
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Impact of FATF Recommendation 8 on Non-profit Organizations In August 2015, Statewatch in collaboration with Human Security Collective released a report on the impact of the Financial Action Task Force recommendations on non-profit organizations in Central... Michael Plachta 31 8 2016-09-03 Asia, Europe Counter-terrorism, FATF, International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Organizations, World Bank
Justice Department Announces Resolutions with More Swiss Banks                 Since July 23, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced more resolutions with Swiss banks.    Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2016-09-03 Switzerland, United States Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision, Settlement
Privy Council Allows Backward Tracing in Brazil Grand Corruption                 On August 3, 2015, the Privy Council confirmed a judgment from Jersey’s Royal Court, authorizing “backwards tracing” as a method of recovering illegal payments after the money has... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2016-09-03 Brazil Bribery, Corruption, Financial Crimes, Financial Enforcement
International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala Identifies Guatemalan Political Leaders as Responsible for Customs Corruption On August 25, 2015, the Guatemalan Supreme Court decided unanimously to approve a motion by the attorney general to impeach Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina.  The impeachment follows criminal... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-09-04 Guatemala Administration of Justice, Arrest, Bribery, Charged with Crimes, Corruption, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Customs, Embezzlement, Freezing of Assets, Intelligence, International Convention, International Cooperation, International Organizations, Investigation, Organized Crime, Political Leaders, Political Strife, Prosecution, Protests, United Nations
Europol Has Released Its EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) In July 2015, Europol released its annual “European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT)”. Bob Wainwright, Director of Europol, stated that this report presents the situation with... Michael Plachta 31 8 2015-08-21 Africa, Austria, European Union, Europe, France Border Security, Counter-terrorism, Customs Enforcement, Europol, Evidence Gathering, Evidence Sharing, Intelligence, International Convention, International Cooperation, International Crimes, Investigation, Policy/Directives, Smuggle, Terrorism
China-U.S. Dispute Increases over Covert Chinese Law Enforcement Operatives in the U.S. On August 16 and 17, 2015, the dispute between the U.S. and China  accelerated over the Chinese government’s sending covert Chinese law enforcement operatives into the U.S. to pressure Chinese... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-08-21 China, United States Adjective Enforcement, Administration of Justice, Asylum, Border Security, Comparative and International Law, Compliance, Consular rights, Cross-Border Communication, Deportation, Detention, Disclosure, Espionage, Expulsion, Fugitive, International Crimes, Investigation, Jurisdiction, Law Enforcement, Political Strife, Sovereignty, U.S. Federal Government, Undercover Operations
U.S. District Court Gives Partial Victory to Taxpayer in FBAR Enforcement Case and IRS Issues Interim Guidance to Improve Administration of FBAR Penalties On July 24, 2015, U.S. District Court Judge Richard A. Jones, U.S. District Court in Seattle, Washington, upheld the IRS’s assessment of FBAR penalties against James Moore of $10,000 for each... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-08-21 United States Adjective Enforcement, Administration of Justice, Charged with Crimes, Compliance, Court Conviction, Disclosure, Evidence Sharing, Fair Use, Federal Code, Penalties, Regulation, Settlement, Tax Crimes, Tax Enforcement, Taxation, Transparency
U.S. Brings Civil Asset Forfeiture Case against Kickbacks of Uzbek Ruling Family On June 25, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, seeking to forfeit assets which are the proceeds of bribes and kickbacks... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-08-21 United States, Uzbekistan Adjective Enforcement, Administration of Justice, Asset Forfeiture, Bribery, Corruption, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Disclosure, Evidence Gathering, Evidence Sharing, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Fraud, Freezing of Assets, International Cooperation, International Crimes, Investigation, Political Leaders, Property Restitution
U.S. Indictment Charges 9 Persons with Computer Hacking and Securities Fraud On August 11, 2015, U.S. law enforcement officials announced the unsealing of indictments in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York and Newark, New Jersey, charging nine persons... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-08-21 Georgia, Ukraine, United States Arrest, Charged with Crimes, Computer Crimes, Conspiracy, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Cybercrime, Data Privacy, Data Sharing, Economic Crimes, Financial Enforcement, Financial Supervision, Fraud, Freezing of Assets, Indictment, International Crimes, Internet Crime, Investigation, Law Enforcement, Money Laundering, Securities Exchange Commission, Securities Law, Securities Trade Enforcement, Sentencing, U.S. Federal Government, White Collar Crime
New York State Department of Financial Services Suspends Promontory For Its Work on Standard Chartered and Promontory Disputes the Order In August 3, 2015, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) issued a report criticizing the work of Promontory Financial Group LLC as a monitor of Standard Chartered Bank and... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-08-13 United States Adjective Enforcement, Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision, Compliance, Confidentiality, Conspiracy, Data Sharing, Disclosure, Due Diligence, Evidence Gathering, Evidence Sharing, Financial Enforcement, Financial Supervision, Forgery, Investigation, Sanctions, Securities Law, Settlement, Transparency, Undercover Operations
