
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
EU Council Adopts Resolution for Cross-Border Sports Enforcement On April 12, 2011, the European Union Justice and Home Affairs Council adopted a resolution to strengthen safety and cooperation at sporting events or large public gatherings. The resolution... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 World, Europe, European Union European Union, Economic Integration, Enforcement of International Sports Law, International Convention, Cross-Border Communication, EU Justice and Home Affairs Council
ICTR Will Examine Evidence against Fugitive Suspected of Hiding in Zimbabwe On April 14, 2011, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda announced that next month it will start examining evidence against Protais Mpiranya, one of its two most wanted fugitives who is... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 World, Rwanda, Zimbabwe United Nations, International Crimes, International Criminal Court, Arrest, Warrants, Fugitive, International Criminal Tribunal, Security Council
Swiss Government Freezes $1 Billion of Assets of Libya, Tunisia and Egypt On May 3, 2011, the media reported that the Swiss government has frozen approximately $1 billion worth of assets connected to alleged corruption of former deposed leaders of Egypt and Tunisia and the... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 Egypt, Libya, Switzerland, Tunisia Asset Forfeiture, Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Freezing of Assets, World Bank
Germany Prosecutes Two Rwandan Hutu Leaders for Crimes in the Congo The German government is prosecuting in a court in Stuttgart, Germany two Rwandan Hutu leaders for planning and directing atrocities in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The defendants are... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 France, Germany, Rwanda Extradition, United Nations, War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, International Criminal Court, Prosecution
EU Justice and Home Affairs Focuses on Migration from Southern Conflicts and A Wide Range of Criminal Justice Matters On April 11-12, 2011, at the 3081st meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the European Union (EU) migration enforcement and related matters was one of many focuses...(more)... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 United States, Europe, European Union Administration of Justice, Immigration, European Union, Prisoner Rights, Economic Integration, Sex Crimes, EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, Data Privacy, Information Exchange
ICC Prosecutor Asks for Arrest Warrants Against Gaddafi, His Son, and Brother-in-Law for Crimes against Humanity On May 16, 2011, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, pursuant to Article 58(1) of the Rome Treaty, asked for the issuance of arrest warrants against Muammar... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 World, Libya Murder, Crimes against Humanity, International Criminal Court, Warrants, Prosecution, Political Leaders
EU and Liberia Agreement to Prevent Trade in Illegal Logs On May 9, 2011, the European Union and Liberian government concluded a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), which will ensure that wood products imported from Liberia, including furniture and wood... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 European Union, Liberia European Union, Regulation, Trade Crimes, Trade Enforcement
U.S. and Ecuador At Odds Over U.S. Effort to Obtain Custody over Murder Suspect The U.S. and Ecuador governments are at odds over efforts by the Plymouth, Massachusetts District Attorney to obtain custody of Luis A. Guaman, who fled to Ecuador hours after the bodies of his 25-... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 Ecuador, United States Extradition, Fraud, Murder
U.S. Government Obtains First Criminal Conviction for Foreign Bribery against Company in a Trial On May 10, the U.S. government obtained its first criminal conviction for foreign bribery against a U.S. company, Lindsey Manufacturing Company (LMC), two of its executives, and a Mexican sales agent... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 Mexico, United States Bribery, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Fraud
THE U.K. Bribery Act 2010: An Overview   The Bribery Act 2010 finally comes into force on July 1, 2011, having received Royal Assent on April 8, 2010.   The delay was largely attributable to concern surrounding the new offense of failing... Arvinder Sambei 27 7 2011-07-01 United Kingdom Bribery, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Prosecution of Pirates off Somalia: Current Problems and Perspectives for the Future Piracy is the original and paradigmatic universal jurisdiction crime. Universal jurisdiction for piracy is one of the oldest, clearest, and least controversial rules of international law. Indeed,... Michael Plachta 27 7 2011-07-01 World, United States, Somalia Extradition, Jurisdiction, Maritime, United Nations, International Cooperation, Piracy, International Law, International Criminal Court, Prosecution
Financial Stability Board Reports on Progress on International Cooperation and Information Exchange On April 29, 2011, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) published a report on the progress of its initiative to encourage the adherence of all countries and jurisdictions to regulatory and supervisory... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 World International Cooperation, Financial Supervision, FATF, Regulation, Information Exchange, OECD, Financial Enforcement
Mexico Extradites Former Head of the Arellano Felix Organization to the U.S. On April 29, 2011, the Mexican government extradited Alberto Benjamin Arellano-Felix, the alleged former head of the Arellano-Felix Organization to the United States to face racketeering, money... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 North America, United States, Mexico Money Laundering, Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Racketeering/RICO
Argentine Tax Authorities Raid Agribusiness Exporters On April 28, 2011, more than 1,000 inspectors working for the Argentine tax authority (Administración Federal de Ingresos Público or AFIP) raided the offices of Argentina’s leading agribusiness... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 Argentina Corruption, Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes
Bermuda Considers Transferring “Gangsters” Abroad to Serve Sentences On May 9, 2011, the Caribbean media reported that Bermuda National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief said Bermuda is investigating sending convicted gangsters to serve their sentences abroad in an... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 Bermuda Transfer of Prisoners, Prisoner Rights, Organized Crime, Gangs, Sentencing
ICC Prosecutor Reports to Security Council on Libya On April 5, 2011, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo informed the United Nations Security Council (S.C.) that within a few weeks he will request the judges of the... Bruce Zagaris 27 7 2011-07-01 World, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia Administration of Justice, Murder, United Nations, War Crimes, Torture, Deportation, Crimes against Humanity, International Criminal Court, Warrants, Prosecution, Violence
Institutional Arrangements for International Tax Cooperation: The UN Tax Committee The functions of the United Nations Committee on International Cooperation in Tax Matters (“UN Tax Committee”) were summarized in ECOSOC resolution 2004/69 of November 11, 2004, which decided to... David Spencer 27 7 2011-06-01 World Taxation, United Nations, Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation, Financial Supervision, Compliance