
E.g., 2024-09
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. Expands Options to Respond to Kidnaping of U.S. Nationals as Pearl Murder Raises Stakes for Obtaining Custody of Saeed On February 19, 2002, the media reported changes adopted by the Bush Administration in its response to kidnaping of U.S. nationals overseas. The policy review started in the Clinton Administration... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States, Pakistan, India Terrorism, Kidnaping
Council of Europe Opens Convention on Cybercrime On November 23, 2001, the Council of Europe opened for signature its Convention on Cybercrime. The Convention culminates from many years of work and requires measures to be taken at the national... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 Europe Cybercrime, Intellectual Property, European Union, Sex Crimes
European Court of Human Rights Declares Application Against NATO Member States Inadmissible On December 19, 2001, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights declared the application in the case of Bankovic and others against Belgium and 16 other NATO Member States inadmissible... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States, Europe, Belgium, Balkans Immunity, Jurisdiction, War Crimes, International Courts
U.S. Court Dismisses Suit Challenging U.S. Policy of Afghan Detainees But Other Legal Challenges Start On February 21 ,2002, U.S. District Judge A. Howard Matz in Los Angeles dismissed a habeas corpus petition filed on behalf of the detainees in the Afghanistan war, but two other legal challenges have... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States Human Rights, Law of War, National Security, Terrorism
ICJ Instructs Belgium to Cancel International Arrest Warrant Against Former Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs On February 14, 2002, the International Court Justice rendered it judgement in the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo v. the Kingdom of Belgium. The Court deemed that the international arrest... Tom L.W. Scheirs 18 4 2002-04-01 United States, Belgium Human Rights, Jurisdiction, Law of War, War Crimes, International Courts
U.S. Continues to Assess ICC Options As the opening of the International Criminal Court (ICC) approaches, the Bush Administration is still evaluating its policy vis-a-vis the Court. The ICC will take effect after the 60th ratification... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States Jurisdiction, International Courts
President Bush Changes and Say Taliban Covered by Geneva Convention On February 7, 2002, U.S. President Bush reversed his prior position and declared that captured combatants who fought for Afghanistan’s Taliban regime will be formed covered by the Geneva Convention... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States Human Rights, Law of War, War Crimes, Prisoner Rights
Yugoslav Tribunal Joins All 3 Cases and Starts Milosevic Prosecution On February 1, 2002, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) overturned the decision issued by Trial Chamber III on December 13, 2001, refusing to... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 Balkans Law of War, International Courts
U.N. Ends Talks with Cambodia over Ad Hoc Tribunal for Khmer Rouge On February 8, 2002, the United Nations announced it was ending almost five years of controversial negotiations with the Cambodian Government concerning the established for a tribunal to try former... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 Cambodia Law of War, United Nations, War Crimes, International Courts
U.S. Congress Has Oversight Hearing on International War Crimes Tribunals On February 28, 2002, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representative held a hearing on “The U.N. Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda “International Justice or Show of Justice... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States, Balkans Law of War, International Courts
Canadian Court Enjoins Application of Anti-Money Laundering to Lawyers On November 20, 2001, British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Marion Allan granted a temporary injunction on the application of certain obligations under the regulations of Bill C-22, Canada’s revised... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 Canada Money Laundering, Administration of Justice, Bank Secrecy
U.S. and Swiss Discuss Evidence To Extend Swiss Freeze On March 1, 2002, senior U.S. and Swiss officials met in Washington to explore means whereby the Swiss may be able to continue a freeze imposed on approximately $14 million in suspected terrorist... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States, France, Switzerland Terrorism, Mutual Legal Assistance, Asset Forfeiture
FATF Makes No Change in Non-Cooperative Countries and Begins Compliance with Counterterrorism Financial Enforcement During January 30 and February 1, 2002, the Financial Action Task Force on Anti-Money Laundering held its semi-annual meeting in Hong Kong, taking no action on its list of non-cooperative countries... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 World Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, International Organizations, Terrorism
Canada Starts Extradition Hearing for Money Service Operative Suspected in Terrorism On February 11, 2002, Canada announced it world hold an extradition hearing based on U.S. requests for a Somali-born Canadian national Liban Hussein who, along with his brother Mohamed, is accused of... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 Canada, United States, France, Switzerland, Somalia Extradition, Terrorism, Asset Forfeiture
Financial Action Task Force Publishes Topologies Report On February 1, 2002, the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) released its annual Report on money Laundering Topologies 2001-2002. Its seven chapter on specialized topic are taken... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 World Money Laundering, International Organizations, Terrorism, Fraud
Senate Banking Holds Hearing on Combating Financing Terrorism & Money Laundering On January 29, 2002, the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs hold a hearing on “The Financial War on Terrorism and the Administration’s Implementation of the Anti-Money... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States, Belize Money Laundering, Terrorism
Saudi Arabia Accedes to U.S. Request to Monitor Suspect Bank Accounts On February 6, 2002, the media reported that U.S. and Saudi officials knowledgeable about the issues have said the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA), which is the central bank, is monitoring at... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States, Europe, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia Bank Secrecy, Terrorism, European Union, Asset Forfeiture, Privacy
U.S. House Holds Hearing on Investigating Patterns of Terrorist Financing On February 12, 2002, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations convened a hearing on “PATRIOT Act Oversight: Investigating... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Taxation, Terrorism
Treasury New Rules for Information Sharing Have Important international Implications On February 26, 2002, the Treasury Department requested comment on a proposed rule that would facilitate information sharing between federal law enforcement offices and private financing institutions... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Terrorism
The OECD Harmful Tax Practices Deadline Finds 23 Hold Outs and 10 Commitments On February 28, 2002, the final deadline set by the Organization of Economic Corporation and Development (OECD) for jurisdictions to make commitments to comply with the harmful tax practices policies... Bruce Zagaris 18 4 2002-04-01 World Bank Secrecy, International Organizations, Taxation
