
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. District Court Denies Standing to Challenge Extradition from Panama On November 21, 2007, Judge Richard A. Lazzara of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division denied motions from Mexican defendants to challenge the court’s... Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 Mexico, Panama, United States Drugs & Trafficking, Extradition
Rwanda Government Establishes Team to Help ICTR Find Fugitives On November 14, 2007, the Rwanda Council of Ministers decided to establish a team to track international fugitives accused of genocide. The team will be composed of four members of the prosecution... Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 Rwanda International Courts
Extraditions between the U.S. and Mexico Increase Significantly Extraditions and informal surrenders of fugitives between the U.S. and Mexico have increased significantly since the start of the Presidency of Felipe Calderón in Mexico...[more] Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 Mexico, United States Drugs & Trafficking, International Courts, Mutual Legal Assistance
U.S. Court Approves Forfeiture of $110 Million from U.S. Financial Institutions for Italian Bribe Victims On November 20, 2007, U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro of the Southern District of Florida, ordered the forfeiture of more than $110 million from U.S.-based financial institutions that the U.S... Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 Italy, United States Asset Forfeiture, Corruption, Fraud
U.S. Arrests 4 Persons Charged with Crimes tied to Financing Foreign Elections On December 11, 2007, U.S. authorities arrested Moisés Maionica, Rodolfo Edgardo Wanseele Paciello, Franklin Durán, and Carlos Kauffman on charges of acting and conspiring to act as agents of the... Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 Argentina, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela Corruption
U.S. Congress Holds Hearing on Internet Gaming Enforcement Policy On November 14, 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary convened a Hearing on Establishing Consistent Enforcement Policies in the Context of Online Wagers...[more] Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 United States Cybercrime
Informal Agreement to Not Oppose Prisoner Transfer Behind NatWest Three Plea On November 27, 2007, the so-called “Natwest Three” reached an agreement to enter into a plea. The informal agreement that the U.S. government would not oppose their applications to transfer to the U... Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 United Kingdom, United States Fraud, Prisoner Rights
Nigeria and Britain in Fight Over Cooperation Increasing controversy is occurring between Britain and Nigeria over efforts by the British to obtain assistance from Nigeria with respect to proceedings pending in England over assets allegedly... Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 Nigeria, United Kingdom Corruption, Mutual Legal Assistance
U.K. and Bermuda Sign Tax Information Exchange Agreement On December 4, 2007, the United Kingdom and Bermuda signed a tax information exchange agreement, accompanied by an exchange of notes. Interestingly, the exchange of notes states that the U.K.... Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 Bermuda, United Kingdom Mutual Legal Assistance, Taxation
U.S. Requests that Ghana Extradite Member of Parliament On November 22, 2007, the media reported that the U.S. has requested the extradition of Ghanian Member of Parliament Nana Amoakoh (also known as Augustine Asiedu), and a former colleague, Nich... Bruce Zagaris 24 2 2008-02-01 Ghana, United States Corruption, Extradition, Fraud