
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. Appellate Court Affirms Summons under French Treaty On February 5, 2001, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued an opinion affirming the decision of the U.S. District Court’s dismissing summary judgment of French taxpayer’s complaint... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 United States, France Taxation
U.S. Judge Refuses to Dismiss Holocaust Case Due to Lack of Funding On March 7, 2001, U.S. District Judge Shirley Wohl Kram refused to dismiss the case against German companies brought by former Holocaust-era slave laborers after she explained the foundation had not... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 United States, Germany Law of War
U.S. Lures Terrorist Suspect from Sudan to Kenya in Embassy Bombings Case United States prosecutors have achieved an important break through in the trial of defendants in the U.S. Embassies bombing case when they lured a suspect from his home in Sudan to Kenya where they... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 United States, Kenya Terrorism
ICTY Gains Custody of Two Serbs, Presses for Surrender of Milosevic In March 2001, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) succeeded in gaining two high level suspects from Serbia – one handed over by Yugoslav authorities and the second... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 Balkans Law of War
French Arrests Alleged Abortion Slaying Fugitive and U.S. Arrests Abortion Colleagues On March 29, 2001, French police arrested James Charles Kopp, 46, an anti-abortion activist known as “Atomic Dog” and one of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives, as he tried to collect a money order for... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 United States, France Extradition, Capital Punishment
Mexico Expels a U.S. Fugitive and Arrests and Holds for Extradition Another U.S. Fugitive Mexico has arrested two U.S. national fugitives, expelling one and holding the other for extradition to the U.S. On February 22, 2001, the Mexican Attorney General’s Office announced that its... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 United States, Mexico Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking
European Council’s 2337th Meeting of Justice and Home Affairs On March 15 and 16, 2001, the European Union held its 2337th Council meeting on Justice, Home Affairs and Civil Protection presided over by the Swedish Presidency of the EU…[more] Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 Europe European Union
Council of Europe Anti-Money Laundering Report Criticizes Latvia On January 22, 2001, the media publicized the Council of Europe’s criticism of Latvia for inadequate efforts in combating money laundering in the context of an increasing incidence of crime in Latvia... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 Europe, Latvia Money Laundering, Counterfeiting, European Union, Organized Crime
EU Study Makes Recommendations on Ways to Combat Cybercrime On October 2000, the Computer Related Crime Research Unit, Queen Mary, University of London, submitted a study to the European Union containing recommendations on ways to combat criminal activities... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 Europe Cybercrime
Jilted Former Wife of Cuban Spy Wins Punitive and Compensatory Damages On March 23, 2001, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Alan Postman awarded $20 million in punitive damages to Ana Margarita Martinez, the jilted former wife of a spy for the Cuban Government who used his sham... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 United States, Cuba Human Rights
Cayman Freezes Accounts of Former Peruvian Intelligence Chief On March 14, 2001, the media reported that The Cayman Islands Grand Court has put a hold on more than US$33 million in accounts held by former presidential advisor Vladimiro Lenin Montesinos Torres... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 Peru, Cayman Islands Asset Forfeiture
European Court of Human Rights Condemns France for its Contumacy Proceedings On February 13th, 2001 the European Court of Human Rights decided on the Case of Krombach vs. France that the French procedure of contumacy, which allows a tribunal to sentence a defendant in his... François Serres 17 5 2001-05-01 Europe, France Administration of Justice, Human Rights
Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Examines the Role of U.S. Correspondent Banking in International Money Laundering On March 1, 2, and 6, 2001, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations held hearings on the role of U.S. correspondent banking in international money laundering. On March 6, Senator Susan M.... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
Immigration Gives Bail to Chinese Fugitive Lai On March 9, 2001, Alistain Boulton, counsel for fugitive Chinese businessman Lai Changxing and his wife, Tsang Mingna, announced that the Canadian Immigration authorities had allowed their release... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 Canada, China Immigration, Fraud
French and Swiss Clash Over Money Laundering On February 21, 2001, the French parliament’s task force on money laundering in Europe released a report criticizing the Swiss anti-money laundering as a sham. The report also demanded that... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 France, Switzerland Money Laundering
U.N. Security Votes Sanctions Against Liberia and Demands it Cease Support for Sierra Leone’s RUF On March 7, 2001, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution, demanding that the Government of Liberia immediately stop its support for Sierra Leone’s Revolutionary United Front (RUF)... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 Liberia, Sierra Leone Economic Sanctions, United Nations
German Government Investigates Alleged Marcos’ Attempted Transfer On March 14, 2001, Karl-Heinz Esser, senior state prosecutor in Dusseldorf, Germany, announced his office had started two weeks before “an investigation against Irene Araneta, the youngest daughter... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 Germany, Switzerland Money Laundering
Extradition Treaties Recently Signed, Approved for Ratification and/or Entered into Force (XA) Extradition Treaty List Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 United States Extradition
U.S. INCSR Shows Trends in Counter-Money Laundering Policies and Typologies On March 1, 2001, the annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report sets forth trends in money laundering typologies and policies to combat money laundering, especially from an international... Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 World Money Laundering
Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties in Criminal Matters Signed, Approved for Ratification, and/or Entered into Force MLAT Treaty List Bruce Zagaris 17 5 2001-05-01 United States Mutual Legal Assistance
