
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Enforcement Developments of Inter-American Center of Administrators Several developments are under way at the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrators (CIAT) which will strenghten the ability of developing country members to more efficiently undertale enforcement... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-09-01 Latin America and South America Tax Enforcement
Venezuela & Grenada Announce Anti-Drug Trafficking Agreement In St. George's Grenada, it was announced on July 5 that Grenada and Venezuela will sign an agreement to combat narcotics when President Jaime Lusinchi visits Grenada later in July.  The agreement... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-07-01 Latin America and South America Drug Enforcement
European Council Approves Controversial Tax Enforcement Convention On June 25, 1987, the Ministers of the Council of Europe decided at their delegates meeting in Strassbourg, France, to adopt the controversial multilateral convention on administrative assistance in... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 3 7 1987-07-01 Europe Tax Enforcement
Haiti Progresses in its U.S. Fight to Recover Assets from Deposed President Duvalier and His Advisers The Government of Haiti has had varying results in its legal attempts, both in the U.S. and elsewhere, to recover assets from deposed President Duvalier and his former advisers.  Despite the varying... Teri Simmons 3 7 1987-07-01 Haiti Asset Seizure
Colombian Supreme Court Rules Law Ratifying U.S. Extradition Treaty Unconstitutional On June 26, 1987, the Colombian Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a law ratifying the U.S.-Colombian extradition treaty.  As a result, the treaty cannot be used to continue extraditing... Bruce Zagaris and Clemens Kochinke 3 7 1987-07-01 Colombia Extradition
Insider Trading: A New Criminal Bill in Switzerland Called "Lex Americana" Insider trading cases, threatening the reputation of Wall Street, have become a major subject of discussion in Swiss politics.  In recent years the relationship between the United States and... Peter Schili 3 7 1987-07-01 Switzerland Trade Enforcement
CARICOM Summit Considers Cooperation in Police Matters At the Eigth Summit of the fourteen year old Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) on June 29-July 3 in St. Lucia, heads of government considered several proposals germane to international... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-07-01 Caribbean Adjective Enforcement
U.S. and Mexico Close to Concluding MLAT The United States and Mexico are close to concluding a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty.  Although a recent report states that the U.S. and Mexico already have concluded a MLAT, an official who has... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-07-01 Mexico Mutual Legal Assistance
GAO Reports Shows Criminal Aliens Deported not Listed in INS Info System A report of the General Accounting Office, entitled "Criminal Aliens Majority Deported From the New York City Area Not Listed in INS' Information Systems" (March 1987) indicates that the names and... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-07-01 United States Immigration
Iran-France Break Diplomatic Relations Over Immunity Issues France and Iran have severed diplomatic relations in the wake of an escalating controversy resulting from the French Government's attempt to interrogate Wahid Gordji, an interpreter for the Iranian... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-07-01 Iran Immunity
Barbie Found Guilty of "Crimes Against Humanity" France's highest court, in a landmark decision in December, 1986, determined that a statute of limitations does not necessarily bar the prosecution of individuals who have allegedly committed heinous... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-07-01 France Crimes against Humanity
South African Uranium Ore and Oxide Permanently Banned Final notice appeared in the Federal Register on July 7, 1987 that the Treasury Department's interim regultation permitting temporary importation of uranium ore and uranium oxide from South Africa... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-07-01 South Africa Export Enforcement
Book Review: El Principio de Legalidad en El Derecho Tributario (The Principle of Legality in Tax Law) by Geraldo Ataliba The book is based on the Symposium on the Principle of Legality of Tax Law organized by the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Uruguat and the Urugayan Institute of Tax Law, to... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-07-01 Uruguay Tax Enforcement
Treasury Issues Final Rule on Administrative Summons for Bank Secrecy Act The U.S. Department of Treasury has issued a final rule, strenghtening administrative summons authority for Currency and Foreign Transactions.  In the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, several statutory... Bruce Zagaris 3 7 1987-07-01 United States Bank Secrecy