
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Nigeria Makes Progress in Prosecuting 419 Scams Since May 2003, the Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (ECFCC) has achieved significant progress investigating and prosecuting the notorious "419 scams" perpetrated in Nigeria via the... Bruce Zagaris 21 10 2005-10-01 Nigeria Cybercrime, Fraud
U.S. Enforcement Updates The IELR periodically publishes an updated list of U.S. Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Treaties. Changes since the last update (the April 1, 2005 issue of the IELR) are in... Jed Borod 21 10 2005-10-01 World, United States Extradition, Mutual Legal Assistance
Nigeria Appellate Court Affirms Dismissal of Abacha Suit to Block Forfeiture On July 30, 2005, the Nigerian Court of Appeal unanimously affirmed the dismissal of a suit by Mohammed Abacha, the son of the late General Sanni Abacha, to stop the Nigerian Federal Government from... Bruce Zagaris 21 10 2005-10-01 Nigeria Money Laundering, Corruption, Fraud, Asset Forfeiture
UN Report on Iraq Oil-for-Food Shows Corruption and UN Official Pleads On August 8, 2005, the United Nations Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program issued its third interim report, highlighting apparent corrupt activities of two high-... Bruce Zagaris 21 10 2005-10-01 World, Iraq Corruption, International Organizations, United Nations
U.S. Brings Civil Asset Forfeiture Case Against Former Nicaraguan President On September 6, 2005, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida will start a civil trial for asset forfeiture charges against former Nicaraguan President Arnold Alem?n... Bruce Zagaris 21 10 2005-10-01 United States, Nicaragua Money Laundering, Corruption, Asset Forfeiture
Europe Commission Explains Implementation of The Hague Programme and On July 28, 2005, Vice President Franco Frattini discussed the work of the Hague Programme and its implications for the special geographic situation of central Europe. In particular, the area is... Bruce Zagaris 21 10 2005-10-01 Europe Immigration, National Security, European Union
Commission Proposes Decision to Strengthen Cross Border Surveillance and Hot On July 19, 2005, the European Commission proposed a Council Decision to improve police cooperation between EU Members, especially at the internal borders, and to amend the Convention implementing... Bruce Zagaris 21 10 2005-10-01 Europe Jurisdiction, National Security, European Union
German Court Convicts Moroccan of 9/11 Terrorism Links But Criticizes US On August 19, 2005, a retrial of Moroccan Mounir al-Motassadeq, a 31-year-old former student, resulted in his conviction for helping to participate in a terrorist organization. However, the court... Bruce Zagaris 21 10 2005-10-01 United States, Germany, Morocco Jurisdiction, National Security, Terrorism, Transfer of Prisoners, Mutual Legal Assistance
Fools? Gold: Illegal Mining Linked to Conflict in Democratic Republic of the Congo International organization including the United Nations and the European Union have devoted increased attention to the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in recent months,... Jed Borod 21 10 2005-10-01 Congo Human Rights, Arms Trafficking, Genocide
Milosevic and Fugitive Leaders Continue to Preoccupy the ICTY As the International Criminal Tribunal for War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) tries to wrap up its work, the Milosevic case and efforts to arrest some of the indicted leaders preoccupy the... Bruce Zagaris 21 10 2005-10-01 Balkans Human Rights, War Crimes, Genocide, International Courts
Council of Europe Takes Action Against Human Trafficking Trafficking in human beings, the modern form of slavery, has become a serious worldwide problem. In one sense, human trafficking could be regarded as one of the negative aspects of globalization.... Konstantinos D. Magliveras 21 10 2005-10-01 Europe Human Rights, Human Trafficking, European Union