
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Belgian Tax and Money Transfer Investigation Progresses As reported in the February issue of the IELR, the Belgian Government is investigating tax evasion and illegal money transfters in connection with the almost secretive diamond trade in that country. Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 Belgium Tax Enforcement
Money Laundering Hearing Reveals Tax and Interagency Cooperation A print of a subcommittee hearing on law enforcement efforts to counter money laundering has revealed important information on interagency cooperation, especially on international tax matters.  The... Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 United States Money Laundering
Justice Department Announces Tax Victory Over Moneylaunderer In a press release of November 17, 1986, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that it has successfully obtained funds from a foreign bank in Switzerland to satisfy tax liabilities of a taxpayer... Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 United States Money Laundering
Money Laundering Link Exacerbates Iranian-Contra Arms Issue In the wake of the revelations that arms were sold by certain U.S. Government and White House officials to Iran through intermediaries with the proceeds funneled through Swiss banks to the contras in... Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 United States Money Laundering
Judicial and Congressional Battles over U.S. Nicaragua Policy Bring International Criminal Law Issues into Focus Opponents of U.S. involvement in Nicaragua have initiated a three tiered legal attack against the Reagan Administration's policy towards Nicaragua.  They have done this by initiating two law suits--... Leesteffy Jenkins and Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 United States International Criminal and Comparative Law
Sanctions Taken by EC and the US Against Syria The European Community and the United States Government have imposed sanctions against Syria for its alleged involvement in last April's plot in London to blow up and Israeli airliner. Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 Syria Sanctions
Enforcement of Trade Sanctions on South Africa On Nov. 14 the U.S. Customs Service published in Telex No. 145756 its regulations implementing the Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 with respect to the latest technical amendments and interpretations of... Anke Lilienthal 2 11 1986-11-01 South Africa Sanctions
India Ponders Amnesty to Counter Capital Flight In early November 1986, Indian Finance Minister Singh submitted to the federal parliament an amnesty program for illegal foreign investments by Indian nationals.  The plan focuses on identifying... Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 India Financial Crimes
U.S.-Germany Sign Supplementary Extradition Treaty On October 21, 1986, the Governments of United States and the Federal Republic of Germany concluded a supplementary extradition treaty.  The supplementary treaty does not cancel, but merely... Bruce Zagaris and Cornelia Beck 2 11 1986-11-01 Germany Extradition
Satellite Signal Interception Symposium Held in Washington D.C. On November 12, 1986, a panel discussion entitled "Interception of U.S. Satellite Programming in Central America and the Caribbean" was presented by the American Bar Association's International... Jay Rosenthal 2 11 1986-11-01 United States Intellectual Property
International Cooperation on Child Pornography The United States Government has quite recently stepped up its efforts to combat child pornography on both the domestic and international fronts.  On the international level the United States has... Leesteffy Jenkins 2 11 1986-11-01 World Abuse of Children
Forfeiture of Attorneys Fees: United States v. Thier The constitutionality of pretrail restraining orders which freeze a defendant's assets pending trial has become the subject of heated debate.  On the one hand, government attorneys have argued that... Raymond Wuslich 2 11 1986-11-01 United States Legal Ethics
University of West Indies & U.S.A.I.D. Administration of Justice Project Underway A criminal justice improvement (CJI) project has been started between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the University of the West Indies, and several governments of the... Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 Caribbean Criminal Procedure/Proceedings
Book Reviews: International Criminal Law by M. Cherif Bassiouni International Criminal Law-Crimes is the first of three volumes.  Volumes 2 is on Procedures and Volume 3 is on Enforcement.  The three-volume series, which embraces 1500 pages, is designed to... Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 World International Law
American Society of International Law Forms Committees The American Society of International Law has formed several committees which will consider and make recommendations on matters affecting international criminal law. Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 Latin America and South America International Criminal and Comparative Law
HAZMAT Calls for Improved Enforcement in International Transportation of Hazard Wastes The Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Committee of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) issued a strongly-worded statement at the 1986 Fall Meeting of the CVSA in Bar Harbor, Maine. Peter Brown 2 11 1986-11-01 United States U.S. Federal Government
U.N. General Assembly Resolution Condemns US Raid on Libya On November 20, 1986, a resolution condemning the air raids by the United States Government and expressing concern at the series of disinformation campaigns carried out by the United States... Bruce Zagaris 2 11 1986-11-01 Libya United Nations