
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. Grand Jury Indicts 12 in Costa Rican Internet Gaming Operation On January 7, 2008, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York unsealed an indictment charging twelve individuals with gambling and money laundering offenses relating to the operation of... Bruce Zagaris 24 3 2008-03-01 Costa Rica, United States Cybercrime, International Gaming
France Arrests Rwanda Genocide Suspect on Interpol Red Notice On January 9, 2008, French prosecutor Richard Bometon announced the arrest in Toulouse of Marcel Bivugabagabo, 53, a former Rwandan army officer suspect of participating in the country’s 1994... Bruce Zagaris 24 3 2008-03-01 France, Rwanda Extradition, Genocide
ICTR Defers to French Courts to Try Two Alleged Genocide Suspects; Rushes to Start Six New Trials Before Mandate Expires On November 21, 2007, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) decided to defer to a French court the prosecution of Abbot Weneceslas Munyeshyaka and former prefect Laurent Bucyibaruta.... Bruce Zagaris 24 3 2008-03-01 France, Rwanda Genocide, International Gaming
Brazil Unlikely to Extradite Military Officers to Italy for Operation Condor Crimes On January 10, 2008, Italy issued extradition requests for 139 Latin Americans accused of participating in Operation Condor. The extradition requests were based on 140 Italian arrest warrants issued... Bruce Zagaris and Anne Kelsey 24 3 2008-03-01 Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Uruguay Extradition, Human Rights, Torture
OECD Issues Study into the Role of Tax Intermediaries On January 11, 2007, at the Fourth Meeting of the OECD Forum on Tax Administration (FTA), the OECD issued its Study into the Role of Tax Intermediaries, calling for ways that revenue authorities can... Bruce Zagaris 24 3 2008-03-01 World International Organizations, Taxation
EU Acts to Combat Tax Fraud On November 29, 2007, the European Council on Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) acted to combat tax fraud of Value Added Tax (VAT) as well as took measures to continue its efforts against harmful tax... Bruce Zagaris 24 3 2008-03-01 Europe European Union, International Organizations, Taxation
OECD Harshly Criticizes Turkey’s Enforcement of Anti-Bribery Convention On January 8, 2008, the OECD Working Group on Bribery issued a report harshly criticizing Turkey’s implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. According to the OECD Group, Turkey, a signatory... Bruce Zagaris 24 3 2008-03-01 Turkey, World Bribery, Corruption, Taxation
Argentina Again Asks U.S. to Extradite Antonini On January 1, 2008, the Argentine Embassy in Washington D.C. requested again the extradition of Venezuelan businessman Guido Antonini Wilson for alleged money smuggling and laundering in connection... Bruce Zagaris 24 3 2008-03-01 Argentina, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela Corruption, Customs Enforcement, Extradition
Portugal Becomes 13th European Country To Enforce Sentences Imposed by ICTY On December 19, 2007, Portugal became the thirteenth European country to agree to enforce a sentence imposed by the International Criminal Tribunal for War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The... Bruce Zagaris 24 3 2008-03-01 Europe, Portugal Human Rights, International Courts, War Crimes
County Indicts 7 Panamanian Cocaine Traffickers On January 10, 2008, the District Attorney of Kings County New York, Charles J. Hynes, and various federal and other law enforcement officials announced the indictment of seven Panamanian nationals... Bruce Zagaris 24 3 2008-03-01 China, Panama, United States Customs Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking