Abdallah Stands Trial and Is Sentenced to Life Imprisonment |
On January 28, the French Chamber of Accusation of the Court of Appeal of Paris rendered a decision ordering Georges Ibrahim Abdallah to stand trial for complicity in the 1982 assassinations of... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
France |
Terrorism |
French Administrative Tribunal Suspends Emergency Expulsion of Basque |
On January 27, 1987, the Administrative Court of Paul suspended an expulsion order against a Basque refugee. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
France |
Expulsion |
Chilean Belatedly Answers Extradition Request in Letelier Case |
On February 4, 1987, Armando Fernandez Larios, who the U.S. had indicted in the assassination eight years ago and whose extradition had been sought, pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
Chile |
Extradition |
U.S. Effort to Call Antiterrorism Session with Allies Fails |
On February 5, 1987, the Reagan Administration, after key governments expressed unwillingness to attend, withdrew its plan to convene a conference with six major allies to discuss coordinated... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
United States |
Counter-terrorism |
U.S. Officials Announce Intent to Strengthen Enforcement |
At the meeting of the USA Branch of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) on February 12 and 13, at least three high level officials reiterated and supplemented previous statements to strenghten... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
United States |
Tax Enforcement |
U.S. Concludes Three Tax Information Exchange Agreements |
Since late December, the U.S. Government has concluded three tax information exchange agreements with Commonwealth Caribbean governments, Jamaica, Grenada, and St. Lucia. On December 18, 1986, the U... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
United States |
Tax Enforcement |
Oversight Subcommittee Will Examine Both Tax Treaties & CBI |
In a letter dated January 21, 1987, to J.J. Pickle (D. Tex.), Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight, House Ways & Means Committee, and Dan Rostenkowski (D-Ill), Chariman of the Full Committee,... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
United States |
Tax Enforcement |
IRS Announces Study of Cash Payments of $10,000 or More |
The IRS will sample 1,200 1985 Form 8300 responses, and examine those businesses that are selected for the study. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
United States |
Tax Enforcement |
Reprint of Hearing on National Drug Enforcement Policy Board Released |
A reprint of the hearing on "The Role and Activities of the National Drug Enforcement Policy Board," held before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 99th Cong., Second Session... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
United States |
Drug Enforcement |
Justice Department Agrees to Consolidate Anti-Drug Programs |
On February 3, 1987, Attorney General Edwin Meese III announced that President Reagan would issue an Executive Order which will consolidate responsibility for all federal anti-drug programs into the... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
United States |
Drug Enforcement |
Swiss Ambassador Addresses Developments in Swiss Bank Secrecy |
On February 20, 1987, at the Washington Foreign Law Society's Annual Dinner Klaus Jacobi, Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States, discussed "Swiss Bank Secrecy and Its Limits." Ambassador... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
Switzerland |
Bank Secrecy |
INTERPOL's New International Terrorism Group Takes Active Role |
Terrorism is a continual threat to governments and people throughout the world. Until recently, INTERPOL has had a "hands-off" policy with terrorism, leaving terrorism law enforcement decisions to... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
Congressional Hearing Considers US-Mexico Enforcement Issues |
A report of a hearing, "Current Law Enforcement Problems on U.S. Land Borders," held on May 22, 1986 by the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives,... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
Mexico |
Adjective Enforcement |
Computer Related Crime: Analysis of Legal Policy by The Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) |
"Computer Related Crime: Analysis of Legal Policy" is the tenth in a series of studies published by the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy of the OECD (hereinafter the "... |
Jay A. Rosenthal, Esq. |
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1987-02-01 |
Computer Crimes |
Congressional Hearing on Cuban Political Prisoners Focuses on U.S.-Cuban-Agreement |
A print of a hearing held on September 24, 1986, on Cuban Political Prisoners by the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
Cuba |
Prisoner Rights |
Proxmire Initiates Push for New South African Sanctions |
On January 26, 1987, Senator William Proxmire (D-Wis.), Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, introduced a resolution (S Res 82) whereby the Senate would urge the Reagan Administration to impose... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
South Africa |
Human Rights |
INTERPOL Holds 55th General Assembly Meeting |
The 55th General Assembly meeting of INTERPOL member countries was held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia October 8-16, 1986. Four hundred delegates representing 116 INTERPOL member countries attended the... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
U.S. INTERPOL Increases Domestic & Regional Operations |
A recent report of the INTERPOL, United States National Central Bureau (USNCB), discusses its activities in 1986. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
United States |
Greece and Italy Mini Agreement Presages Cooperation Trends |
The agreement, which was signed in Athens on September 23, 1986, establishes a bilateral Committee for cooperation in the fight against terrorism, organized crime and drug smuggling. |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
Italy |
Adjective Enforcement |
Procedures for Bank Secrecy Act Compliance Are Published |
The January 27, 1987 issue of the Federal Register contains procedures for monitoring the Bank Secrecy Act. The Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the... |
Bruce Zagaris |
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1987-02-01 |
United States |
Bank Secrecy |