
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Criticizes Iraq Mass Executions and Other Abuses On December 15, 2017, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHRC) and human rights non-government organizations criticized international human rights abuses in Iraq. The UNHRC said... Bruce Zagaris and Zarine Kharazian 33 12 2017-12-29 Crimes against Humanity
Council of Europe Experiences Difficulties in Amending its Convention on the Processing of Personal Data At its sitting held on November 24, 2017, the Standing Committee, acting on behalf of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), adopted its Opinion 296 (2017) on the Draft Protocol... Michael Plachta 33 12 2017-12-29 European Union, Europe Data Privacy
Congressional Hearings on Legislative Proposals to Counter Terrorism and Illicit Finance This article covers two recent congressional hearings on various legislative proposals to counter terrorism and illicit finance: ·         November 29, 2017:... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-29 United States Counter-terrorism
U.S. Indicts 3 Chinese Hackers for Hacking 3 Corporations for Commercial Advantage  On November 27, 2017, an indictment was unsealed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania (Pittsburg) against Wu Yingzhuo, Dong Hao and Xia Lei, all of whom are... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-22 China, United States Cybercrime
INTERPOL Holds Operational Meeting on Fugitive Investigative Support On December 5-8, 2017, hosted by INTERPOL’s Fugitive Investigative Support Sub Directorate (FIS) and the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the 7th Global Operational Symposium on Fugitives brought together... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-22 Jamaica International Cooperation
A Look at the Amicus Briefs in United States v. Microsoft Corp On December 13, 2017, amici curiae filed briefs in the United States v. Microsoft Corp case set to go before the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2017-2018 term. The case concerns the U.... Zarine Kharazian 33 12 2017-12-22 Ireland, United States Data Privacy, European Union
ICC Assembly of States Parties Activates the Court’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression The Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) (“the Assembly” or “ASP”) held its sixteenth session at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from... Michael Plachta 33 12 2017-12-22 Crimes, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, International Cooperation, International Criminal Court
EU Reaches Agreement on Amendments to the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive  On December 15, 2017, talks between the EU Council of Ministers, the European Parliament, and the European Commission reached a provisional agreement, amending and tightening the measures to... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-22 European Union
Peruvian President Wins Impeachment Action against Him for Odebrecht Corruption On December 8, 2017, the Peruvian Congress initiated impeachment action against the country’s president, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, through a motion passed by a vote of 93-17.  The opposition... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-22 Peru Bribery, Corruption
EU Issues List of Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions for Tax Purposes On December 5, 2017, the European Council issued its conclusions on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes.  The conclusions also set forth the criteria and proposed... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-15 European Union Tax Enforcement, Tax Havens, Taxation
U.S., Colombian, and Mexican Attorneys General Declare Cooperation against TOC On December 6 and 7, 2017, the Attorneys General of the United States, Colombia and Mexico met in Cartagena, Colombia for the “Trilateral Summit against Transnational Organized Crime.”  The... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-15 Colombia, Mexico, United States International Cooperation, International Crimes, Organized Crime
Honduras Arrests U.S. Lawyer Sought in Social Security Fraud On December 2, 2017, agents of the Honduran Technical Criminal Investigation Agency (ATIC) arrested Kentucky attorney Eric Christopher Conn, 57, who has pleaded guilty to charges over his role in a... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-15 Honduras, United States Fraud
ICC Prosecutor Issues Final Decision Not to Investigate the Comoros Referral (Mavi Marmara Incidents) On November 30, 2017, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced that she had decided to close the Preliminary Examination into the Comoros situation, more commonly known as... Michael Plachta 33 12 2017-12-08 International Criminal Court
European Committee on Crime Problems Acts on TOC, Terrorism, and Other Law Enforcement Issues The Council of Europe’s (CoE) European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC) held its 73rd plenary session from November 28 to December 1, 2017, in Strasbourg, Germany. At the opening address,Mr. Jan... Michael Plachta 33 12 2017-12-08 Europe Organized Crime
Jury Convicts Owners of Miami Export Business of Operating Unlicensed Money Transmitting Business and Money Laundering  On November 15, 2017, after a two-week trial, a jury in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York found Luis Diaz Jr. and Luis Javier Diaz, owners of Miami Equipment and... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-01 United States, Venezuela Money Laundering
UN General Assembly Committee Debates State Officials’ Immunity from Criminal Prosecution Late October 2017, the Sixth Committee (“Legal”) of the United Nations General Assembly concluded its debate on several items on its agenda during the seventy-second session, including the immunity... Michael Plachta 33 12 2017-12-01 Sudan Human Rights, War Crimes
ICTY Finishes Last Trial with Conviction of Mladić for Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity On November 22, 2017, in the final trial of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Ratko Mladić, former Commander of the Main Staff of the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) was... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-01 Bosnia, Serbia Crimes against Humanity, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, War Crimes
Divorcing Fact from Fiction With Regards to the Elephant Ivory Trade On November 17, 2017, the Trump administration announced that its initial reversal of a ban on the importation of elephant ivory from Zimbabwe had been put on hold. The decision comes after criticism... Zarine Kharazian 33 12 2017-12-01
Head of Chinese NGO and Former Senegal Foreign Minister Indicted for Bribes Connected with Oil Deals On November 21, 2017, a criminal complaint was unsealed, charging the head of a non-governmental organization based in Hong Kong and Virginia and the former Foreign Minister of Senegal with... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-01 China Bribery
Indictment against Iranian Unsealed for Cyberattack and Extortion Scheme Targeting HBO On November 21, 2017, an indictment was unsealed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against an Iranian national, Behzad Mesri, 29, also known as “Skote Vahshat,” for his... Bruce Zagaris 33 12 2017-12-01 Iran Cybercrime