
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Authorsort ascending Volume Issue Date Published Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Appeal by Senator Prompts France to Create Task Force For Returning Nazi-Looted Artwork to Rightful Owners Following an appeal by Senator Corinne Bouchoux, the French government has initiated a search for the Jewish owners of the 2,000 thousand or so pieces of art that had been looted by the Nazis during... Sara Hefny 29 5 2013-05-01 France Cultural Property
Former Kabul Bank Officers Convicted of Fraud in Afghan Court After the near collapse of Kabul Bank, following a fraud scandal in 2010, former bank officials have been convicted by an Afghan court. Charged with stealing more than $800 million from the bank,... Sara Hefny 29 5 2013-05-01 Afghanistan, United States FATF, Fraud
Griffiths Energy Violates the Canadian Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act   Calgary-based Griffiths Energy International Inc. (Griffiths) was created in August 2009 to obtain oil and gas production sharing contracts in the Republic of Chad.  Within two years, the... Peter Bowal, Karen Lynn Perry 29 5 2013-05-01 Canada, Chad Corruption
European Court of Justice Rules on the European Arrest Warrant in the Radu Case On January 29, 2013, the Court of Justice of the European Union – Grand Chamber (the Court) delivered its judgment in the case of Ciprian Vasile Radu, a Romanian national.[2] The ruling concerns some... Michael Plachta 29 5 2013-05-01 European Union, Romania European Court of Human Rights, Extradition
UN Inquiry Commission’s Report and Recommendations on the Situation in Syria On February 18, 2013, the United Nations International Independent Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic released its present report on crimes committed in the country. This independent... Michael Plachta 29 5 2013-05-01 Syria Human Rights, United Nations
Swiss Federal Council Starts Two Consultations on AML and Enhanced Due Diligence on Tax  On February 27, 2013, the Swiss Federal Council announced two consultations on combating money laundering and on enhanced due diligence requirements for handling tax matters.  The Federal... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 Switzerland Money Laundering, Tax Enforcement
Report Exposes Cyberspying by China's Army against US Companies  On February 19, 2013, The Mandiant® Intelligence Center™ released a report exposing Advanced Persistent Threat 1's (or APT1) multi-year, enterprise-scale computer espionage campaign.[1] Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 China, United States Cybercrime
Head of IMF Anti-Money Laundering Section Reviews Fund’s Work on International AML On February 27, 2013, Jody Myers, Assistant General Counsel and Head of Anti Money Laundering (AML), International Monetary Fund (IMF) was interviewed by Alan Sorcher, director of Forensic and... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 World International Monetary Fund (IMF), Money Laundering, Terrorism
U.S. Wins Appeal in N. Zealand Extradition Case against Dotcom On March 1, 2013, the Court of Appeals in New Zealand overturned the lower court's decision that had ordered the U.S. government to disclose evidence it has against Kim Dotcom ahead of his... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 New Zealand, United States Cybercrime, Extradition
DOJ and E&Y Decide on Nonprosecution Agreement with $123M in Penalties On March 1, 2013, Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and other law enforcement officials announced that Ernst & Young LLP (“E&Y”) had admitted... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 United States Tax Enforcement
FATF Plenary Adopts New Methodology For Assessing Complaince and Issues Documents on Its Work to Identify Problematic AML/CFT Jurisdictions      On February 22, 2013, under the Norwegian Presidency, the Financial Action Task Force held a plenary meeting.   FATF took a number of decisions; it produced two documents as part of its ongoing... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 Norway FATF, Money Laundering
Wegelin & Co. Ordered to Pay U.S. $58 Million in First-Ever Sentence of Foreign Bank On March 4, 2013, U.S. Judge Jed S. Rakoff of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York imposed an order on Wegelin & Co. that it pay $58 million to the United States for... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 Switzerland, United States Tax Enforcement
Italy Arrests Fugitive Hedge Fund Manager on U.S. Fraud Charges                 On March 8, 2013, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California announced that Florian... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, United States Extradition, Fraud
Brazil-U.S. Tax Information Exchange Agreement Finally Takes Effect On March 13, 2013, after almost six years, Brazil finally ratified its tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) with the United States.  On March 20, 2007, the TIEA was signed in Brasilia.[1] Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 Brazil, United States Tax Enforcement
ICC Indictee Bosco Ntaganda Surrenders to ICC at a US Embassy in Kigali   On March 18, 2013, Bosco Ntaganda, a Rwandan national and general in the Congolese military, indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, walked into the U.S. Embassy in Kigali... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 Congo, Rwanda Human Rights, International Criminal Court, War Crimes
U.S. Issues Import Restrictions on Mayan Cultural Property from Belize After Concluding a Bilateral Cooperation Agreement                   On March 5, 2013, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Department of Homeland Security... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 Belize Cultural Property
UN Security Council Adopts Sanctions against North Korea       On March 7, 2013, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2094 (2013), applying additional sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 North Korea Economic Sanctions, Treaties
CITES Meeting Focuses on Strategic Vision and Enforcement On March 3-14, 2013, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) held the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties in Bangkok, Thailand. ... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 Africa, Asia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Europe, Gabon, Laos, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam Environment
U.S. Court Dismisses FCPA Case against German National   On February 19, 2013, U.S. District Judge Shira A. Scheindlin of the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York issued an opinion and order dismissing U.S. securities law charges,... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 Argentina, Germany, United States Corruption, Jurisdiction
European Parliament Committee Proposes Action against Uncooperative Tax Havens  On January 29, 2013, the European Parliament debated a report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs with respect to combating tax fraud, tax evasion, and tax havens, proposing,... Bruce Zagaris 29 5 2013-05-01 European Union Tax Enforcement