
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
FIFA’s Counsel Reports Former Leaders Awarded Retroactive Bonuses as Auditor Resigns and Former Independent Counsel Calls for Intervention by Governments and International Organizations  On June 3, 2016, as FIFA continued to consider reforms, a report from Quinn Emanuel, hired by FIFA in the wake of the arrests of FIFA executives last year after the indictment by a U.S. grand jury,... Bruce Zagaris 32 6 2016-06-22 Switzerland, Trinidad & Tobago Adjective Enforcement, Administration of Justice, Bribery, Charged with Crimes, Comparative and International Law, Compliance, Corruption, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Detention, Disclosure, Disgorgement of Profits, Due Diligence, Embezzlement, Extradition, Financial Supervision, International Crimes, International Criminal and Comparative Law, Investigation, Prosecution
EU Initiative to Disrupt Libyan Human Smugglers and Traffickers Extended and Enlarged On June 20, 2016, the Council of the European Union (Foreign Affairs - FA) extended until July 27, 2017 the mandate of the EUNAFOR MED Operation Sophia, the EU naval operation to disrupt the business... Michael Plachta 32 6 2016-06-22 European Union, Libya Adjective Enforcement, Arms Trafficking, Asset Seizure, Border Security, Comparative and International Law, Compliance, Council of the European Union, Counter-terrorism, Data Sharing, Detention, Drugs & Trafficking, European Union, Fair Use, Immigration, International Cooperation, Law Enforcement, Maritime, NATO, National Security, Organized Crime, Policy/Directives, Smuggle, Training
Outcome of the EU – U.S. Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting On June 1-2, 2016, the EU-U.S. Ministerial Meeting on Justice and Home Affairs was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This meeting is held twice a year with the aim to oversee the Trans-Atlantic... Michael Plachta 32 6 2016-06-21 European Union, United States Administration of Justice, Border Security, Comparative and International Law, Conferences, Counter-terrorism, Cybercrime, Data Privacy, Data Sharing, European Union, Europol, Evidence Sharing, Information Exchange, International Convention, International Cooperation, Jurisdiction, Law Enforcement, Mutual Legal Assistance, National Security, Policy/Directives, Terrorism
Money Laundering Watchdog Fines Canadian Bank $1.15 Million On April 5, 2016, Canada’s federal financial intelligence agency levied a $1.15 million administrative monetary penalty against an unidentified Canadian bank for failing to both report suspicious... Peter Bowal and Colin McKay 32 6 2016-06-17 Canada Adjective Enforcement, Administration of Justice, Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision, Compliance, Counter-terrorism, Court Conviction, Disclosure, FATF, Financial Crimes, Financial Enforcement, Financial Supervision, Money Laundering
Due Process vs. Sovereign Immunity: The Impact of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in World Bank v. Wallace on Global Anti-Corruption Efforts On April 29, 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) rendered a decision in World Bank Group v. Wallace that may have a significant impact on the way international organizations like the World Bank... Scott Buzzard 32 6 2016-06-17 Bangladesh, Canada Civil Rights, Comparative and International Law, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Disclosure, Due Diligence, Evidence Gathering, Evidence Sharing, Fair Use, International Cooperation, International Courts, International Criminal and Comparative Law, International Organizations, Jurisdiction, Lawsuits, Legal Ethics, Sovereignty, Trial, World Bank
Council of the European Union Adopts Positions on Various Justice and Law Enforcement Issues At its 3473rd meeting on June 9 and 10, 2016, the European Union’s Justice and Home Affairs Council discussed and adopted positions on a number of criminal justice, home and law enforcement issues. Michael Plachta 32 6 2016-06-17 European Union Cybercrime, Data Privacy, European Union, Fraud, Organized Crime, Policy/Directives, Regulation, Victims Compensation
European Union Takes Stock on Information Sharing Mechanisms in the Context of Counter-Terrorism On May 31, 2016, the European Union Counter-Terrorism Coordinator (CTC) released his report on the use of information sharing mechanisms within the EU in the context of counter-terrorism (CT). Michael Plachta 32 6 2016-06-17 European Union Counter-terrorism, European Union
Nigerian Recovery of Billions in Stolen Funds Lauded While Critics Demand Expedited Reforms On June 4, 2016, the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Information and Culture announced the government recovered looted assets and funds totaling $9.1 billion in President Mahammadu Buhari’s first year... Robert Williams 32 6 2016-06-17 Nigeria, United Kingdom Adjective Enforcement, Asset Forfeiture, Asset Seizure, Bribery, Civil Rights Organizations, Compliance, Conferences, Corruption, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Disclosure, Fraud, Freezing of Assets, Information Exchange, International Cooperation, International Crimes, Policy/Directives, Political Leaders, Transparency
