
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Brazilian Revenue Implements Offshore Credit Card Initiative On July 16, 2003, the Official Gazette of the Union published Normative Instruction No. 341 of the Federal Revenue Office which created the Statement of Transactions with Credit Cards (DECRED). The... Jorge Nemr 19 10 2003-10-01 Brazil Bank Secrecy, Taxation
Canada Sues Tobacco Companies for Cigarette Smuggling On August 13, 2003, the Canadian government announced it was suing R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings Inc. and Japan Tobacco Inc. for $1.5 billion Canadian dollars for alleged cigarette smuggling. The... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Canada, United States, Japan Customs Enforcement, Taxation
EU Issues Proposed Amendment to Mutual Assistance Directive On July 31, 2003, the European Union Council published the European Commission?s proposed directive on mutual assistance of member states? competent authorities in investigations of tax fraud. The... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Europe Taxation, European Union
U.S. Court Denies POWs Right to Collect From U.S. Iraqi Funds On July 30, 2003, the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia granted summary judgment to the U.S. Treasury against 17 former prisoners of war (POWs) from the 1991 Gulf War and 37 of their... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 United States, Iraq Human Rights
Mastercard Cancels License for Bahamian Bank to Issue Credit Cards On July 30, 2003, the President of Leadenhall Bank and Trust confirmed its license to provide offshore credit cards had been cancelled, which resulted from IRS audits that revealed taxpayers were... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 United States, Bahamas Bank Secrecy, Taxation
Australian Requests Visit with Son in Guantánamo amid Plea Bargaining On July 28, 2003, Australian Terry Hicks pleaded for the U.S. government to apply the same legal standards to his son that were applied to U.S. national John Walker Lindh. Like Lindh, David Hicks... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 United States, Australia Law of War
U.S. Appellate Court Affirms U.S. Conviction of Violating Canadian Excise Tax Law On July 18, 2003, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit affirmed the conviction of David and Carl Pasquantino and one associate for using interstate wires in a scheme to defraud Canada of... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Canada, United States Taxation
Russian Government Will Negotiate Tax Information Exchange Agreements On July 29, 2003, the Russian Taxes and Levies Ministry announced it would start negotiating agreements on exchange of tax information and will enter into agreements with Latvia, France, Poland,... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Europe, Russia Taxation
ICTY and ICTR Developments The article contains three updates in the International Tribunal in the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and one in Rwanda (ICTR). On July 31, 2003, the ICTY sentenced Milomir Stakic to life in prison for... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Balkans, Rwanda Law of War
U.S. Appellate Court Affirms Dismissal of RICO Action by 3 Countries for Tax Claims On August 14, 2003, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit upheld a district court?s dismissal of three countries? claims of violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 United States, Belize, Honduras, Ecuador Taxation
Liberia Applies to ICJ on Sierra Leone Arrest Warrant against Liberian President Taylor As Nigeria Gives Him Asylum and Rejects Calls to Extradite On August 4, 2003, Liberia filed an application with the International Court of Justice against Sierra Leone in response to an arrest warrant issued against Liberian President Charles Ghankay Taylor... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone Extradition, Law of War
EU Council Issues Framework Decision on Combating Corruption in the Private Sector On July 22, 2003, the European Council issued a framework decision on combating corruption in the private sector, after having adopted a Convention in 1997 combating corruption among EU officials.... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Europe Corruption, European Union
U.S. Investigates Role of Private Military Company in Liberia On August 7, 2003, the Financial Times reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was investigating the role of an Anglo-American private military company, Northbridge Services Group.... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 United States, United Kingdom, Liberia Law of War
Swiss Magistrate Finds Former Pakistan Prime Minister Guilty of Money Laundering On August 5, 2003, a Pakistani Information Minister announced that a Swiss magistrate, Daniel Devaud, had found exiled Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and her husband guilty of money... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Switzerland, Pakistan Money Laundering, Corruption
New Department to Fight against Money Laundering Organizes in Brazil On July 30, 2003, a federal prosecutor in Brazil began structuring a new department within the Brazilian government to help fight against money laundering and currency drain as well as negotiate... Jorge Nemr 19 10 2003-10-01 Brazil Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
Libya Reaches Lockerbie Settlement with US and UK On August 20, 2003, the U.S. State Department announced that Libya had begun transferring $2.7 billion to an international bank as compensation for the 270 victims of Pan American Flight 103 that... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 United States, United Kingdom, Economic Sanctions, Terrorism
Bolivia Convicts Belgian Miner for Illicit Import and Possession of Drug Precursor Chemicals On July 18, 2003 a La Paz court convicted Belgian miner Guillaume Roelants and several of his employees for illicit import and possession of sulphuric acid. Officials allege that the acid was being... Tom L.W. Scheirs 19 10 2003-10-01 Bolivia, Belgium Drugs & Trafficking
Bush Issues Executive Order Implementing Clean Diamond Trade Act On July 29, 2003, President Bush signed Executive Order 13312, implementing the Clean Diamond Trade Act which requires that no rough diamonds may be imported into the United States without being... Brian McCarthy 19 10 2003-10-01 United States, Africa Economic Sanctions, Trade Enforcement
Peru Requests Ex-President Fujimori’s Extradition On July 30, 2003, the Peruvian government submitted a 700-page extradition request to Japan regarding Japanese national and Peruvian ex-president Alberto Fujimori. Mr. Fujimori was charged with... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Peru, Japan Extradition
Argentina’s Congress Approves Bill to Annul Law on Immunity On August 12 and 20, 2003, Argentina?s Congress approved a bill which would annul laws protecting military officers from prosecution for alleged human rights abuses committed during the 1976-83... Bruce Zagaris 19 10 2003-10-01 Argentina Human Rights
