
E.g., 2025-01
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. Justice Depart Issues Reporting Rules for Border Gun Sales On July 11, 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice ordered dealers in four Southwestern states to report multiple sales of semiautomatic rifles to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 United States, Mexico Arms Trafficking, Border Security
Indictment Against 4 Persons Charged in Smuggling Egyptian Antiquities On July 14, 2011, Loretta Lynch, the U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of New York and James T. Hayes, Jr., Special Agent-in-Charge, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 United States, Egypt Money Laundering, Customs, Crimes, Smuggle, Cultural Property, Indictment
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Refers First Detainee to Rwanda For Trial On June 29, 2011, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) announced that for the first time a detainee, Jean Uwinkindi, for Rwanda’s 1994 genocide will be transferred to Rwanda to stand... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 World, Uganda, Rwanda War Crimes, Genocide, Fugitive, International Criminal Tribunal
Canadian Appellate Court Upholds Stay of Extradition Request by U.S. on Terrorism Charges Due to Human Rights Violations On May 6, 2011, the Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld the stay of extradition proceedings imposed by a lower court based on human rights violations by the United States government, the requesting... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 Canada, United States, Pakistan Extradition, Human Rights, Intelligence, Terrorism, Torture, International Law
INTERPOL Cooperation with Seychelles Improves Efforts to Combat Maritime Piracy During meetings June 17-19, 2011, in Victoria, Seychelles, INTERPOL Secretary General Ron Noble pledged to continue helping efforts of the Seychelles government to combat maritime piracy. Seychelles... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 Europe, Africa, European Union Maritime, European Union, United Nations, INTERPOL, Europol, Security Council
IMF Legal Department Proposes More Focused AML Assessment Process On June 27, 2011, Joseph (?Jody) Myers, the head of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Unit of the IMF, issued a piece on an IMF blog, discussing how the IMF has worked with countries to combat money... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 World Money Laundering, International Cooperation, Policy/Directives, World Bank, Transparency, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Counter-terrorism
ICC Issues 3 Arrest Warrants for Gaddafi and 2 Others On June 27, 2011, the International Criminal Court?s Pre-Trial Chamber I issued three arrest warrants respectively for Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah Al-... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 NATO, Libya Murder, International Courts, Crimes against Humanity, International Crimes, International Criminal Court, Warrants, Political Leaders, Security Council
Law Enforcement Struggles to Cope with Rise of Hacktivists During May and June 2011, the world has witnessed an increase in attacks on diverse websites of law enforcement and major multinational corporations. Law enforcement has made a few arrests and one... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 World, United States, United Kingdom Cybercrime, Organized Crime, Law Enforcement, Computer Crimes, Internet Crime, Arrest, Central Intelligence Agency, Gangs
Kenya Appeals Refusal of ICC to Transfer Cases to Kenya The Kenyan Attorney General has appealed the denial of the request by Kenyan Attorney General Amos Wako to transfer cases against high-ranking Kenya officials for their alleged crimes in the violence... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 Kenya Jurisdiction, International Criminal Court, Violence, Political Strife
Calgary Energy Company Pleads to Bribing Bangladeshi Official On June 24, 2011, Justice Scott Brooker of the Alberta Court of Queen?s Bench issued a C $9.5 million penalty against Niko Resources Ltd after the latter pled guilty to one charge under Canada?s... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 Bangladesh, Canada Corruption, Administration of Justice, Bribery, Investigation, Penalties
Texas Executes Mexican National After U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Pleas of Obama Administration On July 7, 2011, Texas executed a Mexican citizen convicted of rape and murder after the Obama Administration pleaded in vain for a stay on the basis that the defendant was denied assistance from... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 North America, United States, Mexico Murder, Rape, International Law, U.S. Federal Government, Vienna Convention, Death Penalty, Consular rights, U.S. Congress
Special Tribunal for Lebanon Confirms Indictment against 4 Individuals On June 30, 2011, the pre-trial judge, Daniel Fransen, of the Special Tribunal on Lebanon (STL) confirmed an indictment relating to the assassination of Rafiq Hariri and others on June 28, 2011. On... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 Lebanon United Nations, International Criminal Court, Arrest, Warrants, Assassination, Indictment, Trial, Security Council
Senator Levin Re-introduces Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act On July 12, 2011, Senator Carl Levin and five co-sponsors re-introduced the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, whose purpose is to collect $100 billion in lost revenue each year from offshore tax dodges.... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 World, United States Money Laundering, Tax Enforcement, Law Enforcement, International Law, Offshore trusts, Tax Havens, U.S. Federal Government, U.S. Congress
Senegal Debates Whether to Expel Ex-Chadian Dictator to Chad On July 1, 2011, the African Union (AU) adopted a resolution, declaring that Senegal must either try ex-Chadian dictator Hissene Habre or extradite him. On July 8, 2011, Senegal said it will send... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 Belgium, Chad, Senegal Extradition, Human Rights, United Nations, Genocide, Torture, Fair Trial
U.S. Charges Terrorist Suspect After Secret Detention for Two Months On July 5, 2011, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York and other law enforcement officials announced the indictment of a terrorist suspect who had been arrested in the Gulf region... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 United States, Yemen, Somalia Intelligence, National Security, Terrorism, Detention, Miranda, Indictment, Interrogation, Central Intelligence Agency, Counter-terrorism
U.S. Department of State Publishes 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report On June 27, 2011, the U.S. Department of State published the 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report (hereafter 2011 TIP Report).2  The Report ranks 184 countries' efforts to investigate, prosecute, and... Christina Theocharopoulou 27 9 2011-09-01 United States Human Trafficking
Kabul Bank Scandal Continues to Plague Afghanistan and War Efforts The continuing scandal over massive alleged fraud over hundreds of millions of dollars of missing money lent to insiders, including shareholders and top Afghan officials, receiving large loans... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 Afghanistan, Afghanistan Corruption, Fraud, Banking Supervision, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
European Police Chiefs Convention: Conclusions on Future Organized Crime and Terrorism Recently, The Hague hosted an extraordinary event: the first ever Convention of European Police Chiefs. The meeting opened on June 29, 2011, and concluded on July 1, 2011. Its organizational... Michael Plachta 27 9 2011-09-01 Europe, Middle East Terrorism, European Union, Organized Crime, Conferences, Law Enforcement, Investigation
FATF Issues Second Public Consultation to Prepare for 4th Round of Mutual Evaluation At the end of June, 2011, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) issued a paper on the preparation for the 4th Round of Mutual Evaluation. After finishing its 3rd Round of Mutual Evaluations, FATF... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 World FATF
Assange Changes Arguments and Lawyers on Appeal of Extradition to Sweden On July 12, 2011, Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, has limited his arguments and changed counsel as a hearing occurred in the appeal at the Royal Courts of Justice of the ruling of a lower U.K... Bruce Zagaris 27 9 2011-09-01 United Kingdom, Sweden Extradition, Rape, Trial