
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Fighting Maritime Piracy: Legal Ramifications As early as 1932, the eminent jurists participating in the Harvard Research project (hereinafter Harvard Draft) noted a variety of existing definitions of piracy. Despite numerous efforts undertaken... Michael Plachta 27 3 2011-04-01 World, Kenya Maritime, Terrorism, United Nations, International Cooperation, Piracy, International Law, European Commission, Policy/Directives
Counsel for Mongolian Security Services Complains of Luring in British Extradition Request from Germany On January 4, 2010, Duncan MacDonald of the law firm JD Spicer, raised the irregularity of his client, Bat Khurts, arrest and detention. The Mongolian security services official was allegedly lured... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 Germany, United Kingdom, Mongolia Extradition, Intelligence, Jurisdiction, Kidnaping, Fraud, Detention, Arrest, Rendition
New Brazil Government To Initiate Regional Enforcement Action against Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking The new Dilma Rousseff administration has promised to initiate enforcement action with neighboring countries to combat organized crime and drug trafficking. The new Minister of Justice José Eduardo... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay Corruption, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Law Enforcement, Regulation, Policy/Directives
The New Regime in International Aviation Security Law and the Al-Qaeda Clause Considering that each day of the year there are more than 50,000 commercial flights globally carrying in total more than 1.10 billion passengers annually, it is rather surprising that the Conference... by Konstantinos D. Magliveras 27 3 2011-03-01 World National Security, Terrorism, Organized Crime, Oversight, Border Security
Grenada Prime Minister Pledges to Fight Deportations of Criminals to the Caribbean On January 13, 2011, Grenadian Prime Minister Tillman Thomas, who is also the National Security Minister, pledged to continue to urge developed countries, especially the United States and United... Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 Grenada, United Kingdom, United States Extradition, Prisoner Rights
Abu Zubaydah Counsel Ask Poles for Abuse Inquiry for Irregular Detention and Torture On December 16, 2010, counsel for Abu Zubaydah asked Polish authorities to start an investigation into allegations that U.S. government agents committed human rights violations against him when they... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Cuba, Palestine Human Rights, Terrorism, Torture, Detention, Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. Federal Government
Major U.S. Banks Close Accounts of Foreign Missions Due to Fear of Risks On January 14, 2010, the media highlighted the decisions by JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, HSBC, and Citibank to inform a large number of foreign missions that they would close their bank accounts... Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision, Money Laundering
U.S. Proposes Emergency Regulation Requiring Gun Dealers to Report Bulk Sales On December 17, 2010, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) issued a notice of an emergency regulation that will require certain gun dealers along the southwestern border to... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 North America, United States, Mexico Arms Trafficking, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, International Cooperation, Cross-Border Communication, Regulation, Violence, Border Security, U.S. Federal Government
Coordinated Enforcement Actions result in Penalties of More than $137 Million against Alcatel-Lucent S.A. and Three Subsidiaries On December 27, 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission announced that Alcatel-Lucent S.A. and three of its subsidiaries have agreed to pay a combined $92 million... Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States, World Bribery, Corruption, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Securities Exchange Commission
Detention of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo – Legal Standards of Provisional Release in International Criminal Law On November 19, 2010, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) directed Trial Chamber III to review the ruling on detention of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo...(more)... Vladislav Tomic 27 3 2011-03-01 World, Rwanda, Congo, Central African Republic, Former Yugoslavia Human Rights, Murder, War Crimes, International Cooperation, Crimes against Humanity, Rape, International Crimes, Detention, International Criminal Court, Arrest, Warrants, Fair Trial, Civil Rights, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings
Tiger Summit Brings New Focus to Conservation and Enforcement Strategies On November 21-24, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the Government of the Russian Federation hosted the International Forum for Tiger Conservation in St. Petersburg during the Year of the Tiger on... Sara Harr 27 3 2011-03-01 China, India, Russia, United States, World Wildlife, Wildlife Smuggle, World Bank
State Department Announces New Police and Corrections Partnerships On December 20, 2010, the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) announced new efforts to engage with state, county, and municipal law enforcement and... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States, Caribbean, Brazil, Haiti, El Salvador Administration of Justice, International Cooperation, Law Enforcement, U.S. Federal Government
EU Justice and Home Affairs Makes Progress Across Wide Area of Criminal Action   On December 2-3, 2010, the European Council for Justice and Home Affairs had its 3051st Council meeting and made significant progress across a number of criminal fronts. Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 European Union EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, European Union, International Crimes, International Law, Jurisdiction, Prosecution
Bolivia Requests Extradition of Its Former Governor from Paraguay On December 27, 2010, the Bolivian Attorney General requested from Paraguay Mario Cassion, the former governor of Tarija who fled there after being accused of corruption and separated from his... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 Bolivia, Paraguay Corruption, Extradition, United Nations, International Cooperation, International Crimes, Political Leaders, Fugitive, Asylum
Cambodia Refuses to Allow International Tribunal To Prosecute More Cases On October 27, 2010, the Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen told the UN-supported Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) established to prosecute former Khmer Rouge officials that his... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States, Cambodia United Nations, War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, International Crimes, International Criminal Court, Prosecution, Trial, Political Leaders
Brazilian President Denies Italian Extradition Request of Convicted Assassin On December 31, 2010, his last day as President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva decided after meeting with the General Attorney of Brazil (Advogado Geral da União - AGU) Luis Inácio Adams, that... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 Brazil, France, Italy Extradition, Assassination, Political Leaders, Court Conviction, Asylum
Deutsche Bank AG Enters into Non-Prosecution Agreement over Tax Shelters On December 21, 2010, Deutsche Bank AG (hereafter DB) concluded a non-prosecution agreement (NPA) with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York, in which it admitted criminal... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States Bank Secrecy, Fraud, Tax Crimes, Banking Supervision, Penalties, Prosecution, U.S. Federal Government
U.S. Courts Order Seizure of 82 Website Domains as U.S. Government Takes Enforcement Action against Counterfeiters On November 29, 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security announced the execution of seizure orders against 82 domain names of commercial websites involved in the... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States Cybercrime, Counterfeiting, Intellectual Property, Fraud, Piracy, Economic Crimes, Internet Crime, U.S. Federal Government
INTERPOL’s Fugitive Conference Stresses Role of Public and Media On December 7-9, 2010, INTERPOL held its sixth International Conference in Salvador, Brazil and emphasized the importance of the role played by the public and media in helping law enforcement find... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States, Brazil, Europe Extradition, International Organizations, Conferences, International Cooperation, Law Enforcement, INTERPOL, Fugitive
EU Justice Ministers Approves Talks with U.S. on Personal Data Agreement for Counter-Terrorism and Crime Purposes On December 3, 2010, the European Union (EU) Justice Ministers approved the initiation of talks between the EU and the U.S. on a personal data protection agreement when they cooperate to combat... by Bruce Zagaris 27 3 2011-03-01 United States, Europe, European Union Due Diligence, Human Rights, Intelligence, Terrorism, European Union, Crimes, Data Privacy, Data Sharing