U.S. Treasury Issues Sec. 311 Findings to Further Restrict North Korea’s Access to U.S. Financing System On June 1, 2016, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced a Notice of Finding that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) is a jurisdiction of “primary money laundering concern... Bruce Zagaris 32 6 2016-06-10 North Korea Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision, Comparative and International Law, Compliance, Due Diligence, Economic Sanctions, Financial Enforcement, Financial Supervision, Freezing of Assets, International Banking Supervision, Money Laundering, Offshore Banking, Policy/Directives, Regulation, Sanctions, U.S. Federal Government
European Parliament Sets Up an Inquiry Committee into “Panama Papers” On June 8, 2016, the European Parliament adopted its decision to set up an inquiry committee into the “Panama Papers” revelations of detailed information on offshore companies and their ultimate... Michael Plachta 32 6 2016-06-10 European Union, Panama Administration of Justice, Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision, Comparative and International Law, Compliance, Confidentiality, Conspiracy, Data Privacy, Disclosure, European Union, False Papers, Financial Enforcement, Financial Supervision, Information Exchange, International Banking Supervision, International Cooperation, International Crimes, Investigation, Offshore Banking, Offshore trusts, Policy/Directives, Regulation, Tax Crimes, Tax Enforcement, Tax Havens, Transparency
European Parliament’s Follow-up to the CIA Detention Sites and Torture in Europe Despite an official closure by the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) of an inquiry into the CIA-run program of extraordinary rendition and the use of torture in... Michael Plachta 32 6 2016-06-10 Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania Adjective Enforcement, Administration of Justice, Central Intelligence Agency, Comparative and International Law, Confidentiality, Counter-terrorism, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Cross-Border Communication, Detention, Disclosure, European Court of Human Rights, European Union, Evidence Gathering, Evidence Sharing, Human Rights, Illegal Importation, International Cooperation, Investigation, Law Enforcement, Law of War, Mutual Legal Assistance, National Security, Policy/Directives, Political Strife, Torture
U.S. Issues Final Rule on Commercial Trade of African Elephant Ivory On June 2, 2016, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced the issuance of final rules, imposing a near-total ban on commercial trade of African ivory.  They revise the African... Bruce Zagaris 32 6 2016-06-10 Africa, United States Adjective Enforcement, Art and Cultural Property, Asset Forfeiture, Asset Seizure, Cultural Property, Disclosure, Endangered Species, International Cooperation, International Crimes, Money Laundering, Policy/Directives, Regulation, Trade Enforcement
Israeli Judge Rules that Alleged Pedophile Malka Leifer Is Not Mentally Fit to Face Extradition Hearing On June 2, 2016, with reliance on a psychiatric report, a Jerusalem district court judge ruled that Malka Leifer, former principal of a Jewish girls school in Melbourne, Australia, charged with 74... David A. Sadoff 32 6 2016-06-10 Australia, Israel Abuse of Children, Administration of Justice, Arrest, Asylum, Charged with Crimes, Comparative and International Law, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Detention, Extradition, Fair Trial, Indictment, International Crimes, International Law, Investigation, Lawsuits, Mutual Legal Assistance
Extraordinary African Chambers Sentences Former Chad Leader to Life Imprisonment for Atrocities On May 30, 2016, the Extraordinary African Chambers sitting in Dakar, Senegal, found Hissène Habré, 73 years of age and the former president of Chad, guilty of crimes against humanity, torture and... Bruce Zagaris 32 6 2016-06-03 Chad, Senegal Adjective Enforcement, Administration of Justice, Arrest, Charged with Crimes, Comparative and International Law, Court Conviction, Crimes against Humanity, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Cross-Border Communication, Evidence Gathering, Fair Trial, Genocide, International Courts, Investigation, Jurisdiction, Kidnaping, Law Enforcement, Political Leaders, Political Strife, Rape, Sentencing, Sex Crimes, Targeted Killings
June 2016 Bibliography Scott Buzzard 32 6 2016-06-03
G-7 Agrees on Continuation of Actions on Tax and Entity, Anti-Money Laundering, and Anti-Corruption On May 27, 2016, the G-7 heads of state meeting at Ise-Shima, Japan, issued a communiqué, agreeing on additional actions in a number of international enforcement fields, including anti-money... Bruce Zagaris 32 6 2016-06-03 Japan, Libya, North Korea, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision, Border Security, Comparative and International Law, Compliance, Corruption, Counter-terrorism, Cross-Border Communication, Cybercrime, Data Privacy, Data Sharing, Disclosure, Economic Sanctions, Financial Crimes, Financial Enforcement, Information Exchange, International Convention, International Cooperation, Law Enforcement, National Security, Offshore Banking, Offshore trusts, Policy/Directives, Political Leaders, Tax Enforcement, Tax Havens, Transparency
Compliance Programs for Brazilian Public Entities: An Additional Positive Imitative to Combat and Prevent Corruption and Bribery in Brazil The Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General (Controladoria Geral da União – CGU) enacted Directive No. 784/2016, on April 28, 2016, creating the Program to Promote Integrity in Public Service (... Camila Steinhoff, Fernanda Rovella Bidlovsky and Michel Sancovski 32 6 2016-06-03 Brazil Bribery, Compliance, Corruption, Policy/Directives, Transparency