
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. Parole Commission Reduces Mexican Sentence and Releases Transferee American Who Alleges Torture in Mexico                 On December 1, 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Parole Commission reduced an American citizen’s five-year sentence meted out by a Mexican judge, and released him with “time... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2016-07-06 Mexico, United States Administration of Justice, Arrest, Border Security, Charged with Crimes, Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, Human Rights
U.S. Indicts Eight Former Siemens' Executives and Agents in Alleged $100 Million Foreign Bribe Scheme Involving Argentina                 On December 13, 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that eight former executives and agents of Siemens AG and its subsidiaries have been charged for allegedly engaging in a... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2016-07-06 Conspiracy, Corruption, Disgorgement of Profits, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, International Organizations, Securities Exchange Commission
Review of the UK's Extradition Arrangements   Since coming into force, the 2003 US-UK[1]  extradition treaty in 2007, which replaced the old 1972 treaty[2], has been shrouded by controversy and deep public concern. The new treaty, it... Arvinder Sambei 28 2 2012-02-01 European Union, United Kingdom, United States EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, European Union, Extradition
Head of US FATF Delegation Summarizes FATF Meeting re Consultations on the Revision of AML/CFT Recommendations On December 14, 2011, Chip Poncy, Director, Office of Strategic Policy, Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes, U.S. Department of Treasury, provided an overview on FATF developments during the... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01
Chile Requests Former U.S. Military Officer’s Extradition The Chilean government has requested the extradition of Ray E. Davis, a former U.S. military officer, for involvement in the disappearance and murder of two Americans during the coup that brought the... Ignacio Martinez-Arrieta 28 2 2012-02-01 Chile, United States Extradition, Intelligence, Investigation, Murder, National Security
The Money Laundry: Regulating Criminal Finance in the Global Economy by J.C. Sharman (Cornell U. Press, 200 pp., 2011, ISBN 978-0-8014-5018-1)   This work discusses anti-money laundering (AML) policies and their lack of impacting the level of crime.  The book reviews the utility of the AML rules by the author posing as a would-be money... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01
Europol supports French Police against a Russian-speaking mafia On November 18, 2011, the French police, in collaboration with Europol,[1] arrested members of a Georgian and Armenian organized crime group.[2] The raid was conducted simultaneously in different... Ignacio Martinez-Arrieta 28 2 2012-02-01 Armenia, European Union, France, Georgia Arrest, European Union, Europol, Investigation
Former Ivory Coast President Transferred to the ICC On November 30, 2011, former Ivory Coast President Laurent Koudou Gbagbo, 66 years, arrived at the International Criminal Court (ICC) detention center in the Netherlands.  The Ivory Coast... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01 Ivory Coast, Netherlands Crimes against Humanity, Extradition, International Criminal Court, Jurisdiction, Law of War
European Parliament Supports the International Criminal Court                   On 17 November 2011, the European Parliament adopted an important document concerning the International Criminal Court (ICC): Resolution... Michael Plachta 28 2 2012-02-01 European Union EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, European Commission, European Union, International Criminal Court
Study Focuses on Confiscation and Recovery of Proceeds of Bribery   In December 2011, a new study prepared by the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions (Working Group) and the World Bank-UNODC Stolen Assets Recovery Initiative (... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01 World Asset Seizure, Banking Supervision, Bribery, Fraud, Money Laundering, World Bank
U.S. Parole Commission Reduces Mexican Sentence and Releases Transferee American Who Alleges Torture in Mexico On December 1, 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Parole Commission reduced an American citizen’s five-year sentence meted out by a Mexican judge, and released him with “time served,” or 26... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01 Mexico, United States Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, Prisoner Rights, Torture
DOJ OIG Report Shows the US Approves Less than 1% of Prisoner Transfer Applications   On December 8, 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) released a report by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) on whether the DOJ is effectively managing the International Prisoner... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01 United States, World Investigation, Jurisdiction, Prisoner Rights
Fighting Maritime Piracy: Council of Europe Contribution Following the adoption by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) of Recommendation 1913 (2010) on “[t]he necessity to take additional international legal steps to deal with sea... Michael Plachta 28 2 2012-02-01 Europe, Somalia European Union, International Law, Piracy
Council of Europe Acts Against Manipulation of Sports Results, Notably Match-Fixing At the 1122nd meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies on 28 September 2011, the Committee of Ministers adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)10 to member states  on promotion of the integrity of sport... Michael Plachta 28 2 2012-02-01 Europe, World Enforcement of International Sports Law, Fraud, International Organizations
U.S. Seeks Singaporeans Extradition for Export Control Violations with Iran   Five people and four companies have been indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for smuggling electronic parts made in the U.S. to Iran via Singapore. Some of the electronic goods... Ignacio Martinez-Arrieta 28 2 2012-02-01 Iran, Iraq, Singapore, United States Extradition, Financial Crimes, Fraud, Terrorism, Treaties, War Crimes
Switzerland – Swiss Subsidiary Fined for Inadequate Compliance Measures in Major Bribery Case   On 22 November 2011 the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (the “OAG”) issued a summary punishment order against Alstom Network Schweiz AG (“Alstom” or the “Company”) for not having... Daniel L. Buhr and Simone Nadelhofer 28 2 2012-02-01 Latvia, Malaysia, Switzerland, Tunisia Bribery, Corruption, Economic Crimes, Financial Crimes, Financial Supervision
OAS Ministers Responsible for Public Security Adopt Measures to Improve Police Standards in the Americas On November 18, 2011, at the third meeting of Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas (MISPA III) in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, convened by the General Assembly of the... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01 Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago, World Comparative and International Law, Cross-Border Communication, Information Exchange, International Cooperation, International Crimes
U.S. Indicts Eight Former Siemens’ Executives and Agents in Alleged $100 Million Foreign Bribe Scheme Involving Argentina   On December 13, 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that eight former executives and agents of Siemens AG and its subsidiaries have been charged for allegedly engaging in a ten-year... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01 Argentina, Germany, United States Bribery, Corruption, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Fraud, Indictment, Investigation
Venezuela Deports Alleged Colombian Drug Kingpin to the U.S.                   On December 15, 2011, Venezuela deported Maximiliano Bonilla Orozco, an alleged drug kingpin, to the United States, where he is charged... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01 Colombia, United States, Venezuela Drug Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking, Extradition
FATF Finalizing the Revised Recommendations as Bar Associations Comment                   During its plenary meeting on October 27-28, 2011, FATF reported that it has significantly advanced its work to revise the FATF Recommendations to ensure that they continue to... Bruce Zagaris 28 2 2012-02-01 United States, World FATF, International Cooperation