
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Colombia’s Raid into Ecuador Sparks International Debate on the Bush Doctrine, Hot Pursuit, and Preemptive Self-Defense On March 1, 2008, Colombian military forces launched a cross-border airstrike and ground operation into Ecuador to attack a jungle encampment occupied by high ranking members of the Colombian... Luz E. Nagle 24 5 2008-05-01 Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela International Organizations, Law of War
Thai and U.S. Authorities Arrest Russian Alleged Arms Dealer in a Sting Operation On March 5, 2008, Thai authorities, in cooperation with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), arrested international arms dealer Viktor Bout, 41 and his associate, Andrew Smulian, for... Bruce Zagaris 24 5 2008-05-01 Thailand, United States, World Arms Trafficking, Extradition
Tackling the Issue of Human Trafficking in Europe: Operation “Greensea” Between December 2007 and January 2008, French and U.K. officials arrested 23 persons on the suspicion of trafficking in human beings. These arrests led to a number of further arrests of illegal... Elena Papangelopoulou 24 5 2008-05-01 Europe Human Trafficking
U.N. Security Council Adopts Resolution Against Iran for Enriching Uranium On March 3, 2008, the United Nations Security Council adopted its third resolution imposing sanctions on Iran for its refusal to stop enriching uranium, which a number of countries believe Iran is... Bruce Zagaris 24 5 2008-05-01 Iran, World Economic Sanctions, International Organizations
U.S. Government Issues 25th Annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report On February 29, 2008, the U.S. Department of State issued its annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR). As David T. Johnson, Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and... Bruce Zagaris 24 5 2008-05-01 United States, World Drugs & Trafficking
U.S. Court Awards $37 Million in Damages to Survivors of Peruvian Massacre On March 4, 2008, U.S. District Court Judge Adalberto Jordan ordered former Peruvian Major Telmo Hurtado Hurtado to pay $37 million in damages to Peruvian plaintiffs Teófila Ochoa Lizarbe and Cirila... Bruce Zagaris 24 5 2008-05-01 Peru, United States Human Rights, War Crimes
OAS Helps Resolve Dispute Between Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela On March 7, 2008, the presidents of Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela agreed to resolve their dispute over the Colombian bombing of a rebel camp in Ecuador on March 1, 2008, which killed 24 guerillas... Bruce Zagaris 24 5 2008-05-01 Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela Drugs & Trafficking, Terrorism
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting Acts on Europol, Schengen and Returning Illegal Aliens On February 28, 2008, the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the European Union held its 2853rd Council meeting, focusing on Europol, the Schengen Information System, returning illegal aliens, the... Bruce Zagaris 24 5 2008-05-01 Europe Economic Integration, Immigration, International Organizations
EU Opens Investigation into U.S. Discriminatory Enforcement against EU Internet Gaming Businesses On March 11, 2008, the European Union (EU) opened an investigation into allegations that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has discriminated against EU-based companies for services that they have... Bruce Zagaris 24 5 2008-05-01 Europe, United States, World Cybercrime, International Gaming
Draft Council Decision on the European Judicial Network A new draft Council Decision strengthens the European Judicial Network (EJN), providing for, inter alia, contact points to carry out training sessions relating to judicial cooperation for the benefit... Elena Papangelopoulou 24 5 2008-05-01 Europe Economic Integration, International Organizations
Interpol Holds Meeting on International Police Cooperation in the Context of Public International Law On January 31 and February 1, 2008, the ICPO-INTERPOL General Secretariat held a colloquium on international police cooperation in the context of public international law...[more] Bruce Zagaris 24 5 2008-05-01 World International Organizations
Julius Baer Dismisses U.S. Lawsuit After Court Reverses TRO Against Website Displaying Cayman Bank Information On February 15, 2008, Judge Jeffrey S. White, of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, issued a temporary restraining order (TRO), closing the website Wikileaks. Wikileaks... Bruce Zagaris 24 5 2008-05-01 Cayman Islands, Switzerland, United States Bank Secrecy, Money Laundering, Taxation