
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort descending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
PRC Issues New Rules on Reporting of Foreign Currency Transactions On October 25, 2004, China ordered banks to start reporting of large foreign currency transactions as the country increases its anti- money laundering efforts. According to the State Administration... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 China Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
EU Forum Charts Enhanced Cooperation Between FIUs and Tax Authorities On October 7, 2004, the General Directorate Justice and Home Affairs, European Commission, held a roundtable on the cooperation between Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) and tax authorities. This... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 Europe Taxation, European Union, Organized Crime
European Commission Proposal on Corporate and Financial Malpractice On September 27, 2004, the Commission of the European Communities issued a Communication to the Council and the European Parliament on Preventing and Combating Corporate and Financial Malpractice,... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 Europe European Union, Fraud
Belize Arrests Miami Beach Fugitive Posing as Physician On October 7, 2004, Belize police arrested Cuban-born fugitive Reinaldo Silvestre in Belize City, Belize after a Belizean magistrate signed an arrest warrant on U.S. extradition charges. Mr.... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 United States, Cuba, Belize Extradition
Four British Citizens Sue U.S. Torture and Ill-Treatment During Detention On October 27, 2004, four British citizens brought a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, Air Force General Richard B. Myers,... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 United States, United Kingdom, Middle East, Iraq, Iran Human Rights, Terrorism, Torture, Prisoner Rights
UN Special Rapporteur Raises Torture Violations in Counter-Terrorism War On September 1, 2004, Mr. Theo van Boven, the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, in a report called attention to the need to adhere to the absolute and non-derogable... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 World, United States Human Rights, Terrorism, United Nations, Torture
European Commission Adopts Strategy to Enforce International Intellectual Property Rights On November 10, 2004, the European Commission adopted a strategy to enforce intellectual property rights (IPR) in third countries. The action plan seeks to develop vigorous and effective... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 Europe Intellectual Property, International Organizations
Joint Investigation Teams: New Polish Legislation of 2004 With the view of the signature and ratification of two multilateral conventions providing for the joint investigation teams, that is, the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between... Michael Plachta 21 1 2005-01-01 Poland Mutual Legal Assistance, International Courts
EU Council Justice and Home Affairs Meet On October 25-26, 2004, the Justice and Home Affairs of the Council of the European Union met and made some important decisions on international enforcement cooperation. The Council debated the draft... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 Europe International Organizations, Terrorism, European Union, Mutual Legal Assistance, International Courts
ICTY Appeals Panel Allows Milosevic to Defend Himself and UN Security Council Receives 11th Annual Report of the Tribunal On November 1, 2004, an appeals panel of the International Criminal Tribunal for War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia reversed in part a decision by the trial court and ruled that former Yugoslav... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 World, Balkans Law of War, United Nations, Genocide, Torture, International Courts, Prisoner Rights
Deputy Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda Sworn On November 1, 2004, Mrs. Fatou Bensouda of The Gambia was sworn in as Deputy Prosecutor (Prosecutions) of the International Criminal Court in a ceremony and Court session over which Judge Philippe... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 World, Africa, Uganda, Gambia, Congo International Courts
White Collar Crime 2004 (The American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section and the Center for Continuing Legal Education 2004) The materials from White Collar Crime 2004 [American Bar Association (ABA) Center for Continuing Legal Education (CLE)] is available. As usual, the materials provide a rich survey of important... Bruce Zagaris 21 1 2005-01-01 United States Bibliography