition, Kidnaping
New Zealand High Court Upholds Extraditability of Dotcom and Colleagues to the U.S. On February 20, 2017, the New Zealand High Court issued a judgment affirming the extraditability of Kim Dotcom, Mathias Ortmann, Bram van der Kolk and Finn Bata to the U.S. on 13 counts, including... Bruce Zagaris 33 2 2017-02-24 New Zealand, United States Copyright, Cybercrime, Extradition, Fraud
Joint Law Enforcement Operation Pandora Recovers 3,500 Stolen Artifacts, Leads to 75 Arrests On January 23, 2017, Europol announced it had recovered over 3,500 archeological artifacts and artworks, and arrested 75 individuals in connection with the stolen artifacts and artworks. The... Jacob Rasch 33 2 2017-02-24 Cyprus, Greece, Spain Art and Cultural Property, Europol, Evidence Sharing, Information Exchange, International Cooperation, International Organizations
U.S. Treasury Designates Venezuela’s Vice President under Narco Kingpin Act On February 13, 2017, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated Tareck Zaidan El Aissami Maddah (El Aissami), a Venezuelan national and the Executive... Bruce Zagaris 33 2 2017-02-24 United States, Venezuela Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, Office of Foreign Assets Control
Austrian Appellate Court Finds Ukrainian Oligarch Extraditable On February 21, 2017, an Austrian appellate court approved a U.S. request to extradite Dmitry Firtash on corruption charges, but minutes later Austrian police arrested Firtash on a separate Spanish... Bruce Zagaris 33 2 2017-02-24 Austria, Spain, Ukraine, United States Extradition, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
European Parliament Adopts New Directive on Combatting Terrorism On February 16, 2017, the European parliament adopted a new directive on combating terrorism. The text, informally agreed by Parliament and Council in November 2016, was approved by 498 votes to 114... Michael Plachta 33 2 2017-02-24 Europe European Union, Terrorism
UN Secretary-General Released His Report on Investigation and Prosecution of Serious Crimes in Syria On January 19, 2017, the Secretary-General of the United Nations submitted to the General Assembly his report on the implementation of the resolution establishing the mechanism aimed at assisting in... Michael Plachta 33 2 2017-02-24 Syria Investigation, Prosecution, United Nations, War Crimes
David A. Sadoff, Bringing International Fugitives to Justice: Extradition and Its Alternatives. New York, N.Y., Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016, 668 pp. The book addresses how States -- working alone, in cooperation, or with third-party intervention – try to obtain the custody of fugitives in order to bring them to justice, while evaluating the... Bruce Zagaris 33 2 2017-02-17 Extradition
Countries Start Criminal Investigations Due to Odebrecht Corruption Settlements In the aftermath of the Odebrecht corruption settlements on December 21, 2016 with Brazil, Switzerland and the U.S., several countries have started their own criminal investigations and taken action... Bruce Zagaris 33 2 2017-02-17 Argentina, Ecuador, Panama, Peru
European Parliament Adopts Resolution on the Role of Whistleblowers in the Protection of EU’s Financial Interests On February 14, 2017, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on the role of whistleblowers in the protection of EU’s financial interests. The MEPs began by stating that the protection of... Michael Plachta 33 2 2017-02-17 European Union Financial Crimes, Whistle-blowing
Council of the European Union Declares Deadlock on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office On February 7, 2017, the Council of the European Union announced that it registered the absence of unanimity in support of the proposal for a regulation creating a European Public Prosecutor's office... Michael Plachta 33 2 2017-02-10 European Union Council of the European Union, Law Enforcement
UK Supreme Court Delivers Judgment for Cases involving the UK in Peacekeeping Operations On January 17, 2017, the UK Supreme Court delivered a set of connecting judgments in Al-Waheed and Serdar Mohammed. This lengthy judgment (151 pages) is one of three being given simultaneously on the... Michael Plachta 33 2 2017-02-10 United Kingdom Rendition, Torture
DOJ Announces Final Resolutions Under Its Groundbreaking Swiss Bank Program As Program Enters “Legacy” Phase    On December 29, 2016, the Justice Department’s Tax Division announced that it had reached final resolutions with the remaining “Category 3 and 4” Swiss banks that had enrolled in the Swiss Bank... Matthew D. Lee 33 2 2017-02-10 Switzerland, United States Bank Secrecy, Tax Enforcement, Tax Havens
Greek Supreme Court Denies Extradition Request by Turkey for Eight Soldiers Implicated in the Failed Coup On January 26, 2017, the Greek Supreme Court has turned down a Turkish demand to extradite eight military officers who fled in the aftermath of the 2016 coup attempt. The men – three majors, three... Michael Plachta 33 2 2017-02-03 Greece, Turkey Asylum, Conspiracy, Extradition, Human Rights
EU Court of Justice Clarifies the Notion of “Terrorist Activities” in the Context of Refugee Status On January 31, 2017, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) – Grand Chamber – delivered its judgment in Case C-573/14 (Commissaire général aux réfugiés et aux apatrides v Mostafa Lounani). Michael Plachta 33 2 2017-02-03 Belgium International Courts, Terrorism
Court Authorizes John Doe Summons on U.S. Owner of Panamanian Firm On January 25, 2017, a U.S. District Court in Montana unsealed an order authorizing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to serve a John Doe summons on Michael Behr of Bozeman, Montana, seeking... Bruce Zagaris 33 2 2017-02-03 Panama, United States Law Enforcement, Tax Crimes, Tax Enforcement
28th Summit of the African Union Backs Collective Withdrawal from the International Criminal Court At the 28th Summit of the African Union (AU) held January 30-31, 2017, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the AU Assembly of Heads of States and Governments discussed, among other issues on its agenda, Africa... Michael Plachta 33 2 2017-02-03 Africa International Criminal Court, International Organizations
President Trump Targets 7 Countries for Entry Ban Due to Foreign Terrorist Threat On January 27, 2017, President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order entitled, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” which imposes a temporary ban on... Bruce Zagaris 33 2 2017-02-03 Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, United States, Yemen Detention, Immigration, National Security, U.S. Federal Government
U.S. and Cuba Sign Bilateral Law Enforcement MOU On January 16, 2017, the United States and Cuba signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Law Enforcement Cooperation.  On January 16, Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes... Bruce Zagaris 33 2 2017-01-27 Cuba, United States Information Exchange, International Cooperation, Law Enforcement