
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort descending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Fate of War Crimes Court Rests in Hands of Nigerian Judges A case before the Nigerian Federal High Court has the potential to dramatically affect the development of international criminal and humanitarian law in the immediate future. On May 31, 2004,... Jason McClurg 21 3 2005-03-01 World, Africa, Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone Extradition, Human Rights, Immunity, War Crimes
ICTY Developments The International Criminal Tribunal for War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia is undergoing a number of developments. Savo Todovic surrendered, a judge ordered a Croatian weekly to cease publishing... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 Europe, Balkans Human Rights, Law of War, War Crimes, Genocide
Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Provisions and SEC-CNVB Cooperation Results in SEC Enforcement Action Against Mexican Executives On January 4, 2005, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed civil fraud charges against TV Azteca S.A. de C.V. (TV Azteca), a Mexican issuer whose U.S. depository receipts trade on the New York... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 North America, United States, Mexico Corruption, Securities Law
Former Fallujah Resident Sues US for Inhumane Treatment in French Courts On January 4, 2005, Muhammad al-Joundi, a Syrian driver taken hostage in Iraq in August 2004, brought a lawsuit in French courts against the U.S. government, accusing the U.S. military of torture and... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 United States, France, Middle East, Iraq Human Rights, War Crimes, Torture
Thatcher Pleads Guilty in South Africa to Equatorial Guinea Coup Plot On January 13, 2005, Sir Mark Thatcher, the son of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, pleaded guilty to a coup plot in Equatorial Guinea in a Cape Town Court in South Africa. In... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 World, Africa, South Africa Law of War, Arms Trafficking, Mercenaries
Brussels Bar Sues Belgian Government for Anti-Money Laundering Laws In July 2004, the Brussels Bar sued the Belgian government for a declaration that the Belgian money laundering law, which was enacted January 12, 2004 to implement the European Money Laundering... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 Belgium, Europe, French Guiana Money Laundering
Book Review: Chasing Dirty Money: The Fight Against Money Laundering In Chasing Dirty Money, Peter Reuter and Edwin Truman discuss money laundering and efforts to development an anti-money laundering (AML) regime. They describe the activity of money laundering and... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 World Money Laundering, Corruption, Terrorism
Barbados-Swiss Transfer of Prison Agreement Facilitates Transfer of Swiss National On January 9, 2005, Franciska Egil, 31, a Swiss national, arrived in Switzerland after Barbados transferred her pursuant to a prisoner transfer agreement signed on February 23, 2004. Ms. Egil served... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 World, Caribbean, Barbados, Europe, Switzerland Extradition, Human Rights, Transfer of Prisoners, Drugs & Trafficking
Canada Deports Anibalzinho to Mozambique on Murder Charges On January 21, 2005, Canada deported Anibal dos Santos, known as Anibalzinho, to Mozambique to stand trial for his part in the murder of Mozambique’s foremost investigative journalist, Carlos Cardoso... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 World, North America, Canada, Africa, Mozambique, South Africa Extradition, Transfer of Prisoners, Murder, Mutual Legal Assistance, Prisoner Rights
European Union Provides Recommendations on Implementing the European Arrest Warrent On October 21-23, 2004, participants at a conference of the Council of the European Union discussed and provided recommendations for their "first practical experiences with the European Arrest... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 Europe, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, Balkans, Italy, Netherlands Extradition, International Organizations, Transfer of Prisoners, European Union
Venezuela Recalls Ambassador to Protest Kidnapping Colombian Rebel Leader On January 13, 2005, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez announced Venezueala had recalled its ambassador to Colombia, whilst accusing the Colombian government of having bribed Venezuelan authorities to... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 World, Colombia, Venezuela Human Trafficking, Kidnaping
European Arrest Warrant: the Dutch Project In the fall of 2004, the Dutch T.M.C. Asser Instituut, based in The Hague, launched its new research project, yet another measure focusing on the European Arrest Warrant that emerges with assistance... Michael Plachta 21 3 2005-03-01 Europe, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, Balkans, Italy, Netherlands Extradition, International Organizations, Transfer of Prisoners, European Union, United Nations
European Council Presidency Presents Conclusions on Counter-Terrorism Initiatives On December 16 and 17, 2004, the Presidency of the European Council provided conclusions as to the status of counter-terrorism initiatives. The European Council reiterated its determination to combat... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 Europe Terrorism, European Union
European Commission Welcomes Council Agreement on New Controls on Drug Precursors On November 25, 2004, the European Commission welcomed the political agreement reached by the Council of Ministers on a proposal for a Regulation to strengthen controls on the import of the chemicals... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 Europe International Organizations, Trade Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking
EU Adopts Decision on Elements of Criminal Acts and Penalties in Illicit Drug Trafficking On October 25, 2004, the Council of the European Union adopted a Framework Decision setting forth minimum provisions on the constituent elements of criminal acts and penalties in the field of illicit... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 Europe International Organizations, European Union, Drugs & Trafficking
Proposed US-German MLAT Breaks Ground On November 16, 2004, the proposed Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty in Criminal Matters between the United States and Germany was presented and referred to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 North America, United States, Europe, Germany Mutual Legal Assistance
Security Council Will Test Abilities of World Community to Act on Darfur Atrocities As massive atrocities in Darfur occur daily and the situation worsens, the crisis is becoming the signal test of whether the major powers are able to cooperate in order to prosecute effectively the... Bruce Zagaris 21 3 2005-03-01 World, Africa, Sudan Human Rights, Murder, United Nations, Genocide