
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. Supreme Court Hears Arguments on the Medellin Case On March 28, 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court of Justice heard arguments on the Medellin case, a case dealing with whether state and federal courts must enforce U.S. treaty obligations that ensure... Rodrigo Labardini 21 4 2005-05-01 United States, Mexico International Courts, Prisoner Rights
Colombia Extradites Former Cali Cartel Head and FARC Commander to the U.S. On February 23, 2005, the Colombian Supreme Court authorized the extradition to the United States of Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela, a former head with his brother Gilberto of the Cali drug cartel. In... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 United States, Colombia, Venezuela Extradition, Terrorism, Drugs & Trafficking
Swiss Decides to Return $458 Million of Looted Funds to Nigeria On February 16, 2005, the Swiss government announced it would return about $458 million to Nigeria that was deposited in Swiss bank accounts by General Sani Abacha, the former dictator, denying an... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 Switzerland, Nigeria Corruption, Asset Forfeiture
EU Justice Council Agrees on Data Protection and Evidence Gathering On February 24, 2005, the Justice and Home Affairs Council met formally in Brussels for the first time this year under the chairmanship of Luc Frieden, the Luxembourg Minister for Justice and Nicolas... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 Europe International Organizations, European Union, Privacy
German Prosecutor Declines to Pursue War-Crimes Allegations Against Rumsfeld On February 9, 2005, a German prosecutor announced it would not pursue a request to investigate war-crimes allegations against him arising from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Larry Di Rita, a... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 United States, Germany, Middle East Human Rights, Terrorism, War Crimes, Torture, Prisoner Rights
U.S. Indicts U.S. Citizen Detained Since June 2003 in Saudi Arabia and Denies Torture Accusations On February 3, 2005, a grand jury indictment was returned against Ahmed Omar Abu Ali in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, charging him with providing material support to... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 United States, Middle East, Saudi Arabia Human Rights, Terrorism, Prisoner Rights
U.S. Intelligence Act Creates New Powers to Act Against War Criminals On December 7, 2004, President George Bush signed the intelligence bill into law, providing new authority to the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) to take action against certain types of war... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 United States Human Rights, War Crimes
Darfur Commission of Inquiry Finds Atrocities and Recommends Accountability Mechanisms On January 25, 2005, the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur issued its report to the UN Secretary General, finding the commission of widespread violations of international humanitarian... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 Africa, Sudan Human Rights, International Organizations, Law of War, United Nations, War Crimes, Genocide, International Courts
Sierra Leone Prepares Trials of Three High-Profile War Crime Indictees On January 17, 2005, the media reported growing anxiety as the Sierra Leone Special Court prepares to start trials of three high profile war crimes indictees from the former military junta the Armed... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone Human Rights, War Crimes, Torture, International Courts
Central American Gangs Continue to Plague Both the U.S. and Home Countries On February 21, 2005, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and representatives of police organizations of Central America met in San Salvador, El Salvador and started an initiative to... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 United States, Latin America and South America, Caribbean Organized Crime
US Enforcement Updates The IELR periodically publishes an updated list of U.S. extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Treaties. The changes since the last issue (the October 2004 issue of the IELR) are in... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 World, United States Extradition, Mutual Legal Assistance
Mexico Extradites Mexican National Wanted for Murdering U.S. Drug Agent On January 29, 2005, U.S. officials announced an agreement with the Mexican government to extradite Augustín Vásquez Mendoza, a Mexican national suspected of conspiring to murder an undercover U.S.... Bruce Zagaris 21 4 2005-04-01 United States, Mexico Extradition, Murder, Drugs & Trafficking