
E.g., 2024-09
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
The Revision to the European Community’s Anti-Money Laundering Instrument: Critical Analysis On December 4, 2001, the European Community adopted Directive 2001/97 amending Directive 91/308 its main anti-money laundering instrument. Since the two Community legislative organs, the European... Konstantinos D. Magliveras 18 5 2002-05-01 Europe Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, European Union, Fraud
Criminal Copyright Protection in Argentina In Argentina, copyright law is also generically referred to as “Intellectual Property,” which in both cases also comprises Patent and Trademark Law. The primary subject matter of protection in... Roberto Durrieu, Jr 18 5 2002-05-01 Argentina Counterfeiting, Customs Enforcement, Intellectual Property, Trade Enforcement
U.S. District Court Dismisses EU Complaint against Tobacco Companies for Alleged Smuggling, Tax, and RICO Violations On February 19, 2002, U.S. District Court Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis granted the motions to dismiss by tobacco industry entities against a complaint brought by the European Community, various... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States, Europe Customs Enforcement, Taxation, Trade Enforcement, European Union
U.S. Citizens Bring Suit against Iran for 1983 Beirut Bombing of U.S. Embassy On March 2, 2002, victims, including Anne Dammarell, a former employee of the U.S. Agency for International Development who was seriously injured in a 1983 Beirut bombing of the U.S. embassy, filed a... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States, Lebanon Jurisdiction, Terrorism, Alien Tort Claims Act
US Court Grants IRS Request for “John Doe” Summons for Offshore Records in 30 Countries On March 28, 2002, U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton of the U.S. District Court or the Northen District of California in San Francisco granted the IRS request to serve a “John Doe” summons,... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States Bank Secrecy, Taxation, White Collar Crime
U.S. Defense Department Issues Order on Military Commissions On March 21, 2002, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, issued Military Commission Order No.1 concern the military commission. The Order explains that its purpose is to implement policy, assign... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States Law of War, Terrorism
Bahamas, Belize, Cook Islands & Gibraltar Commit to OECD Harmful Tax Practices In March 2002, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development scored significant victories when the Bahamas, Belize, the Cook Islands and Gibraltar all made commitments to the harmful tax... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 Caribbean, Belize International Organizations, Taxation
Human Rights Tribunals Grants Precautionary Measures on U.S. Terrorist Detainees On March 12, 2002, the Inter-America Human Rights Commission granted precautionary measures, requesting the U.S. Government to undertake the urgent measures required to have a competent tribunal... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States, Latin America and South America Human Rights, Law of War, Terrorism, International Courts, Prisoner Rights
Cuba Extradites Fugitives to U.S. and calls for Increased U.S. Enforcement Cooperation On March 18, 2002, the Cuban Government announced the arrest of Rafael Miguel Bustamante Bolanos, a Columbian national convicted of drug trafficking who escaped from an Alabama prison in 1992, and... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States, Cuba Extradition, Human Rights, Immigration, Drugs & Trafficking, Mutual Legal Assistance
Dubai Hands Over Suspects in U.S. Kidnaping of Wealthy Russian Immigrants On March 22, 2002, the U.S. media aired enforcement efforts to bring to justice suspects in a scheme to abduct wealthy Russian immigrants in California and hold them for ransom. The case involved... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States, Russia, United Arab Emirates Extradition, Kidnaping
Canadian Counter Terrorism Financial Enforcement Laws Limit Lawyers On December 18, 2001, the Canadian “Anti-Terrorism Act” received Royal Assent and is expected to take effect after measures for implementation have been arranged with the provinces, territories,... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 Canada, United States Money Laundering, Terrorism
Muslim Charity Sues U.S. for Listing As a Terrorist Financier On March 7, 2002, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLFRD also referred to as Holy Land and) brought a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice, State, and Treasury in the U.... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States Terrorism, Asset Forfeiture
Saudis and U.S. Act against Assets of Bosnian and Somali Branches of Islamic Charity On March 12 2002, U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul H. O’Neill announced the U.S. and Saudi Arabian Government had taken joint action to deprive funding to the Bosnian and Somali branches of the al... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States, Balkans, Saudi Arabia, Somalia Terrorism, Asset Forfeiture
U.S. Conducts Searches of Muslims in Virginia for Suspected Terrorist Ties On March 21, 2002, U.S. Customs Service agents conduct searches of Northern Virginia locations in an investigation of possible money laundering, tax evasion, and transnational terrorist activities.... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 United States Immigration, Terrorism
EU Justice an Home Affairs Council Meets On February 28, 2002, the European Union’s Justice, Home Affairs and Civil Protection issued a press release of its 2411th Council meeting in Brussels. As usual, there were a number of important... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 Europe European Union
Privy Council Holds Caribbean Mandatory Death Penalty Is Unconstitutional On March 11, 2002, Britain’s Privy Council in a unanimous decision affirmed the judgement of the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal of April 2, 2002, and held that the mandatory death penalty on... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 Caribbean Capital Punishment
Pakistani Police Crack Down on Gang Kidnaping Children for Sale Abroad On March 15, 2002, police in the port city of Karachi, Pakistan arrested eight persons, including three Maltese and five Pakistanis, on suspicion of trafficking in children after finding 11 children... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 Pakistan Human Trafficking, Immigration, Organized Crime
International Initiatives result in Strengthened Anti-Money Laundering in the Caribbean In the many of the Caribbean jurisdictions international initiatives have resulted in strengthening of domestic anti-money laundering and financial supervisory mechanisms. In the Bahamas a... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 Caribbean Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, International Organizations
UN Security Council Adopts Resolution on Protecting Children During Armed Conflict On November 20, 2001, the U.N. Security adopted Resolution 1279 (2001) on protecting children during armed conflict. The Resolution addresses the problem of the estimated involvement of as many as... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 World Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Law of War, Terrorism, United Nations
Indonesia Anti-Money Laundering Law Advances On March 24, 2002, the House of Representatives in Indonesia passed an anti-money laundering bill that a criminalizes money laundering and establishes an independent Financial Transaction and Report... Bruce Zagaris 18 5 2002-05-01 Indonesia Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, International Organizations
