
E.g., 2025-01
Title Abstract Authorsort ascending Volume Issue Date Published Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Israel Extradites Jew to France On December 2, 1987, William Nakash, a Jew of Algerian ancestry, was extradited to France on murder charges, marking the first time the Jewish state has extradited a Jew to another country. Jay A. Rosenthal, Esq. 3 12 1987-12-01 Israel Extradition
Alien Tort Statute Applicable Against Sovereign State for Violation of International Criminal Law: Amerada Hess v. Argentine Republic On September 11, 1987, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed and remanded a ruling of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York barring a lawsuit brought against... Jay A. Rosenthal, Esq. 3 12 1987-12-01 Argentina International Criminal and Comparative Law
European Convention for Prevention of Torture Signed On November 25, 1987, nineteen of 21 member states of the Council of Europe signed a new Convention for the prevention of torture and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment. Clemens J.M. Kochinke 3 12 1987-12-01 Europe Torture
Austrian Cooperation Produces Lifting of U.S. Trade Restrictions On August 31, 1987, Austria and the United States exchanged notes to improve cooperation between their customs services in export control matters. Clemens J.M. Kochinke 3 12 1987-12-01 Austria Trade Enforcement
International Private Antitrust Law by Michael Martinek This academic, abstract analysis reviews international enforcement of antitrust statutes under international civil, but also public and criminal law. Clemens J.M. Kochinke 3 12 1987-12-01 Antitrust Cooperation
Foreign Assistance Bill Amendments Will Create New Regional Organs On November 19, 1987, the House approved amendments to strengthen narcotics interdiction efforts of the U.S.  Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 United States Drug Enforcement
CIAT and International Experts Participate in First Seminar for Tax Officials Crusade to Combat Tax Evasion in Mexico On June 3-5, 1987, members of the Inter-American Center for Tax Administration (CIAT) and other international experts participated in the first seminar for tax officials on the National Crusade to... Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 Mexico Tax Enforcement
Malta Raises Human Rights Law Issues to OECD Mutual Assistance Convention The Government of Malta continues to lead the opposition to the consideration of the draft Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance on Tax Matters.  Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 Malta Mutual Legal Assistance
Palestine Information Office Developments The effort to close the offices of the Palestine Information Office is proceeding with all vigor on several levels: judicial; legislative; and international organizations.  The struggle will ensue... Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 Palestine Counter-terrorism
France and Iran Agree to Release Hostages On Noember 29, 1987, the French and Iranian Governments announced an agreement which led to the release of Wahid Gordji, an Iranian official alleged to have participated in terrorist bombings. Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 France Adjective Enforcement
International Penal Law Association Activities The AIDP is the most active NGO in the field of criminal justice.  It was founded in Paris in 1924, has 3,000 members, affiliates in 68 countries and 37 active national sections. Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 International Law
U.S.-Cuban Governments Reactivate Migration Accord On November 21, it was announced that the United States and Cuba have agreed to reactivate the 1984 migration agreement whereby Cuba agreed to accept approximately 2,500 "undesirables" who came to... Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 Cuba Immigration
EPA Fines U.S. Importer for Failure to File Import Notices On October 30, 1987, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assessed a $84,000 penalty against Albright & Wilson, Inc., a chemical manufacturer based in Richmond, Virginia for failing to file... Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 United States Environment
U.S. Court of Appeals Cites Statute of Limitation in Affirming Conviction for Failure to Register as Foreign Agent In a case of first impression, United States v. McGoff, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in a 2 to 1 opinion has affirmed the dismissal of a criminal case against an agent of... Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 United States Regulation
Book Reviews: War Crimes, War Criminals, and War Crimes Trials by Norman E. Tutorow This bibliography contains annotations for major publications which provide a survey of sources, lists early war crimes trials, and deals with all aspects of World War II war crimes, both in Europe... Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 War Crimes
Cross-Border Litigation: Environmental Rights in the Great Lakes Ecosystem by Paul R. Muldoon with David A. Scriven and James M. Olson This book is a project sponsored by the Canadian Environmental Law Research Foundation.  The book explores the need to supplement more traditional diplomatic methods of solving Canada-U.S.... Bruce Zagaris 3 12 1987-12-01 United States Environment