
E.g., 2025-01
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
OECD Convention on Mutual Assistance Opened for Signature While ICC and Others Oppose Its Ratification On October 8, 1987, the Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) agreed to open the OECD draft Convention for Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters for... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 World Mutual Legal Assistance
Austrian-U.S. Cooperation in Export Control Enforcement Enhanced On several occasions, Austrian companies have been the target of investigations of possible export control violations because Austria has been assumed to form a suitable corridor for diversions of U.... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 3 10 1987-10-01 Austria Export Enforcement
Commerce's Export Control Enforcement and the Congressionally Mandated Reporting Requirement The Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended in 1985, gave the Administration added powers to release from the coverage of export controls U.S. goods when the same goods were avaliable abroad to... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Export Enforcement
Draft Report Supports Transfer of Criminal Sanctions and Transfer of Supervision of Conditionally Sentenced or Released Offenders A draft report on transfer of criminal sanctions and transfer of supervision of conditionally sentenced or released offenders by Richard D. Atkins and Robert L. Pisani, International Legal Defense... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Sanctions
U.S. and Bahamas Conclude Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty On August 18, 1987, the United States and the Bahamas signed the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty, regarding criminal matters (MLAT).  The proposed treaty, which must be ratified by each country before... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 Bahamas Mutual Legal Assistance
Swiss Lower House Approves Insider Trading Bill In the course of the Santa Fe investigation in which the Swiss Supreme Court for the first time upheld an order granting a U.S. judicial assistance request for insider trading, the United States and... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 Switzerland Trade Crimes
U.S. Aid to Security Forces of El Salvador Reduced Because of Human Rights Violations On August 31, the Reagan Administration informed Congress that it intended to provide $9.1 million in aid, including weapons and training, to the security forces of El Salvador.  This assistance... Dan Cohen 3 10 1987-10-01 El Salvador Human Rights
Harris, OIA, Justice to Head ABA Subcommittee The Committee on International Taxation, Section of International Law and Practice, American Bar Association has announced the appointment of John E. Harris as chairman, Subcommittee on Compliance,... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Tax Enforcement
Justice Department Encourages Participation in American Bar Activities According to a memorandum the Attorney General has noted that Justice attorneys are free to take an active role in the various ABA sections. Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Adjective Assistance, Research, Teaching
Proposed Regulations Extend Bank Secrecy Act to U.S. Postal Service The U.S. Department of Treasury has proposed regulations to extend the Bank Secrecy Act (hereinafter "BSA") reporting to cash purchases of postal money orders. Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Bank Secrecy
U.S. Supreme Court Grants Cert on Consent Directive on Grand Jury Targets Having Foreign Bank Accounts The United States Supreme Court has granted certiorari to hear the case of Doe v. United States.  This case has significance for practitioners concerned with international enforcement law because it... Dan Cohen 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Banking Supervision
Final Bank Secrecy Act Rule Authorizes Disclosure of Information to States In a final rule, effective October 22, 1987, Treasury has clarified the regulation authorizing the disclosure of report information to the U.S. Congress consistent with the purposes of the Bank... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Bank Secrecy
Der Zivilprozess in Den Vereinigten Staaten by Lange and Black This practitioner's guide to U.S. civil procedure is highly recommended to common law lawyers serving clients in German speaking civil law nations to overcome misunderstandings in procedural... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 3 10 1987-10-01 United States International Law
Treasury Institutes a Ruling System for the Bank Secrecy Act In a measure designated to facilitate understanding of and compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act (hereinafter "BSA") and regulations, the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Enforcement), U.S. Treasury... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Bank Secrecy
Trademark Law, A Practitioner's Guide by Siegrud D. Kane This guide is true to its name.  It is a clear and concise blueprint of an effective trademark management program.  In addition to introducing the reader to basics and providing proven hands-on... Clemens J.M. Kochinke 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Trade Enforcement
CARICOM Begins Program to Cooperate on Regional Enforcement On September 2-4, the representatives of the thirteen member Caribbean Common Market and Community (CARICOM) and Suriname met and discussed a joint approach to reduce the supply and use of illicit... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 Caribbean Drug Enforcement
U.S. To Cut Bolivian Aid Because of Problems of Narcotics Cooperation The State Department announced at the end of September that it will cut off $8.7 million in aid to Bolivia because the government was not doing enough to eradicate the coca crop which ultimately is... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Drug Enforcement
U.S.-Dominica Conclude Tax Information Exchange Agreement On October 1, 1987, Dominica and the U.S. concluded a tax information exchange agreement.  The agreement makes Dominica eligible for financing under Section 936 of the Internal Revenue Code, serving... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 Dominica Taxation
IRS Appoints Donald Berghem Deputy Assistant Commissioner for International On October 7, 1987, the Internal Revenue Service in an information release announced the appointment of Donald Bergherm, assistant regional Internal Revenue Service Commissioner for Examniation for... Bruce Zagaris 3 10 1987-10-01 United States Tax Enforcement