
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Senate Permanent Investigative Subcommittee Issues New Report Showing Extent of Use of Multiple Banks by Pinochet and Making Legislative Recommendations On March 16, 2005, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Affairs issued a supplemental staff report on U.S. accounts used by Augusto Pinochet, uncovering... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 United States, Chile Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
U.S. Indicts and Arrests Telecommunications Entrepreneur in $200 Million Tax Evasion Case On February 26, 2005, the U.S. government arrested Walter Anderson, 51, a telecommunications mogul who lives in Washington, D.C., on an indictment on tax evasion and related matters. On February 23... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 United States Taxation, Fraud
Cross-border Legitimacy Aspects of the Russian Tax Minimization Insurance Schemes In the beginning of 2005 the Russian Revenue Authorities (FNS) launched another wave of due diligence examinations of the insurance companies that use so-called "gray schemes" to minimize taxation... Timur Sinuraya 21 5 2005-05-01 Russia Taxation, Fraud
Colombia Extradites Rebel Woman Commander to the U.S. As Extraditions Since 1977 Reach 239 On March 9, 2005, the Colombian government extradited Nayibe Rojas, a high-ranking Marxist rebel commander to the U.S. According to U.S. officials, this is an important extradition case because the... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 United States, Colombia Extradition, Terrorism
Russia Requests Extradition of Ykos Former Employees On March 10, 2005, the media reported that Russia has requested the extradition of two former employees of the Russian oil company Yukos who have requested political asylum rather than return to... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 Russia Extradition
U.S. Extraordinary Renditions Subject to Foreign and U.S. Investigations and Oversight Increasing attention is targeting the practice of extraordinary renditions by the Central Intelligence Agency. In particular, at least three European countries have started criminal investigation... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 United States, Germany, Italy Extradition, Terrorism, Kidnaping
Brazilian Police Arrest U.S. Citizen Wanted for Abduction and Murder On March 9, 2005, Brazilian police arrested Jesse James Hollywood, a U.S. citizen, whom the Federal Bureau of Investigation sought concerning a high-profile kidnapping and murder of a 15-year-old boy... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 United States, Brazil Extradition, Murder, Kidnaping
UN Issues Report on Controlling the Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons On February 7, 2005, the United Nations Secretary-General issued a report on efforts to implement recommendations of the Secretary-General on ways and means in which the Security Council could... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 World United Nations, Arms Trafficking
Focus on Ability of Former Warring States to Surrender Indictees Since October 12, 2004, more than fifteen indicted individuals have surrendered to the International Tribunal for War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and made initial appearances, including... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 World, Europe, Balkans Human Rights, Law of War, European Union, War Crimes, International Courts
Internationally Perceived Threat of Russian Insurance Fraud and Business Risk Management With the increase of the Russian insurance market international exposure, participants (insurance and re-insurance companies and brokers) are being confronted by wide-spread suspicion about the... Timur Sinuraya 21 5 2005-05-01 Russia Fraud
U.S. Attorney Convicts Three Persons of Foreign Tax Evasion Scheme in Utah On March 18, 2005, the U.S. Attorney obtained the conviction of three persons in Salt Lake City, Utah for conspiracy to defraud the IRS (18 § 371), two persons on charges of income tax evasion (26 §... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 United States Taxation, Fraud
OECD Criticizes UK?s Implementation of Anti-Bribery Convention The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has criticized the inadequate implementation and enforcement by the United Kingdom government of its obligations as a signatory to the... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 United Kingdom Corruption, International Organizations, Bribery
U.S. Detention Policy Remains Under Attack On March 11, 2005, the media reported the U.S. Department of Defense is requesting support from the U.S. Department and State and other agencies in its plan to reduce by more than half the population... Bruce Zagaris 21 5 2005-05-01 United States, Middle East Human Rights, Terrorism, Prisoner Rights