Justice Letter Clarifies Extraterritorial Application of Money Laundering Act |
A letter of April 16, 1987, from James Knapp, Deputy Associate Attorney General, to the British Embassy, clarifies the application of the Money Laundering Control Act (MCLA). From the nature of the... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-07-01 |
United Kingdom |
Money Laundering |
Crime and Social Justice Publication Examines Contragate for Counterterrorism Implications |
The recently released issue of Crime and Social Justice, published by the Center for the Study of Crime and Social Justice, devoted its current issue to focusing on "Contragate and Counterterrorism:... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-07-01 |
United States |
Counter-terrorism |
Belize Hosts Regional Narcotics Conference |
During the last week of March and beginning of April, the Belize Government hosted their first one week Caribbean Conference on Drug Demand Reduction, which was attended by delegates from twenty-six... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
Belize |
Drug Enforcement |
E.C. Search and Seizure Powers Questioned in Hoechst AG Case |
The IELR recently reported about new developments in the enforcement action invovling an antitrust investigation by the Commission of the European Communities against several European plastics... |
Alfred May |
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1987-06-01 |
Europe |
Investigation |
Burns Outlines Recent US International Drug Initiatives |
In testimony delivered on June 8, 1987, Arnold I. Burns, Deputy Attorney General, outlined international drug control initiatives of the U.S. to the Caucus on International Narcotics Control, U.S.... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
United States |
Drug Enforcement |
Book Review: Corporate Crime Law Enforcement in America by Leonard Orland and Harold R. Tyler, Jr. |
The two volume, 2129 pages sourcebook New Development and Perspectives on Crime Law Enforcement in America provides a comprehensive overview and draws together in a useful handbook format current... |
Clemens J.M. Kochinke |
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1987-06-01 |
United States |
White Collar Crime |
UN Conference on Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking Held in Vienna |
During June 17-26, 1987, the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (hereinafter the "Vienna Conference") convened in Vienna under the auspices of the United Nations. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
Austria |
Drug Enforcement |
CIAT Holds Conference on Automating to Increase Revenue |
On June 2-6, 1986, the Inter-America Center for Tax Administrations (CIAT) held a technical conference in Atlanta, Georgia on "Application of Automation for the Increase of Revenue in the Modern Tax... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
Latin America and South America |
Trade Enforcement |
IMF Fiscal Affairs Links Tax Administration and Enforcement |
In a paper dated June 11, 1987, Charles Y. Mansfield, Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund, linked ending tax evasion with proper tax administration. Mr. Mansfield delivered a... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
World |
Tax Enforcement |
Certification of Exchange of Information Eligibility Updated |
In the June 11, 1987 issue of the Federal Register, the Department of Treasury gave notice of certification of exchange of information programs of those U.S. treaty partners that are eligible for the... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
United States |
Information Exchange |
OECD Releasees International Tax Avoidance and Evasion Study |
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and development (OECD) has published a study entitled International Tax Avoidance and Evasion. The Council of the OECD in its Recommendation on Tax... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
United States |
Tax Enforcement |
Prosecutorial Abuse In International Tax Cases |
On June 19, 20, and 23, 1986, the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service of the Senate Committee on Finance held hearings on Oversight of IRS and Justice Department Prosecution of... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
World |
Tax Enforcement |
ABA Draft Resolution On Terrorism |
A draft resolution on the definition of terrorism has been circulated for comment to various American Bar Association committees by the United Nations Activities Committee (hereinafter "U.N.... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
United States |
Counter-terrorism |
Proposal to Address Insider Trading in the European Community |
On May 21, 1987 the Council of the European Communities adopted a proposal for a Council Directive coordinating the regulations on insider trading. The proposal is designed to create a uniform basis... |
Alfred May and Clemens Kochinke |
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1987-06-01 |
Europe |
Trade Crimes |
U.N. Congress Urges Increased Cooperation in Crime Prevention |
In prior issues of the IELR, programs of technical cooperation in criminal justice have been discussed. A trend which will provide an important impetus to propel the emerging regionalization of... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
World |
Crimes |
W. Germany Decides to Prosecute Rather than Extradite Hamadei |
On June 20, 1987, the Federal Republic of Germany, in agreement with the Government of Land Hesse, announced that in lieu of extraditing Mohamed Ali Hamadei, it will prosecute him for aircraft... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
Germany |
Prosecution |
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Encourages The Use of a "Special Call" To Obtain Confidential Information From a Swiss Bank |
Foreign market participants that use United States financial markets are subject to several mechanisms that require them to provide information to agencies of the United States Government. Most... |
Albert I. Hawk |
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1987-06-01 |
Switzerland |
Information Exchange |
Diplomatic Immunity Issues Cause Tensions between the U.K. and Iran |
Diplomatic tension soared during June within the spehere of UK-Iran relations over the classic public international law issue of the applicability of immunity for diplomats. Problems began in early... |
Teri Simmons |
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1987-06-01 |
Iran |
Immunity |
Proposed Amendment to Bank Secrecy Disclosure |
The Treasury Department has published proposed regulations in the June 9, 1987 issue of the Federal Register, to clarify disclosure of information rules under the Bank Secrecy Act. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
United States |
Bank Secrecy |
Inter-American Institute of Human Rights Holds Conferences on Enforcement Law |
The Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIDH) recently held conferences on two emerging and rapidly developing areas of international enforcement law: protecting persons in extraordinary... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-06-01 |
Latin America and South America |
Law Enforcement |