Prime Minister Cameron Announces Initiatives to Improve Transparency on Property Owned by Foreign Companies On July 28, 2015, speaking in Singapore British Prime Minister David Cameron announced an initiative to prevent corrupt offshore companies from using the UK property market to launder “dirty money”. ... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-08-07 United Kingdom Corruption, Data Sharing, Disclosure, International Cooperation, Policy/Directives, Political Leaders, Privacy, Regulation, Transparency
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Issue Proposed Rule to Further Restrict Sale of Ivory On July 29, 2015, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS or Service) issued a proposal to revise the African elephant rule under Section 4(d) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) [50 C.F.R. § 17.40(e... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-08-07 Botswana, Kenya, United States Art and Cultural Property, Compliance, Counterfeiting, Cultural Property, Customs, Customs Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, Endangered Species, Environment, Illegal Importation, International Cooperation, International Crimes, Oversight, Policy/Directives, Political Leaders, Property Restitution, Regulation, Smuggle, U.S. Federal Government, Wildlife, Wildlife Smuggle
FinCEN Final Rules Blocks FBME Bank Ltd from Access to U.S. Financial System On July 23, 2015, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued a final rule, pursuant to Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act, imposing “special measure... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-08-07 Cyprus, United States Adjective Enforcement, Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision, Compliance, Counter-terrorism, Due Diligence, Federal Code, Financial Crimes, Financial Enforcement, Financial Supervision, Fraud, Freezing of Assets, International Banking Supervision, Money Laundering, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Offshore Banking, Regulation, U.S. Federal Government
St. Kitts & Nevis Amends Economic Nationality Law On July 29, 2015, the St. Kitts and Nevis Parliament enacted the Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2015, strengthening security and due diligence under the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program.    Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-08-07 Canada, St. Kitts & Nevis Border Security, Compliance, Conspiracy, Counter-terrorism, Customs Enforcement, Due Diligence, Money Laundering, Oversight, Policy/Directives, Regulation, Terrorism, Transparency
Security Council Has Failed to Set Up an International Tribunal for the Downed Malaysian Airplane Flight MH17 On July 29, 2015, the UN Security Council voted on a draft resolution submitted by Malaysia, Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine. The resolution would have set up an international... Michael Plachta 31 8 2015-07-31 Australia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine Policy/Directives, Political Leaders, Political Strife, Targeted Killings, Terrorism, Transparency, United Nations, Victims Compensation, Violence
Implementation by Poland of the Strasbourg Court’s Judgments in Cases of Al Nashiri and Abu Zubaydah: Government Actions and NGOs Submissions On February 16, 2015, the judgments of July 24, 2014, delivered by the European Court of Human Rights in the case Al Nashiri v. Poland (application no. 28761/11) and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland (... Michael Plachta 31 8 2015-07-31 Poland, United States Adjective Enforcement, Administration of Justice, Central Intelligence Agency, Charged with Crimes, Civil Rights, Comparative and International Law, Compliance, Counter-terrorism, Court Conviction, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Cross-Border Communication, Death Penalty, Detention, European Court of Human Rights, Extradition, Human Rights, International Cooperation, Interrogation, Prisoner Rights
Canadian Government Accused of Intentionally Delaying Prison Transfer from Ethiopia According to Said Makhtal a cousin of Bashir Makhtal, a 46-year-old who lived and worked in Toronto and has been in an Ethiopian jail since he was convicted of terrorism in 2009, the Canadian... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-07-31 Canada, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia Administration of Justice, Arrest, Civil Rights, Comparative and International Law, Conspiracy, Court Conviction, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Detention, Extradition, Human Rights, Prisoner Rights
U.S. Attorney in Manhattan Brings Charges Against 3 Defendants in Multi-Million-Dollar Stock Manipulation Scheme On July 21, 2015, Prett Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, along with other law enforcement officials, announced the unsealing of an indictment charging Gery... Bruce Zagaris 31 8 2015-07-31 Israel, United States Charged with Crimes, Computer Crimes, Court Conviction, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Cybercrime, Detention, Extradition, Financial Enforcement, Fraud, Indictment, Information Exchange, Investigation, Offshore Banking, Offshore trusts, Seizure
European Parliament's Committee Approves Proposal for an EU-wide Passenger Name Records Directive On July 15, 2015, the Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) of the European Parliament has approved the draft EU rules on sharing and protecting the Passenger Name Record (PNR) data of people flying to or... Michael Plachta 31 8 2015-07-31 European Union Border Security, Counter-terrorism, Data Privacy, Data Sharing, European Commission, European Union, Information Exchange, International Cooperation, Policy/Directives, Privacy
Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) Delivers Its Decision on Life Sentence On June 23, 2015, the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) has rendered its Decision in Prosecutor v. Stanislav Galić. MICT President Meron sets out clearly for the first time that a... Michael Plachta 31 8 2015-07-31 European Union, Germany, Netherlands Administration of Justice, Capital Punishment, Civil Rights, Comparative and International Law, Court Conviction, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, Fair Trial, International Courts, International Crimes, International Criminal Tribunal, International Criminal and Comparative Law, Policy/Directives, Prisoner Rights, Sentencing