
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Spain Extradites Alleged Fraudster to Mexico On January 29, 2004, the Mexican Attorney General?s Office announced that officials of the Federal Investigations Agency of Spain surrendered Jesus Rodolfo Guajardo Cerna to Mexico in response to an... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Mexico, Spain Extradition, Fraud
Canada Starts Public Inquiry Over Arar?s Deportation On January 28, 2004, the Canadian Government announced a full public inquiry into the deportation to Syria and alleged torture of Maher Arar, an engineer based in Ottawa. Born in Syria, Mr. Arar was... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Canada, United States, Syria Extradition, Immigration, Terrorism, Torture
U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Case of US Citizen Detained under Wartime Powers On February 20 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court announced it had taken certiorari on the case of Rumsfeld v. Padilla, the case of the U.S. citizen detained in June 2002 as an enemy combatant on suspicion... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 United States, Cuba, Afghanistan Human Rights, Law of War, Terrorism
American Civil Liberties Union Files Complaint with UN Over 9/11 Detentions On January 27, 2004, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a complaint to a United Nations working group concerning the detention of more than a dozen Arab and Muslim men held by the US... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 United States, Afghanistan Human Rights, Terrorism, Torture
Nigerian Commission Prosecutes 6 Nigerians for Brazilian Bank Scam On February 4, 2006, Chairman of the Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) announced the start in Abuja, Nigeria the prosecution of six Nigerians involved in a $242 million advance... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Brazil, Nigeria Fraud
Asian-Pacific Countries Commit to Counter-Terrorism Enforcement as Indonesia Presses U.S. For Access to Hambali On February 5, 2004, at the end of a two-day conference ministers from 33 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries committed to strengthening the ?political momentum? for counter-... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Asia Terrorism
United Nations and Guatemala Form Unit to Prosecute Attacks against Human Rights Groups On January 7, 2004, the Government of Guatemala and the United Nations signed an agreement to establish a Commission for the Investigation of Illegal Groups and Clandestine Security Organizations in... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Guatemala Human Rights, United Nations, Organized Crime
French Investigate Halliburton & Technip Energy Payments in Nigeria In October 2003, French anti-corruption judge Renaud van Ruymbeke started the first investigation into potential violations of French laws to implement the OECD Convention on Combatting Bribery of... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 United States, France, Nigeria Corruption, Asset Forfeiture
Guatemala Ex-President Leaves Country After Losing Immunity On February 18, 2004, Guatemala?s highest court removed immunity from Alfonso Portillo, the president of Guatemala until January 2004, as investigation for corruption continues. In particular,... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama Money Laundering, Corruption, Extradition, Immunity, Jurisdiction
European Parliament Adopts Resolution on a Comprehensive EU Policy Against Corruption On December 4, 2003, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on a Comprehensive EU Policy Against Corruption, providing for a legislative framework at a Community and international level,... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Europe Corruption, European Union, Economic Integration
Irish Minister Explains Successful Informal Justice and Home Affairs Council On January 23, 2004, Mr. Michael McDowell, T.D., Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and president of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, reported on the Informal Council meeting.... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Europe, Ireland Mutual Legal Assistance, Economic Integration
High Level Political Figures Face War Crimes in International Tribunals Slobodan Milosevic has succeeded in frustrating the ICTY again. On February 5, 2004, Trial Chamber III issued an Order scheduling ?the remainder of the Prosecution case to be completed in five... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Balkans Human Rights, War Crimes, Genocide
Mexican Court Dismisses Money Laundering Cases Due to U.S. Violations On February 12, 2003, the Mexican Fourth Tribunal in Criminal Matters (Cuarto Tribunal Colegiado en Material Penal) dismissed the criminal charges against four Mexican ex bank executives, who had... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 United States, Mexico Money Laundering
Uganda Refers First Case to ICC and Chief Prosecutor Declares Congo as First Situs of Investigation As the International Criminal Court operates, Uganda is the first country to refer a case to the ICC, while the Chief Prosecutor declared Congo as the first situs of investigation and appointed a... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Uganda, Congo Human Rights, International Courts
Swiss and EU Savings Tax Agreement Is Delayed But Cayman Part Agreed On February 10, 2004, the European Council proposed the approval of the European Union (EU)-Swiss Savings Tax Agreement. The agreement provides for measures equivalent to those contained in Council... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Europe, Switzerland, Cayman Islands Taxation, European Union
French Start Preliminary Money Laundering Investigation into Arafat?s Funds On February 11, 2004, the French media revealed that French prosecutors are investigating bank transfers of $11.4 million to accounts controlled by Suha al-Taweel Arafat, the wife of Palestinian... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 France, Palestine Money Laundering, Terrorism
Jerome Schneider Pleads Guilty for Conspiracy to Defraud the IRS On February 11, 2004, the U.S. Attorney?s Office for the Northern District of California announced that Jerome Schneider, a resident of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pled guilty to conspiracy... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 Canada, United States Taxation, Fraud
U.S. Names More Guant?namo Detainees for Trial, Changes Rules, and Allows First Attorney Meeting for Hamdi On February 6, 2004, the Pentagon named two more Guant?namo detainees as ready for trial before military tribunals. On February 24, it issued criminal charges against them. The day before it... Bruce Zagaris 20 4 2004-04-01 United States, Cuba, Afghanistan Human Rights, Law of War, National Security, Terrorism, Prisoner Rights
Criminal Liability of Legal Entities Until recently, only individuals were subject to criminal liability in Switzerland. Now, as of 1 October 2003, business enterprises, including legal entities, can be punished and fined for criminal... Schellenberg Wittmer 20 4 2004-04-01 Switzerland White Collar Crime